Takis Fotopulos’s Inclusive Democracy

March 2025 Forums General discussion Takis Fotopulos’s Inclusive Democracy

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    We have had Michael Albert’s Participatory Economics, and Peter Joseph’s Zeitgeist Movement , now we have Takis Fotopulos’s Inclusive Democracy, which i came across on Libcom




    His site is at:



    with Wiki giving the overview at:



    The basic unit of decision making in an inclusive democracy is the demotic assembly, i.e. the assembly of demos, the citizen body – but i keep reading it as demonic – a freudian slip?


    I have never come across it before and will require to read up on it. It is critical of Parecon in details of administration of future society but fully accepts Parecon’s criticism of free access, from each according to ability , to each according to need. And comes up with its on version of how workers’ remuneration will be organised.


    What i find intriguing is this striving for a blue-print of how a future society will be organised, as i have suggested before that we should do more in this area. But it seems, rather than leave many of the details up to those who will be carrying out the transformation of society and that world-wide, we can expect assorted variants and different emphasis, as well as particular unique implimentation problems due to differing conditions.  Parecon and ID and Zeitgeist take great delight in detailed descriptions of the minutia rather than making generalisations and out-lining the blue-print with broad brush-strokes.


    Our criticism of ID would be the same as with labour time vouchers, or Parecon prices, that they are an unnecessary complication and the exchange economy remains intact. Unlike many who see LTV as simply a transitional requirement, Parecon and ID view their systems as permanent.


    Anyways, what is required by ourselves – yet again –  is a collective reposte, rebuttal, and repudiation  to all those half-way measures that pass themselves off as a libertarian model of communism where the chains of wage-slavery are claimed to be made of velvet.

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