Summer School

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Summer School

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  • #92740
    Mike Foster

    Well, it's all over for another year. Thanks, everyone, for making it  to sunny Brum, and I hope you had an enjoyable and interesting weekend. There'll be a write-up of the event, and talks will be available to listen to in due course.


    Hi Mike,it was great to see your 'fizzog' again – and those of the other attendees. Thanks for all the effort you put in to organising it. It was well worthwhile.Here's to 2014's…  


    hmmmm…??? am i right in assuming fizzog maybe related to the talk on comrade word?


    For me the highlights were the workshop on the term 'comrade', the film and the social.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    hmmmm…??? am i right in assuming fizzog maybe related to the talk on comrade word?

     Mike did a talk on ‘physiognomy’. I think Dickens used the shortened version of ‘fizzog’ and I’ve always liked that word


    Dear all, I'll shortly be starting work on editing the files from this year's Summer School talks, but unfortunately one of the talks has not been recorded. I completely messed up the recording of Bill Martin's talk on Saturday night, so I'd like to apologise to Bill (and others) for this outbreak of incompetence. Robert

    pfbcarlisle wrote:
    Dear all, I'll shortly be starting work on editing the files from this year's Summer School talks, but unfortunately one of the talks has not been recorded. I completely messed up the recording of Bill Martin's talk on Saturday night, so I'd like to apologise to Bill (and others) for this outbreak of incompetence. Robert

    As your line manager I accept full responsibility for this egregious misdemeanour; I should have double-checked the Zoom was back in record mode after Bill had shown his two videos…

    As your line manager I accept full responsibility for this egregious misdemeanour; I should have double-checked the Zoom was back in record mode after Bill had shown his two videos…

     Cheers, Boss, but much as I'd like to cling on to that 'excuse', I did make sure to switch it back on – things went pear-shaped when trying to 'save' it at the end I won't bother putting in for a pay rise this year…


    The talks from Summer School are now uploaded to the audio section at again, apologies for the lack of Bill Martin's talk… 


    Very well done, Rob   

    Mike Foster

    That was quick! Thanks for uploading the uploads!

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)
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