The 1964 Brazil Coup

September 2024 Forums General discussion The 1964 Brazil Coup

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  • #224264

    A brief account of the UK role in Brasil’s military coup in 1964

    Britain’s Hidden Hand in Brazil’s 1964 Coup


    Let me guess? Labour were in power? I have saved to read later


    UK Prepared for Coup in Colombia by Training Military in Psychological Warfare

    Colombia too

    In 1970, Britain’s Cold War propaganda arm, the Information Research Department (IRD), secretly provided counter-insurgency instruction to high-ranking Colombian military officials.

    Part of the course was held at the Joint Warfare Establishment at Old Sarum in Wiltshire, where the Colombian officers were given special instruction in psychological operations.

    At this time, the British ambassador encouraged the provision of military assistance to Colombia so as to “not find ourselves without lines to the government” in the case of a coup.

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