Streets protests in the USA

July 2024 Forums General discussion Streets protests in the USA

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    The White House was forced to delete a video claiming that Antifa was leaving stacks of bricks for use by demonstrators at the George Floyd protests.


    Whatever they are doing now inside the USA, it has been done in other countries, nothing is new, it is new for most peoples inside the USA who are not aware of what the government is doing, or have done for many years.  There are reports indicating that they have been using paramilitaries in the streets and mercenary contractors. Blaming other countries, personality and organizations for their own internal problems is nothing new either.
    You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
    Abraham Lincoln


    It looks as if some US police officers are bastards. So over there it’s still not ACAB, only SCAB.


    ye without sin, cast the first stone

    Sheku Bayoh died in Kirkcaldy in 2015 after he was restrained by up to nine police officers using CS spray, pepper spray and batons.

    black people are more than twice as likely to die in police custody.


    The widespread theory of the leftwingers is that everything is controlled and provoked by the Zionists and that the USA and the whole world is dominated by the Zionists and by two individuals: Soros and Bill Gates, therefore, capitalism is not the problem. The right-wingers created the conspiracist theories and the leftwingers propagate them, and everything is explained by the wrong concept of Fascism and antifascism, a term coined and propagated  by the USA, England, France and the Soviet Union after world war two, and after they defeated completely the Fascists from Italy and the Nazis from Germany


    The sad case of the power of the union and police solidarity

    The entire 57-member Emergency Response Team of the Buffalo Police Department has resigned after two members of the unit were suspended for pushing a 75-year-old to the ground during the George Floyd protests

    Buffalo Police Benevolent Association President John Evans said the officers were “simply doing their job” and the man “slipped” during the interaction

    “these officers were simply following orders”


    The other ironic  thing is that policemen have their own workers unions


    Black Lives Matter is projected onto the Houses of Parliament.

    ‘Black Lives Matter’ projected onto the Houses of Parliament last night.


    “Washington, D.C., officials hardened their opposition to the expanding federal law enforcement and military presence in the city Friday, demanding that President Donald Trump withdraw forces from the city.

    Citing confusion over lines of authority and a dramatic decline in violence at recent protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, Mayor Muriel Bowser said the city had sufficient resources to ensure public safety.”


    It is interesting that we do seem to have a split of opinion among the ruling class.

    Businesses, among them 50 of America’s largest corporations, have issued supportive statements of BlackLivesMatter, NFL have apologised for its ban on taking to the knee for their footballers, a Seattle federal judge has prohibited the use of tear-gas type  agents, mayors and governors across America have voiced sympathy for the George Floyd protests. Even in the UK police have been given permission to take the knee in solidarity. I’m sure a google search would come up with many more examples of this newly found solidarity sentiment within the Establishment.

    This is indeed a change of attitude which is to be welcomed by anti-racists. But it is for they to determine if it is genuinely sincere and not just paying lip-service, gesture politics, because many are going to be up for re-election come November, as the presidential election  also involves many other elections at the same time. But as we said about apartheid South Africa, it is in the interest of some of the capitalist class to end racial prejudice. While on the other hand, identity politics, including race, remains a tool of divide and rule, and will persist as a weapon for other capitalists.

    In August there is planned a massive march in Washington DC. Wouldn’t it be our own act of solidarity if we could help finance American comrades to attend, if they wish to, paying travel and lodging  expenses. I’m not sure if funding leaflets is feasible — too many marching and too few distributing but we could provide video gear and have them do vox populi interviews in a way that presents our case and see what the people say to it. Just a wild thought as I have seen it done quite effectively elsewhere.


    Division among the USA ruling has always existed, but they are always united for the defence of their own economical and financial interests. They always disagree when they are getting close to any election


    I should have included how many high-profile ex-military officers are distancing themselves from Trump and they are usually the more conservative-minded members of the Establishment.

    Even the US Marine Corps has now banned the display of confederate flags,

    Albeit small gestures which may not sway Ozy’s position but they are promising signs


    And some Republicans senators and judges are distancing themselves from Donald Trump, and others individuals are asking for his resignation. It looks like one sector of the US ruling class is looking for another person to administer their state and their economic interests. probably his reign is over. His daughter was not allowed to give a speech at a graduation ceremony

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