Switzerland may pay basic monthly income to all its citizens

July 2024 Forums General discussion Switzerland may pay basic monthly income to all its citizens

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    If I knew my employees were getting a $10,000 annual subsidy from the U.S. government and I hit a rough patch in my business, I’d likely ask everyone to share in the pain and take their salary down to pre-subsidy levels… And then wages would stay there, because wages have been stagnant since 1973—they’ve only grown 9 percent despite a more than doubling in productivity. Or, maybe, companies would simply stop contributing to 401(k)s, because the government is providing income already, and it’s a slightly less apparent way to cut wages. Or something else. Companies aren’t going to be benevolent when the government is subsidizing their workers—they’re going to recapture as much of that subsidy as possible, because they’re going to have to in order to stay competitive, because one other company in their industry will do it almost immediately to gain a pricing advantage. This is a long way of saying that it wouldn’t make a shred of difference to small business in any reasonable time frame.

    Not listened to it, but there was a recent Radio 4 show on UBI:Link: Money for Nothing


    Hawaii joins the list of places which will experiment with the UBIhttp://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/universal-basic-income-hawaii-introduction-minimum-salary-a7931221.html"The bill declares that all families in Hawaii are entitled to “basic financial security” – paving the way for a policy that would guarantee this. It also tasks several government offices with analysing the state’s economy and finding “ways to ensure all families have basic financial security, including an evaluation of different forms of a full or partial universal basic income."So still at the planning stage — as are all the others around the world.


    Even Scotland is getting in on the act.https://futurism.com/scotland-will-begin-funding-universal-basic-income-experiments/

    Scotland is about to join the slowly expanding list of countries that are experimenting with Universal Basic Income (UBI). These trial-runs are exploring a variety of different ways in which citizens will receive a guaranteed salary from the government, regardless of social status or any other factor. This Scottish experiment will start small with local municipalities creating proposals to be involved. The First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, is open to the widespread adoption of UBI policies stating that it “is an idea that merits deeper consideration.”

    A capitalist joins the ranks calling for UBIhttps://www.inverse.com/article/36277-sam-altman-basic-income-talk


    Here's another, Richard Branson:https://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/experimenting-universal-basic-incomeHe's not calling for full UBI, though, only for the poor.Meanwhile, according to today's i paper, he weathered hurricane Irma in luxury:

    The British billionaire Richard Branson rode out the storm at his home on private Neckar Island in a 'concrete wine cellar'

    It's alright for some.


    Of course:  he wants us all to have enough money to buy the stuff his workers produce for him. Unless it's HIS workers asking for more money . 


    In reality, it is not going to have because the capitalists would be forced to provide more financing to the capitalist state and a reduction of their surplus value. We are coming back to the Myth of Taxation, the capitalist class is the real taxpayer. With or without that reform economic exploitation will continue


    The hurricane wasn't all bad news, ALB. Branson's villa is a wreck nowhttp://www.bbc.com/news/business-41224243I just hope the bastard wasn't insured for the Act of God

    Form F

    Did you know that when you are in the DWP's Work Programme they make you watch propaganda films drooling over the likes of Dicky Branson and other sundry chancers in hand-made shirts. How the 'entrepreneurial skills' of these bloodsuckers have made the world an infinitely better place for the rest of us. I would like to report that you couldn't hear what was being said due to the cacophony of raspberries being blown by  the assembled long-term unemployed. But we were so shirt  scared of being sanctioned for not having 'the right attitude' the silence was deafening.

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