Streets protests in the USA

July 2024 Forums General discussion Streets protests in the USA

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  • #204237

    The US armed forces were segregated in WW2 as well so there was the hypocritical situation of the US claiming to fight against the racism of the Nazis while practising it themselves. Of course they were really fighting for world domination against the attempt by Germany and Japan to get a place in the sun like Britain, France and them.


    During WWI,   Korean War,  WWII, and the  Vietnam war the Puerto Ricans who were members of the US armed forces were placed in segregated places and they had to sleep in separated barracks, and they were the first ones sent to the battlefronts to be killed, if any Puerto Rican object to go to the war they were taken to prisons and many became a refugee in Canada, and the USA justice department emitted many orders of extraditions.

    The Second Amendment was not applied to the Puerto Rican independentists, they were considered rebels, plotters and terrorists by the FBI, like the black slaves they were not allowed to possess guns to avoid rebellions against their slaves’ masters. That romantic movie known as West Side Story it is all a lie, it was a history of racial discrimination against the Puerto Rican in Brooklyn and Manhattan who had to impose themselves in order to survive, as well Oscar Lewis book La Vida, is also a lie, poverty is not a culture, it is a condition created by capitalism and the Puerto Ricans were poor factories workers brought to New York to work in the textile industry and they were allowed to live in poorly separated  ghettos, and they were part of the civil right movement

    They were called Puerto Rican, but they were not called Americans,( by an act of the US Congress in 1917 )  like the Navajos were used during the war to speak their language to avoid message interception from the Japanese  ( called Code Talker ) but they had to live in separated barracks, and they were discriminated by others soldiers Supposedly the Puerto Ricans were in Europe fighting against the Germans racism, and they were racially discriminated and treated like shits. They can fool the fools and the peoples who do not read books on history or are living in the clouds. My grandfather used  to say: Let the patriots  go to the war, I stay home taking care of the girls, any winner would be the same thing


    Just watched a You Tube documentary on WWI where the first black regiment sent to the front, the 369th, nicknamed the Harlem Hellfighters, did not fight in American units but were seconded to the French and fought in French uniform alongside the French under the French flag and they would received French medals, not American, to maintain segregation.

    About the Hellfighters.

    About Henry Johnson


    Capitalism co-opts race

    Multinational companies in recent years have snapped up products aimed at Black consumers and marketed those brands as authentically Black…Black spending power in the United States is expected to rise to $1.5 trillion by 2021, from about $1.3 trillion last year,


    US slave reparations?

    Around the time the United States formally abolished slavery in 1865, African Americans owned 0.5% of the United States’ wealth. Today they own under 3%, even though around 13% of the population is defined by the U.S. census as “black or African American.” This isn’t an accident of history – it’s a result of government policies and institutional bias.

    Slavery lasted for nearly 250 years – almost equivalent to the time from the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 until today. University of Connecticut Professor Thomas Craemer estimates the present value of unpaid wages for just the 89 years after independence to be nearly $20 trillion using a 3% interest rate. Use a 6% rate, and that reparations bill rises to almost $7 quadrillion. That is around 50 times global GDP.

    An 1865 order set aside land for black households, the promise of “forty acres and a mule.” A Roosevelt Institute report by Duke University Professor William Darity and writer Kirsten Mullen estimates that at least 40 million acres should have been allocated. If the value grew at a 6% compound interest rate, it would today be worth over $3 trillion – more than the market capitalizations of and Apple combined.

    Lost land and wages are only the beginning. Add compensation for racist segregation laws, mass incarceration, employment discrimination and exclusions in government programs.

    Households that identify as black or African American have roughly $800,000 less in mean net wealth than their white counterparts. Apply that to the population, and the wealth gap comes to over $13 trillion.

    And if African-Americans have a claim what about the many African nations who suffered?

    We saw with the Holocaust the reparations went mostly to the Israeli state. The Roma were neglected for many decades since they had no formal representation.

    Apart from a few token billions given to certain institutions and government programs, i see little success in the campaign.


    The second armed attack on CHAZ.

    This time one man dead another wounded


    And what about the working class? In Britain they were driven off the land by the Enclosure Acts and have produced, and been deprived of, an incalculable amount of surplus value since industrial capitalism began. The only way to “repair” this is for  the working class to dispossess the capitalist class and make all this wealth that generations of workers have produced the common property of society so that they can be used for the common benefit of all.

    In this sense the Socialist movement is a movement for reparations for wage-slavery.

    Incidentally, Professor Craemer’s claim for an amount for “lost wages” is illogical. Slaves weren’t paid wages but they were provided with food and shelter to reproduce their ability to work. If they had been wage-slaves instead of chattel slaves their wages would have been spent on buying the food, housing, etc needed to recreate their ability to work. In fact, this was the position many former chattel slaves found themselves in after they were freed from chattel slavery. So reparations for “lost” wages would be double-counting — a weakness that opponents of reparations will no doubt point out.

    Those in favour of the reformist demand for more money to be spent on social reforms to benefit Black people, presented as a demand for “reparations” for chattel slavery, will have to think up a better argument. For instance, reparations for the surplus product they were robbed of just like wage slaves were and still are, including those descended from chattel slaves — which of course can only be achieved by socialism.


    ALB wrote: the working class to dispossess the capitalist class.👍

    The workers appropriate the capitalists who appropriated the workers. 👍


    ‪Police officer involved with the killing f George Floyd, out on bail, shopping. As if nothing has happened.

  via @Facebook‬


    The ex-presidents of the USA who are a bunch of criminals are also shopping, giving speeches, making money, living in mansions, with security protection and a lot of peoples worship them.

    They should be taken to jail including the actual president who has an approval rating of 45% and he might be elected again.

    I can clean my arse with the legal system and with a doctorate degree in jurisprudence, it is not worth the paper

    We have a good article titled: Legal and illegal crime which demonstrates  that illegal is only applied to the poor people and the biggest legal crime takes place at the point of production where a bunch thieves steal our labour

    In Argentina Videla was placed on jail and he was a president of a so-called shithole country  and in Chile, they tried to do the same thing with Pinochet who was another criminal puppet of the USA and they prolonged the process to wait for his death

    Capitalist always reward their servants



    Not happy. Someone has posted on the SPGB Facebook page a crap meme, on we shouldn’t erase history, it is not ours to do so? Which every right thinking, if only, person has posted.
    The condemnation of those who toppled statues of rapists, pedos , murders and who committed genocide is being Orchestrated by goons from the US conservative right wing an Avalanche of these posts every day in every post made about BLM. Who are nothing more than racists. I don’t know who this poster is, surely is not a member of the party? If it has already bitten the dust, my apologies. YFS


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.

    I have seen CIA agents infiltrated inside communists party acting like communists, and the USA goverment in the past created their own communist parties to infiltrate the movement, they had their own theoreticians, cadres and newspapers, and they even organized their own guerrilla groups.

    Since I know the character of the capitalist state since I was a very, very young person, I do not use Facebook, Twitter, or any rightwinger media and news centre,  I do not trust them

    Many peoples in this world have a romantic view about the capitalist state, they think that capitalists and workers are like brothers, and they will defend them,  and many are willing to die for them


    Facebook to be hit by its largest ever advertiser boycott over racism  

    Whereas , Twitter are quick to act on racist tweets.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.

    Really sickening behaviour by police. Hitting women hard with their batons who are half they size.😡

    I have been posting this:

    When you put the mark of the illiterate on the ballot paper you give up all your power and rights, you hand them to whoever is the winner and forms the new Government.. The Government then acts in the best interests of society as a whole, chiefly the propertied 1% class. They (the government) then can, hit you over the head with a police baton, fire tear gas at you, suffocate you to death, shoot you dead, harass you because of the colour of your skin, put you in jail even if you’ve not  committed a crime, and sentence you to death.
    When we stop being philanthropists, handing over the wealth we produce to the idle parasite robber capitalist the capitalists. When you stop acquiescing. When you inscribed on your placards and banners: “Abolition of the wages system “

    When you vote for yourself for a change. The game will be up.

    ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING contains distressing images

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
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