Streets protests in the USA

July 2024 Forums General discussion Streets protests in the USA

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    PC has classic books being altered, vintage movies being suppressed. Banning Mark Twain has long been an issue in the U.S.

    This is not how one ends racism. Capitalism divides. It is a system of cutthroat competition and relies on the “tribalism” of nationalism to be ready for its endless wars. It imposes the nation-state on all workers, whatever their culture, language, skin colour. Respect for others is hardly compatible with bombing and shooting them. No wonder soldiers etc. refer to those they are ordered to kill as “towel-heads” etc. It is required that they see other people as “the enemy”, as less than themselves, or they couldn’t do it.

    Only the end of capitalism will be the end of racism.




    With defund the police being an issue in protest this comment seems pertinent:

    (Part of a longer lecture which sounds interesting, one of the participants is an author who notes it was the liberals who built the federal prison system into the monster it is, not had time to watch in full).


    The large prison system was created in the USA because most of them are run by private corporations which produce large profits and they are like the hotel business of Las Vegas  which need a lot of visitors to produce more profits, and also the prisoners are used as cheap labours to work on government projects,  like the chartered school they are also run by a private corporation to produce large profits, police are armed to the teeth like militaries  because the arms manufacturers are also producing large profits

    The police system is run like an army and paramilitaries. and some mercenary army personnel are employed to be used in the prison system, the same mercenaries that are being used in Iraq, Afganistan, and Syria for several years, and many of them are employed from different countries from around the world including Colombian paramilitaries which were used in Lybia during the government of Barrack Obama

    the problem is not the prison system, private school or the policemen, the problem is the system of profits, they can enact hundred of reforms and the same system will continue producing profits, as well, racism is not going to be eliminating by enacting laws, that problem has existed  for more than 500 years, and it was a society built over the basis of slavery which was a large system used  to produce large profits, that is the reason why the historian Gerald Horne calls the USA revolution of 1776, a counter-revolution because it emerged as an opposition to the liberation of the slaves, slavery and the liberation of the natives, and the poor white workers. Mexico eliminated slavery immediately, and the USA kept it, even more, George Washing ton was scared of the Haitian Revolutions and the Haitian Jacobins  and the possible  revolt of the USA slaves

    Peoples in the USA use the expression liberal without knowing the meaning of the expression, liberal,s, and liberalism have never existed in the USA and it was never tried like in France and Great Britain during the beginning of capitalism, and it did not have any economic ideologist either, as well, real communists/socialists in the USA  are like chicken teeth and fish legs, and Antifas is not a communist trend either, many of them sound like Ancaps or Anarcho-capitalists

    If you place all the  USA president in a blender you will get the same juice, they are all the same starting with George Washington, it is no a problem of liberals vs conservatives,  ( named reactionaries in others countries ) or vice versa, the congress, Bill Gates or Soros ( the main actors of any conspiracist theory )  it is the capitalist system the main problem, the same peoples who voted for Ronald Reagan are the same ones for voted for Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barrack Obama, and Donald Trump under different tactics, political promises,  and electoral rhetoric. The problem is not the piñata, the problem is what is inside the piñata: The profits system known as capitalism


    I posted this same link on the Party Facebook account, Brighton and Hove, and its has been removed? I have posted party Facebook page nothing yet…..



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.

    Just to remind an often forgotten 1899 article by Eugene Debs in the topic of prison labour that could well be applicable for today.


    “It is therefore with the economic system, which is responsible for, not only prison labor, but for the gradual enslavement and degradation of all labor, that we must deal before there can be any solution of the prison labor problem or any permanent relief from its demoralizing influences…

    …It is popular to say that society must be protected against its criminals. I prefer to believe that criminals should be protected against society, at least while we live under a system that makes the commission of crime necessary to secure employment….”

    But how wrong was his mistaken optmism

    “…Fortunately the system of leasing and contracting prison labor for private exploitation is being exposed and its frightful iniquities laid bare. Thanks to organized labor and to the spirit of prison reform, this horrifying phase of the evil is doomed to disappear before an enlightened public sentiment…”

    Prison labour has grown into lucrative corporations


    “I posted this same link on the Party Facebook account, Brighton and Hove, and its has been removed?”

    The link is certainly there now…


    Ok. Thanks. Just seen it. I might have made an error in the post…..activist had sex….I usually edit posts which are made in haste.

    I found this….I’m looking for the Guardian link…oh, 2012 oops.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.

    I think this article is an example of how right-wing conspiracies are then propagated by the left wing as described by Marcos in his posts.

    Believe it or not, there could be a kernel of truth in accusations coming mostly from the political right as to the possible role of the notorious liberal billionaire investor and “philanthropist” George Soros…



    Another day, yet more hypocrisy. Just found this….


    It’s capitalism that need to be toppled. Nicked this from Matts Facebook post. 👍

    Lying about our history? Now that’s something Britain excels at

    Protesters may be toppling statues, but millions of records about the end of empire and the slave trade were destroyed by the state

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by james19.

    Defund the police – No chance.

    The well-to-do neighbourhoods will become increasingly gated communities with their own private security patrols.

    But business will finance their protectors by other means.

    A variety of companies – including financial institutions, technology companies, retailers, local universities and sports teams, provide funding to police foundations. Donations may be, in part, to curry favor with a force that exists primarily to protect property and capital, said the report by the Public Accountability Initiative, a nonprofit corporate and government accountability research institute, and its research database project LittleSis. 

    “Not a lot of people are aware of this public-private partnership where corporations and wealthy donors are able to siphon money into police forces with little to no oversight,” said Gin Armstrong, a senior research analyst at LittleSis.

    “Police foundations are a key space for orchestrating, normalizing and celebrating the collaboration between corporate power and the police,” the LittleSis report said.


    As the money accumulated as a result of the slave trade contributed in large measure to the “primitive (= original) accumulation of capital” needed before capitalism could take off, will those benefiting from capitalism apologise and agree to take down statues to capitalism?

    Rhetorical question of course as what is needed is not apologies and taking down statues but taking down the system itself.


    The Bank of England and the Church of England have both apologised for the role that some of their senior figures played in the slave trade.

    Former Bank of England governors and directors profited from slavery, as did a bishop and dozens of other clergymen.

    The Bank said it would ensure that images of former governors who were involved in the slave trade are not displayed in its buildings.

    The Church described its history as a “source of shame”.

    “Slavery and exploitation have no place in society,” a Church spokeswoman said.

    [Didn’t the church go on a walk of contrition  already a few years back]

    Wage slavery persists and exploitation remains and who is sorry


    Just watched a You Tube documentary on WWI where the first black regiment sent to the front, the 369th, nicknamed the Harlem Hellfighters, did not fight in American units but were seconded to the French and fought in French uniform alongside the French under the French flag and they would received French medals, not American, to maintain segregation.


    The $20 wasn’t fake.

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