Streets protests in the USA

March 2025 Forums General discussion Streets protests in the USA

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  • #204709

    The main problem in the USA it is not racism, it is capitalism, the elimination of the profits system would be the elimination of all social diseases, racism has a class character and it exists in all places around the world. The concept of race is a social construction, there are not any races, and they have never existed, there are only one species known as a human being. The colour of our skin is produced by an endocrine gland and by adaptation



    @ajohnson, kind of you to repost my message on SOYMB thank you

    This may have been covered. BLM, I keep seeing is a Marxist group which is hell bent on destroying capitalism. These people posting this are either the same person or in a group, government goons, racists or all 3?
    I have argued that if they’re Marxists they must stand for “the abolition of the wages system“ as did Marx? Any link or information on them would be great 👍 YFS

    Stephen H

    Patrisse Cullors, a ‘co-founder’ of BLM certainly describes herself and fellow organisers as ‘trained Marxists’, as has been reported across the mainstream media. But it seems clear from her background that she’s a Leninist. Needless to say, this is a gift to conservative commentators, who are happy to take things at face value and use her comments to bash both BLM and Marxism.


    Most of those commentators and so-called Journalists have never read anything about Marx, Engels, or Marxism, they do not do any research,  they are just a bunch of parrots or cardboard reads who have been repeating the same things for many years, and socialists in the USA are like chicken teeth and fish legs.

    The BLM movement is not a Marxist or socialist movement, it is just a movement for legal, racial,  and social reforms, as well, Antifa is not a Marxist, socialist or Anarchist movement either, some of them might be Anarcho-capitalists, but they are not real Anarchists, as Marx was

    The only political organization in the USA who has real socialist principles is the WSPUS and it was founded by peoples who can be called socialists, too bad that it is not a very active and widely known organization


    By coincidence (I think) Darren has just put this article on his blog showing that the class division cuts across all groups.


    Black rich peoples and black protestants pastors were the ones that were promoting Joe Biden, and the ones who asked black peoples to vote for him, for them Bernie Sanders was a threat  for their capitalist interests, the ironic thing is that blacks peoples need medical for all and they voted against that, it shows that capitalist ideology is spread by any national or ethnic group, as well, many Asians, and Latinos voted for Donald Trump

    Whites are not the only members of the USA capitalist class, there are blacks, Latinos, Asian and middle Easterns, and they live from the sweat of the working peoples as any other capitalist class, and all of them employ peoples from different colours of their skins, and the class struggle is among all of them, and blacks, Latinos and Asians are not  the only exploited ones, whites are also exploited by any of those groups, and the majority of the poor are white


    Identity politics is a big problem for ourselves.

    Its popularity is fostered not just its proponents, unwittingly creating a league table of exploitation and oppression, but by the ruling class who can embark upon policies of tokenism and gesture politics to placate discontent.

    But we won’t overcome it by neglecting the genuine historical reasons for the racial and ethnic inequalities that persist today, the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow.  Plus as Marcos reminds us in other posts, the US wars on Native Americans and  Mexico. And then the issue of migration which goes all the way back to the Know Nothing Party and is one again reflected by a working class who know nothing (actually the name was not because they were ignorant or uneducated but because they denied knowledge of the Party which began as a secret society.)

    I am minded that there is very much the “poor white Southern trailer park trash”, just as there was poverty-stricken Afrikaans in apartheid South Africa but as LBJ said “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

    We have to acknowledge context and place our case in a perspective that resonates with everybody and doesn’t alienate. It is a hard challenge.

    “We have stricken the shackles from 4,000,000 human beings and brought all laborers to a common level, but not so much by the elevation of former slaves as by reducing the whole working population, white and black, to a condition of serfdom. While boasting of our noble deeds, we are careful to conceal the ugly fact that by our iniquitous money system we have manipulated a system of oppression which, though more refined, is no less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.” – Horace Greeley – (1811-1872) Editor of the New York Tribune, the paper that published Marx



    Someone has sent an email drawing this article from a Jamaican newspaper to our attention;

    I didn’t know all that. I knew that African rulers sold slaves to be shipped across the Atlantic but not that they lobbied against the abolition of the slave trade nor that they carried on until the 1880s.


    This newspaper article was actually re-posted by our African blog back in 2015

    I think we should be cautious in ascribing the slave trade to some Africa’s rulers. Yes, they were those who benefited and sought to protect these privileges but they were not the cause or the reason for the slavery and it was not universal among the African rulers to engage in the slave trade.

    Slavery would have remained on the scale of earlier times and i’m sure with its abolition, much of the colonial plantation servitude in Africa was reflected the domestic slavery of Africans during the later epochs.

    Because white slavery existed particularly on the Barbary coast it should not distract us from the rise in racism because of the practice of slavery.

    Just as in modern times local African rulers benefit from corruption and the draining away of resources by the multinationals, they could not achieve such thievery without the complicity of the international banking system and the global corporations abusing the tax laws and accountancy rules. The more we point the finger at individual African rulers, less is the attention is paid to the real plunderers of Africa’s wealth. They may be beneficiaries but very much  secondary.

    Our African blog has many articles on modern day slavery.

    The Jamaican newspaper article was actually inaccurate. In 1981, Mauritania became the last country in the world to abolish slavery. It didn’t make slavery a crime until 2007.

    It would be easy to say that the American Civil War abolished slavery in the USA, but that would ignore the decades of Jim Crow laws which deprived African-Americans of possessing the same “free labour” rights of white wage-slaves. People forget the largest internal migration in America was not the Dustbowl years of the Okies but the exodus of African-Americans from the South escaping servitude.

    We should be very cautious in reinforcing the arguments of some whose purpose is to absolve Europeans of culpability in the Atlantic Slave Trade.



    It wasn’t “Europeans” who were to blame for the slave trade of course but capitalism and individual capitalists from Europe. The mass of people in Europe were as innocent of this as the mass of Africans were of selling slaves to the traders.


    Point taken.




    America’s secret police
    Oregon Governor Kate Brown has accused federal agents in unmarked cars who apparently detained protesters in Portland of a “blatant abuse of power”
    Federal officers, deployed by US President Donald Trump, have also fired tear gas and less-lethal munitions into crowds of demonstrators.

    Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) contained detailed accounts of witnesses who had seen federal law enforcement dressed in camouflage emerge from unmarked vehicles, grab protesters without explanation and drive off.


    Trump has threatened to send more federal law enforcement officers to major US cities to control ongoing protests, who were doing a “fantastic job” restoring law and order in Portland. He specifically named New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland in discussing problems with violence.

    “…They grab a lot of people and jail the leaders. These are anarchists.”

    They are part of a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) unit made up of people from the US Marshals Service and Customs and Border Protection.


    Those ignorants do not know what Anarchism really is.


    They are reading the collected works of Donald Trump. He is their theoretician

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