suggested careers with least conflict

December 2024 Forums General discussion suggested careers with least conflict

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  • #190426

    Can you suggest careers for career changers which would possibly cause the least conflict within an individual who likes socialism? Doesn’t help that I was a n accountant for 10 years.


    Academic education ( technical or professional )  in the capitalist society only prepares the individual to serve the system of profits, it doesn’t make any difference if you are a lawyer, an engineer, a medical doctor, a business administrator, a carpenter, an electrician, or a shoeshiner, or you if you attend the most prestigious university or technical school. He/She is a  wage slave with a diploma. We must understand that this is a world society divided between bourgeois and proletarian and that the so called middle class or petty bourgeois class is just  a fallacy created by capitalism, to create false illusions in our minds,  like white and blue collars workers, we have invisible chains in our feet. We are going to have conflict as soon as we obtain class consciousness, and we do not bend over, or kneel down,  and we do recognize that we are  just a member of the working class like any other workers,  and that  the capitalist class is our class enemy and that others workers around the world in the most remote place is also a member of the working class and they are our real allied

    Bijou Drains

    I take it from your use of the term least, you clearly understand that in many ways all careers involve conflict with the system and that in a sense, no matter what we do we are in conflict to some degree.

    I have been a social worker, working mainly within children’s services for most of that time and although their are very obvious conflicts, the work I currently do, supporting and training foster carers does have some connectivity to some principles of socialism. That is that most foster carers do not do what they do for finance, they generally do it out of compassion for the children and young people they care for. The carers I have trained and supported over the years demonstrate to me on a almost daily basis the fact that human beings are more than capable of cooperating and working in the common interest of other.

    Perhaps something in that line of work might be something you could consider.


    The best career is to obtain your retirement and dedicate your life in full time to the struggle of the working class


    Thanks Bijou, thats what I’ve leaned to my whole life. And yes, I’ve found too how “that human beings are more than capable of cooperating and working in the common interest of other.”  It’s only that those who can’t or don’t want to, dominate.


    Too simplistic Marquito, it matters very much what you do for 40 years. Waiting to retire would be  a waste of time and life.


    Too simplistic Marquito, it matters very much what you do for 40 years. Waiting to retire would be  a waste of time and life


    It is not simplistic, any job that you will do it will serve to the system of profits, and this society create too many false illusions in our minds, including the concept of career . I have known that for many years. I have known peoples who have dedicated their life to the cause of the working class since they were vey young, and many of them have been doctors, engineers and lawyers, carpenters, electricians,


    For them a profession or a career was only a way to pay their rent and support their family, theirs real ‘career” was the working class movement. They also learned something very particular  that their dedication to  politic was  a very dangerous “career” because the class struggle is dangerous


    I had a couple of careers which  many peoples would love to have them, and they produce fame and prestige, and I cleaned my butt with the diplomas, I only used them to pay my rent and to support my family, my real career was the working class movement and the class struggle,  even more I had conflicts because I tested them one time I  hung  a picture of Marx and Engels in my workplace, and it was a  career to help others human beings, the real purpose was to serve capital and its system. All real socialists are going to have conflicts with this system wherever they go, whatever they do,  and they can be killed too, that is the reason why many peoples use different names, even more having an independent career creates conflicts too,  I tried that one too, therefore, it is not  simplistic, it is called life  experience. Ocasio Cortez which call herself a socialist  is serving the peoples, but in reality she is serving capital and the capitalist system

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