Televised Party Leader debates

July 2024 Forums General discussion Televised Party Leader debates

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    I Noticed Comrade (now professor) Coleman has been part of research at Leed University which suggests that the Sky leaders' debates increase interest in politics.

    I suggested the should include Professor Coleman

    Vin wrote:
    I Noticed Comrade (now professor) Coleman has been part of research at Leed University which suggests that the Sky leaders' debates increase interest in politics. suggested the should include Professor Coleman

    If he has something constructive to assist our struggle for socialism then fair enough but don't expect any favours; Coleman hasn't been a member of the party for around 20 years and I've not seen any evidence to suggest that he remains a socialist. He's certainly no comrade of mine nor, I would have thought, of any other party member…


    He remains a comrade as far as I am concerned. Steve Coleman hasmassively contributed to this party.  You dont have to be a member of the SPGB to assist in 'the struggle' I will say it again comrade we in the SPGB are not the only workers involved in the class struggle. Your attitude does not assist our movement. 

    Vin wrote:
    You dont have to be a member of the SPGB to assist in 'the struggle' I will say it again comrade we in the SPGB are not the only workers involved in the class struggle.

    Workers are, of necessity, involved in the class struggle; the majority, including some ex-members, are regrettably not involved in the struggle for socialism.

    Your attitude does not assist our movement.

    And neither does obsequiousness…

    gnome wrote:
     And neither does obsequiousness…

    Meaningless because you have no rational response

    Vin wrote:
    gnome wrote:
     And neither does obsequiousness…

    Meaningless because you have no rational response

    No it is not meaningless, you are being abusive and insulting. You are being a prick because you lack an intelligent response


    Without wishing to repeat topics previously discussed here not so long ago – about the merits of ex-members or non-members only this time personalised about particular individuals (who may well reapply for membership one day) which I don't think is productive – new members should be pointed to some of the best talks from the 1980s, some of which Coleman made, some of which the late Dick Donnelly made. I suppose you could say it is a shame these are twenty years old. These talks include debates against the major political parties.


    Indeed why does gnome wish to alienate us from our own members {me and other NE members) ex members (cde Colemen, whome he refers to as a traitor) and non member who come very close to our case wome he describes as charlatans etc  How constructive  is that? And my son who he removed from facebook and who was becoming close to our case for a post he disagreed with. wtf?? He seems to jump in wherever someone show an interest and frightens them off.  


    Reminder: 7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.


    I was not a member during Coleman's membership and never ever met nor had any exchanges with him.I have read and listened to his many valuable articles and speeches and these do make a positive contribution to the socialist case. I believe he never ever resigned from the Party so we have no record of any disagreements he may have had with the Party that led to his departure, if, that is, he did have issues with the party. I have no idea of his present attitude towards the Party and speculating on the reasons for him no longer being a member is what it is …speculation. Some members remain, on paper, members but are, as we are often reminded, absent from any activity on behalf of the Party and are not involved in the struggle for socialism…but i do still consider them comrades. If anybody have any evidence or examples of anti-socialist activities or writings from Coleman, i would be interested in reading the links.I do not consider his current involvment in trying to extend and expand and increase participation in the democratic process to be in itself anti-socialist but a commitment we also share to ensure decision-making is as wide as possible in implementation…it is supplementary. 


    My apologies gnome, I went a little over the top but you were a little insulting to meAs for Coleman. People drift away for a million reasons. Things take you over in life. Perhaps his research takes up all his time, he needs to earn a living. I drifted because of four kids, a job and university and a feeling that workers were not responding.As branch organiser in the early 80s I asked cde Coleman to debate with opponents on many occasions and he was a formidable opponent and remains undefeated. He did not have a pompous attitude and was down to earth and passionate.  He'll be back

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I do not consider his current involvment in trying to extend and expand and increase participation in the democratic process to be in itself anti-socialist but a commitment we also share to ensure decision-making is as wide as possible in implementation…it is supplementary. 

    How many of us are employed as a 'socialist'? He is a paid researcher it's his job. I worked as executive officer for the Social Security and was eventually given the job of appeals officer dealing with appeals for Invalidity Benefit . A miner in a wheel chair was found fit for work as a receptionist , he appealed and I did not challenge his appeal but  resigned. 

    Vin wrote:
    As branch organiser in the early 80s I asked cde Coleman to debate with opponents on many occasions and he was a formidable opponent and remains undefeated. He did not have a pompous attitude and was down to earth and passionate. 

    There's not a lot anyone can tell me about Steve Coleman.  Along with literally a handful of comrades still alive and kicking I think I knew him rather well.

    He'll be back

    Yeah, and pigs might fly…


    I have no problem with members becoming inactive through outside commitments, but that doesn't mean they have to resign. They can still remain members, therefore maintaining our membership numbers and contributing financially where they are able.If they choose to resign and are discussing the socialist case with another member of the working class, and they tell that member that although they agree with the Socialist Party's case they are no longer a member, this is going to plant doubts in the mind of that worker who is likely to think "If you  choose not to be a member, then why should I join?"

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