Streets protests in the USA

March 2025 Forums General discussion Streets protests in the USA

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  • #203273

    The Pentagon took the rare step of ordering the Army to put several active-duty U.S. military police units on the ready to deploy to Minneapolis…Soldiers from Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort Drum in New York have been ordered to be ready to deploy within four hours if called upon

    I recall America’s indignation when China threatened to deploy army units to assist Hong Kong police to suppress the protests that also included acts of vandalism and arson.

    Pot calling kettle black, comes to mind…as does,  do as i say not as i do.

    Perhaps the UK should be offering passports to African-Americans?



    SOYMB blog-post


    Further to Ozy’s point I noticed this article

    In an open letter to the Minnesota National Guard published Friday morning, members of About Face: Veterans Against the War (formerly called Iraq Veterans Against the War), declared, “We urge you to have the courage to do the right thing. Refuse activation orders. No amount of property is worth a single human life. Are you really prepared to carry out the violence President Trump threatened against fellow Minnesotans? We ask that you stand up for Black lives by standing down.”

    The letter comes amid reports that union bus drivers are refusing to transport protesters to jail.[which Matt has already highlighted]


    I just saw this. “The owner of Gandhi Mahal, a (very delicious) local restaurant in South Minneapolis that was damaged in the fires last night: “Let my building burn, justice needs to be served.”




    Minneapolis grocery store owner Mohammad Abdi knew he had a critical business decision to make. Either go out into the street and confront the dangerous vandals and looters who were preparing to torch his Tawakal Halal Grocery or standby and watch them destroy his livelihood.

    “I told them this is my business, this is my building, please don’t do it,” he said late on Saturday morning, pointing to the alcove in the front of his building where footprints remained from the looters, who were armed with accelerant. “I didn’t yell, I stayed calm. I told them that I didn’t do anything to them. And they left,” he added.


    Perhaps the UK should be offering passports to African-Americans?


    Or perhaps, the USA should offer passports to Mexicans after more than 2/3 of the USA territory was stolen from Mexico. The original Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty in one of its clauses said that Mexicans were  allowed to go in and out of their territory in the north and they were allowed to select two citizenships


    I know it is not the predominant response of law enforcement but once more an incident that questions Ozy’s assumptions that they cannot be brought over to our side.

    “in Flint, Michigan that played out Saturday evening offered an alternative to aggressive police tactics as a local sheriff and his fellow officers laid down their riot gear and joined with those members of the community who came out to voice their outrage and sorrow.”


    Donald Trump has declared Antifa a terrorist movement. There are certain confusion on the label of Antifa ( or Antifascist ) it is not an antifascist group or a movement, and they are not part of the progressive left, sometimes they take an extreme stand similar to the right-winger’s groups, and they labelled fascists to any groups which do not support their point of view


    As Malcolm X said: Chickens have come home to roost


    Trump has said that he wants to add an organisation called Antifa (short for anti-fascism) to the list of terrorist organisations.

    I am not sure he can do this by executive decision. I hope not because that would give the President dictatorial powers to ban any organisation he decide was terrorist.

    For those who want to know more about Antifa and their policy and practice of street violence, last year the online magazine Poliquads, edited by a former member of the Socialist Party of Canada and to which Party members have been invited to contribute ( including this one), did a special issue on them. It includes a defence of their pretty indefensible position but people can judge for themselves. Here’s the link;


    Fascists and Fascism do not exist in our time, and they were completely defeated during WWII


    He has no legal ground to emit that executive order which violates the First Amendment, but he has violated the US constitution thousands of time already and nothing has happened to him, and the General District Attorney is his personal lawyer, and then, they call shitholes and banana republic others countries from Asia and Latin America. Antifa they are anti Trumpists but they are not anti-capitalist, and some of their groups they sound like anarcho-capitalists. The term Banana Republic ( or United Fruits International )  is not applicable at the present time because it was a term related to the Corporation known as Chiquitas Bananas, and the Third world was applicable only  to those countries which did not support the Varsovia Pact or NATO


    Now Donald Trump is going to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 but it was a law enacted in order to avoid the insurrection of the black slaves and the blacks peoples against their masters, but he did not invoke the law to force the corporations to produce the necessary medical needs for the peoples suffering from the Pandemic. Right there peoples should see what is the real purpose of the street instead of being dreaming on false and romantic conceptions about the state. The whole constitution of the USA was enacted by slaveholders and slave owners


    Invoking religion and the bible again to control the minds of the workers. It has served well  for many years to the world-ruling class


    The article written by Comrade Adam Buick gives the real definition of Fascism/Nazism and antiFascists. Applying the definition to the classical antifascists such as Leon Trotsky, the Soviet Union and others we come to the conclusion that they were not antifascists, as well, the antifascists of our time they are not antifascist either, and fascism and nazism do not exist at the present time. As the article said the leftwingers are fighting in the territory of the right wingers, both are nationalists

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