Tasteless, inane and disgusting: Family friend slams Left-wing paper for mocking death of Eton pupil mauled by a polar bear

October 2024 Forums General discussion Tasteless, inane and disgusting: Family friend slams Left-wing paper for mocking death of Eton pupil mauled by a polar bear

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  • #102390

    I got what you intended Vin. It worked.The actual human story behind this thread is a tragic event, but pales in comparison to the horrors being inflicted upon too many people on a daily basis in the name of profits and nationalism.The superficial political story of this thread is yet more bashing of the SWP.  "Scum" being a bit strong a word to label all members of the SWP.


    The newspaper,  that the current owners,  great grandfather supported the Nazi's. The newspaper, that is anti-semitic. Where is the DM apology? I think it is the case here, that yet again the DM, has sort to attack genuine Socialism. Partly the reason for making this post.I notice unlike us, the DM, takes no interest whatsoever of the rape of a member(s) in the SWP, and subsequent cover up, by the leaders. When the thread about the SWP and rape of a  member(s), was made,( 'swp not welcome'') no such concern was voiced about  wide spread hunger and starvation of children?I'm not sure about this?   


    James, I was only expressing my own opinion about what I believe is important.I was not posting at the time  the SWP rape allegations were being discussed, though my opinion would have been the same.As a socialist and member of the working class I have other and more important priorities.  The links I posted were just to make that point.  Its just my own  personal opinion. Feel free to discuss the SWP 


    Vin, I did wonder that Fair point. 


    The resources of the SPGB can no longer be said to be meagre.Scum is a strong word to describe the SWP, but the SWP is represented by the Socialist Worker paper not the members. The influence of ordinary members on the SWP has been shown to be negligible.The DM has covered the SWP rape crisis extensivelyhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261220/Socialist-Workers-Party-held-sharia-style-court-exonerate-party-member-accused-raping-female-comrade.htmlhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2272231/A-hands-Thats-Socialist-Workers-Party-cleared-comrade-rape.htmlhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2294198/Special-report-Did-Socialist-Workers-Party-cover-NINE-rapes-Kangaroo-court-cleared-official-raping-teenage-member-scandal-goes-far-deeper.htmlIf the SPGB can put the case for socialism, criticising the tastelessness of the SWP aswell as the fascist sympathies of the DM will be no problem.

    Darren redstar

    Owen jones swings in, finding a handle to whinge about Class War being mean to him on a recent demo.apparently, crowing about the death of a child is the same as holding a banner saying F*** off back to Oxford.


    Here is the article by Owen Joneshttp://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/14/mocking-eton-boy-death-politics-of-envy-socialist-worker-article-polar-bear-attackMocking the killing of an Eton schoolboy has something in common with Class War telling Owen Jones to go back to Oxford. It is the same inverse class background snobbery, ie. inverted from the ruling-class looking down their noses at the proletariat, but instead the proletariat looking down their noses at those with a background they perceive to be ruling-class. Class War love doing this inverse class snobbery, but Owen Jones exposes it quite well in the article. The SPGB have a members who have gone to Oxford University.


    Perhaps i am in a minority but i do have issues with political dynasties. We have Staw Jnr in waiting , Blair Jnr looking for a safe seat….Just what do the Milibands offer in real experience of workers lives? Immediately employed into the world of politics. Ed's only foray outside politics, if you could call it that, was as a researcher for the TV current affairs show "A week in politics"David's only "outside" career was as a political analyst for an NGO, then a simlar position for a think tank. David Miliband is one of six members of the Global Advisory Board of Macro Advisory Partners which advises multinational corporations, sovereign wealth funds, investors, and governments. In January 2012, David Miliband joined the Board of Directors of Mauritius based private equity group, Indus Basin Holdings. IBH operates Rice Partners in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It specialises in managing the end-to-end supply chain for major global users of rice. According to the Financial Times, "Mr Miliband’s jobs include advisory roles with VantagePoint Capital Partners, a Californian group; Oxford Analytica, a UK advisory company. As a speaker for hire he is available for 20,000 quid. – your typical Labour man, eh?Yeah, i have got a thing about those "professional" politicians who have never dirted their hands with any sort of real work and never had to count the pennies after each week or month to pay the bills. And i plead guilty if considering the educational privileges of those who are part of the ruling class to be inverted snobbery, so be it.  Yeah , both Milibands can fuck off back to Corpus Christi College, Oxford, for all i care. Fuck the bastards.  As for the original thread. i agree that we should not pass the sins of the father on to the sons…unless or until  they deserve it on their own merit. Fuck William and Harry not when they were kids but what they have become now, the life they accepted and did not reject.   


    Ditto, Alan 

    Darren redstar

    I have many friends who went to oxford, and a niece who went to Cambridge. I have no issue with whatever university anyone attends. However, I do take issue with the Owen Joneses and Laurie Pennys who from positions of great privilege and well paid access to media declare themselves the new leaders of youth and the oppressed. Jones does so to promote his Labour Party whilst penny declares herself some sort of anarchist, whilst both in reality promote their own brand- as Laurie infamously put it 'monetising their radicalism'.class war may indulge in inverse class snobbery, but they at least are consistent in what they do and aim their barbs at figures who set themselves up to be aimed up.the swp in contrast are a party which has not only a leadership in which the English nobility are well represented, but also have created political dynasties of their own; the Harmans, the Glucksteins, the Rees' have all found themselves replicated and fast tracked through the party's myriad ranks.


    My bad. I only heard about the SWP rapes on here. I didn't know that the DM had covered the story.  Thanks for the link(s).


    For info, Charlie Kimber, national secretary of the SWP states he did not attend Eton or any public schoolhttps://twitter.com/charlieswp/status/487471068039626753

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