Streets protests in the USA

March 2025 Forums General discussion Streets protests in the USA

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    From today’s Times ( of London), Mr Biden said “that he would provide $150 billion in business loans and grants for ethnic-minority-owned businesses”.


    Most of those businesses they are already in bankruptcy since 2008 and 2009 and the new crisis have placed them into deeper financial crisis, and many have joined the rank of the proletarian class

    There are various articles here showing (although from a socdem/reformist perspective) the class-divisive capitalist-compliant nature of BLM-ism:

    I wonder who will have the greater influence.

    Meghan hails BLM…she found inspiration in peaceful anti-racism protests


    Dolly Parton

    “Of course BLM matters… Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter? No!”


    That site whose link I gave in the earlier post — — reflects the views of Adolph Reed and co.


    Yesterday in the New York Times there was an article about Reed, with the title ‘A Black Marxist Scholar Wanted to Talk About Race. It Ignited a Fury’ and the subtitle ‘The cancellation of a speech reflects an intense debate on the left: Is racism the primary problem in America today, or the outgrowth of a system that oppresses all poor people?’:




    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by ZJW.

    That’s a revealing article which shows where misidentity politics leads and how “race reductionism” it is dangerously divisive. Of course it’s an argument between reformists as to which reforms to demand and how to campaign for them but Reed is making a good point.

    For another similar position see this article by someone who knows the Party and agrees that the aim should be the abolition of commodity production and wage labour (but who thinks the movement to bring this about should be one of all humans not just the wage-working class):

    Twenty-one Arguments for Abolishing Racial Classification


    Identity politics V, the  Identitarian movement

    A new kid on the racist block – Patriotic Alliance

    Patriotic Alternative claims that “native British” people are being eradicated and proposes extreme measures to protect “the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom”. It says it would call a “complete halt” to immigration and pay people “of immigrant descent … to return to their ancestral homelands”. Patriotic Alternative claims that children are being exposed to pro-LGBT and anti-white “propaganda” and advocates home-schooling using its own package of hateful material on “history and culture”.



    Into the lions den.

    Courage act of defiance or foolhardy idiocy?

    Just watched a video of two individuals labeled as antifa (probably wrongly) making a protest at the Sturgis motorbike festival about them not wearing masks.

    It set off a mass hysteria and baying for blood like a Pavlov’s dog reaction among the predominant several hundred Trump right-wing bikers on the street. The two protesters indeed needed arrested by the police for their own protection. That mob was not going to listen reasonably to any 1st Amendment right.


    Something to be linked to on your internet travels as a lesson from the past

    J Surman

    Alan, this is such a good article. have you submitted it to the Socialist Standard editors?

    I shall be sending it to my personal contacts as I choose not to be on social media.


    Hmm…a bit like robbing Peter to pay Paul, Janet. But it is the editors decision and i am sure they are aware of this piece.

    I have submitted it to the progressive website Dissident Voice, hoping that they will give it a wider audience and a plug for the WSPUS, if they choose to re-publish. (I might also later send to Countercurrents who as you know may be receptive)

    By referring to history, we hope that the relevance of it might be helpful for the BLM and the re-newed militancy that is taking place…and our time-honoured counsel to fellow-workers – don’t rely on any political leadership. Our very small contribution to what some call another “rebellion.”

    It was entirely coincidental that Stephen and i had both written on the same topic so there must be a common strand of thought that traces back to these events.

    I am working on something for the SPC’s Imagine with the focus on the Nova Scotia re-settlement by the ex-slaves.

    I have also written a lengthy article also on  the American War of Independence and the Constitution, which i think with re-editing will also feature on the WSPUS site nearer the time of the Presidential Election and another one for DV.

    If we cannot have a physical presence in political events, perhaps we might have, albeit a very small one, in the theory.

    J Surman

    Good work AJJ


    Most of those historical passages have been covered by Dr Gerald Horne in some of his books, especially on the Counterrevolution of 1776. He is a very controversial historian which most Americans ( USA, Americans are all the peoples from the Americas )  do not read because they will discover that everything learned in 250 years is all a lie and romantic distortion. He is like Francis Jennings which also debunked all the romanticism about the history of the USA, especially on his books on Colonialism, and the Founders of  America. The best history book written about the Americas was written by Juan Bosh titled: From Christopher Columbus to Fidel Castro


    Some members prefer using links to neutral websites to promote the party as to look less like partisan spamming so this is a link to the  ‘First Emancipation’ on DV

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