
July 2024 Forums Website / Technical TeamSpeak

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  • #82000

    Can anyone set up a TeamSpeak server on this website?


    Yes.  But only under topics.  So the chances are the link would creep further down the postings and eventually disappear.  Ideally, a Teamspeak 3 server link should be on the main menu bar.  However, there would be a problem in ensuring the server is populated to encourage people to visit the server.What the party could do is give it a spin by holding a weekly meeting on a designated day and time with a set topic for a trial period of 3 months.  But despite my efforts over the last 3 years few socialists are willing to use TS 3 for conversation purposes.


    I'm talking about installing a server on our website, not someone posting a link to an external website. Even some sort of IRC daemon (server software) on our website would be extremely useful for meetings.


    I don't think that is possible given the present state of computer technology within the party.  Also with an off the shelf product readily available at no cost I see no need for it.  A link to the server would suffice for our present requirements.  But there is still the problem and issues associated with a general lack of interest in such a product by socialists.In the meantime if you feel like a chat I can be found on the TZM server buzzing around spreading socialist understanding.


    I don't think it is as difficult as you think it is. IRC servers are off the shelf products readily available at no cost. Much more straightforward for people who don't have the equipment or don't want to sign up to Teamspeak. IRC can run on any PC/device made in the last quarter century.

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