Syria: will the West attack?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Syria: will the West attack?

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  • #96129

    SAS man explains war. On topic I think


    I'm getting fucking fed up of hearing from pro-war MPs presenting themselves as victims because people protest at MP offices or challenge them on their Twitter accounts.Happy to vote for bombing but not happy to face the consequences of their votes. Many Labour MPs who voted for the bombing of Syria were also supporters of Blair's Iraq invasion and they have the audacity to think they should be immune from criticism.  They are murdering bastards and telling them so is not an online crime even if they want to make it such.  


    You would think a responsible unbiased news agency woud be interested in what the UN recognised Syrian government  thought of the British decision to bomb ISIS targets in Syria but i think you will be hard pushed to discover any reporting of such on the BBC."… Is Britain right to join airstrikes against ISIS in Syria? …  I would say they don’t have the will and they don’t have the vision on how to defeat terrorism. If the British join the intervention,…you see that is illegitimate from an international-law perspective?…  Definitely, definitely, we are a sovereign country. …"As far as the mainstream UK media is concerned , there is only one truth…whatever comes out of No.10 Downing St and out of the mouth of Cameron. Lickspittle democracy !!!!


    But that interview appeared in ….. the Sunday Times, a key component of "the mainstream  UK media" ! Not quite sure why they interviewed him. It could be softening up public opinion to present him as a statesman instead of the butcher he has been portrayed as up to now. Already they are saying he doesn't have to go as a precondition for opening negotiations to try to settle the civil war in Syria.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I'm getting fucking fed up of hearing from pro-war MPs presenting themselves as victims because people protest at MP offices or challenge them on their Twitter accounts.Happy to vote for bombing but not happy to face the consequences of their votes. Many Labour MPs who voted for the bombing of Syria were also supporters of Blair's Iraq invasion and they have the audacity to think they should be immune from criticism.  They are murdering bastards and telling them so is not an online crime even if they want to make it such.  

    Do you know Alan, most on twitter agree with you.Another revealing thing is If you compare the 'likes' and retweets of Corbyn and Camoron. 


    PETER OBORNE: There was one winner in the Syria vote. And it wasn't Dave or Hilary Benn Whether or not you like Mr Corbyn (and I profoundly disagree with many of his policies), there is no denying that he emerged from the arguments over Syria as a man of moral courage, integrity and principle.Read more: and another interesting comment on economic interests involved 


    Since Murdoch's paywall has gone up, The Times is no longer on my reading list, so i did miss that.However, i think my claim still stands if the other newspapers, the BBC and the TV channels, fail to make any prominence of the interview particularly when they headline the RAF bombing attacks. It suppresses a vital voice in the debate. It is a crime of omission.I must be growing more bitter in old age because i now detest our so-called democratic 'free' press and the self-censorship of its journalist minions (with a handful of honourable exceptions one of whom Vin has cited even if he is from the right wing) 


    After bombing a hospital in Afghanistan another example of "accurate" US bombing: dod they really want to help ISIS against the government?

    Vin wrote:
    SAS man explains war. On topic I think

    And today I hope the Standard goes with this story

    Dave B

    I think the situation is moving beyond 'a little problem' of bombing some ‘horrid foreign people and mad mullahs’ etc. It developing into superpower conflict with proxy armies and superpowers flying  around and bombing each others friends etc. with cruise missile submarines , aircraft carriers, patriot and S300 anti aircraft missile systems and a kaleidoscope of warring boots on the ground. It makes the Balkans in 1914 look uncomplicated and stable.   Whose missing now? The Chinese? Dabiq is right in the middle of it just to give it an interesting religious dimension. Especially if the ‘west’ starts playing a game of chicken with Russia.

    "We have to find better ways to address the Isis [Islamic State] appeal," Richard Barrett, a former head of global counter-terrorism at Britain's MI6 intelligence agency who contributed to the report, told Reuters. "The Leytonstone rebuke 'You ain't no Muslim, bruv' does far more to undermine Isis than dropping bombs on Raqqa," Mr Barrett added.

    Participant prophecy stuff is scary because millions of Mohammedans believe in this shit. I wonder what Ben Carson would think of the Muslim end of days scenario. The cunt would probably revel in it seeing as he's a member of a church that wants to hasten global nuclear apocalypse. Add this into the mix of what's going on in the Middle East right now and it looks like we're heading for WWIII. Thank fuck we've got the Royal Variety Performance on ITV tonight as well as "The Dad's Army Story" to look forward to on BBC 2 with all the other Christmas goodies in store!I've noticed a major ratcheting up of jingoism and lots of shit about war and glory on the telly in the past 5 years to the extent that something as previously benign as The Antiques Roadshow is now a subtly nationalistic bandwagon. I hardly have the telly on now.  Honestly what hope do we have after over 110 years of miserable failure in trying to convince your average worker of the need for Socialism? Never mind all the murderers in the army and the fascists in the police WHO ARE THE LYNCHPIN OF THE WHOLE FUCKIN THING! And all the armies and police forces of the world are going to join the class war on our side? LIKE FUCK THEY WILL! Oh I hope I'm wrong wrong wrong but I just can't see it ever happening guys. It's a beautiful dream that's all Socialism is ever going to be. We can't even imagine what our masters have got in store for us. And it's not only the cretins in the police or the army. They have swathes of workers engaged in all sorts of hideous dirty machinations that we can't even imagine. All the horrible dirty tricks on a global scale throughout history only underlines what our miserable species is all about. Greedy, murdering, violent, thieving, lying, hating, manipulating, using bastards. Why even give it a label by calling it "Capitalism"? ITS US!!! WE ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! It's us. "Humanity"…

    Ozymandias wrote:
     Oh I hope I'm wrong wrong wrong but I just can't see it ever happening guys. It's a beautiful dream that's all Socialism is ever going to be. We can't even imagine what our masters have got in store for us. And it's not only the cretins in the police or the army. They have swathes of workers engaged in all sorts of hideous dirty machinations that we can't even imagine. 

    I think it may be the way we present our case at the moment, cde The SPGB has never been a passivist organisation  give us a majority control of the state and the people you refer to will not be allowed to disrupt our democratic take over of the resources of the earth.That as the machinery of government, including the armed forces of the nation, exists only to conserve the monopoly by the capitalist class of the wealth taken from the workers, the working class must organize consciously and politically for the conquest of the powers of government, national and local, in order that this machinery, including these forces, may be converted from an instrument of oppression into the agent of emancipation and the overthrow of privilege, aristocratic and plutocratic.Peacefully and persuasively if possible but violently if necessary.

    #96142 the West are winning:

    Ramadi fell to Daesh last spring, soon after the Iraqi government took Tikrit, a large Sunni city north of Baghdad with a population before 2014 of some 500,000, away from the radicals. Ramadi is capital of largely Sunni Arabi al-Anbar province. Most people in Ramadi have by now fled the city, leaving behind perhaps some 15,000 trapped there by 1,000 Daesh fighters. The Iraqi military and its Shiite militia allies surrounded Ramadi and have largely cut Daesh off from resupply of arms and ammunition.[…]But it is being reported that the lead in Ramadi is being taken by US-trained regular Iraqi troops supported by both Shiite militias and some Sunni clansmen.

    If this continues, IS will be greatly diminished in Iraq, and piossibly cut off from Syria.  Now, as Cole notes, a political solution is necessary, Fallujah has been pacified three times, and is basically in IS hands (or hands of IS allies).

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