Summer School 2017 – Birmingham 21/23 July

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Summer School 2017 – Birmingham 21/23 July

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  • #122717
    Mike Foster

    There's still one more Summer School session to be confirmed, and an announcement is on the way! The event will also include an exclusive publication, an exhibition about the SPGB's views on environmental issues, and a second-hand bookstall. There aren't many places remaining now, so if you're interested in coming along I'd suggest making a booking shortly!

    Mike Foster

    The remaining Summer School session can now be revealed!Socialism Saves The World! How Quickly Could Socialised Production Resolve Climate Change? – a talk by Brian GardnerRevolution is long overdue of course – but the threats climate change presents to the habitability of the planet for humans in the long-term keep growing. Capitalism's apparent continued inability to face up to this existential challenge, makes this an issue of increasingly critical importance. As a future socialist revolution unfolds, what sort of planet would an international, politically-aware working class be likely to be taking over? Capitalist states and corporate sectors are currently outlining various future scenarios, and the market is busy laying bets on which technology might save the day. Shouldn’t socialists also look to this uncertain future? Would a global socialist society have to contend with a growing and hungry population? Would there be an urgent need for rapid industrial and agricultural development? And how would this impact on an already dangerously overheating planet? Brian opens this session by looking at why we shouldn’t shy away from asking these often tricky questions. The talk will discuss some of the ways in which economic decisions might be made in the absence of the market, and then asks whether a system based on production for use will really be able to meet the fundamental challenge of a warming planet, in time?

    Mike Foster

    There are still a few places left for Summer School. For more details or to make a booking, visit this page:

    Mike Foster

    There are still a couple of places left for Summer School, and bookings will be closing on Saturday 15th July. To make a booking, or for more details, go here:

    Mike Foster

    Here's one last reminder about our Environment-themed Summer School, being held in Birmingham Friday 21st – Sunday 23rd July. Residential tickets cost £100 (or £50 concessions), and for this you get accommodation and all meals at Fircroft College, four talks, a quiz, an exclusive publication, an exhibition, a second-hand bookstall and the chance to meet up with fellow comrades! To make a booking, or for more details, go here: will have to close on Saturday 15th, so don't delay if you want to come along.

    Mike Foster

    Thanks to everyone who came along to Birmingham for this weekend's Environment-themed Summer School. Hopefully everyone had a good time, and enjoyed meeting up with friends and comrades. Glenn opened the weekend on Friday evening with an interesting – and sobering – talk about how the profit motive leads to production methods which damage the natural world in order to save or make money. Afterwards in the lounge, there was plenty of time to chat (and get boozed up) while the rain tipped down outside.Saturday started with Janet's talk about how the global (and especially American) military's activities harm the environment, an issue which goes ignored in the mainstream media. Between the talks, we could browse the bookstall run by Dave, take a look at the display of past Socialist Standard articles about the environment, have a walk around the gardens, or head to the pub. In the afternoon, Paddy discussed how socialists could and should respond to the growth of veganism and the unsustainable environmental impact made by the meat and dairy industry. Written versions of the talks were among the articles included in the event's publication, also featuring pieces about fracking and agriculture, along with one of Richard's insightful poems. In the evening, Carla's quiz tested our knowledge of environmental issues, and congratulations go to the winning team. Then it was back to the bar, with the ginger cat occasionally popping in.  On Sunday morning, Brian rounded off the weekend with his talk speculating about how production in a socialist society would need to be run to minimise climate change. Then, after lunch, it was sadly time to say cheerio. Thanks again for an enjoyable weekend.

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