Status of World Socialist Party (US)

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Status of World Socialist Party (US)

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  • #183713

    I have suggested the same idea. We should become a World Socialist Party and I have suggested to eliminate the geopraphical locations of potential member to apply for membership


    Hi Alan


    Yes exploring the possibility of closer collaboration with the SPC is definitely on my checklist of things to do in relation to this project.  At the moment I am still at the stage of ascertaining the whereabouts of  the members and their potential contribution to a revitalised WSPUS.  I am also engaging in discussion with some ex members to see if they might be interesting in re-joining given the new circumstances.


    We have to remember that there has been very little in the way of internal communication within WSPUS because of the breakdown of the central administration.  The degree of connectivity has been very low and comrades dont know what is happening elsewhere in the country.  They feel isolated and this  leads to demoralisation and apathy.  Key to a potentially resurgent WSPUS is restructuring the Party organisation to facilitate much closer collaboration and communication over vast distances. Video conferencing,  resurrection of the internal party forum (I believe there is a little used google based forum which may need to be changed)  and, most particularly, implementation of a buddy system (what has happened to the SPGB’s decision to adopt this) will be amongst the various measures that will need to be adopted, in my view.


    It cannot be emphasised enough that isolation is the great killer of socialist activity.  This applies to the WSPUS as much as it does to any of the other parties of the WSM.  Everything we do has to be designed to overcome the isolation that goes with having small memberships.  Only then do you stand a chance of breaking the vicious circle that keeps us small as a movement.


    It is absolutely clear that for the WSPUS to start growing again it is going to need significant support from the SPGB.  In particular,  its is going to need significant financing of a comprehensive advertising campaign in various selected journals in the US.  But for that to happen what we first need to put in place is a network of local contacts and distribution centres.   In other words, the basic infrastructure to convert responses to an advertising campaign into real contacts and potential members.


    Its early days yet but I have identified several possible hubs of activity – in Vegas, Chicago and one or two other places. One of the new members in Vegas has talked about the possibility of acquiring office space.   If this is possible this could turn out to be very useful indeed.  Other distribution centres could be set up elsewhere.


    At any rate, the picture that is emerging is by no means as bleak as I thought it might be when I began this project.  There is hope and there is enthusiasm.  Given current political developments in the US and the huge surge of interest in “socialism” – albeit Bernie Sanders’ type of milk-and-water welfare capitalism  – the potential for growth in the US is obvious .  We would be foolish not to seize the opportunity with both hands now




    “We should become a World Socialist Party and I have suggested to eliminate the geopraphical locations of potential member to apply for membership.”

    We’ve effectively already started that process by recently admitting two comrades from the US into membership of the SPGB.  However, this should be seen as a temporary measure only and our long-term aim must surely be to establish or re-establish companion parties within existing national boundaries.

    The SPGB has its own share of problems with dwindling branch attendances and difficulty in running even the most basic and vital aspects of the Party’s administration.  Quite frankly, most of those who are not ‘close to the hub’ have little idea of the issues we face.  Anyone who suggests that the SPGB should take on even greater responsibilities, because that’s what a “unified World Socialist Party” would entail, is whistling in the dark.


    I basically go along with what you say Dave but with two qualifications in the case of WSPUS

    1. That the SPGB should continue for the time being to take on the responsibility of processing new application for membership from the US because of the absence of an adequate means of doing this in the US at the moment
    2.  That the SPGB should play a key role in assisting the US with a significant advertising campaign in the US in the near future once the necessary support infrastructure has been put in place (see my earlier post) which we are working on right now

    The problems that the SPGB faces, which you rightly touched on, such as falling branch attendances etc  are of course  greatly magnified in the case of the US because of the large size of the country and the small numbers of socialists.  But in both cases I suggest the key variable to focus on is the level of connectivity in the organisaton.


    I am more and more convinced that the only way we can begin to effectively tackle this problem  is to significantly diversify and expand the different ways in which members (and sympathisers) connect with each other. Frankly, we need to adopt a much more holistic approach to this whole issue.


    I repeat: isolation is THE great killer of socialist activity.  Find new and imaginative ways of overcoming this problem and we WILL see progress.  Of that I am certain. Maybe foolishly so but certain I am….


    I have been in conversation with several ex members of the WSPUS.  Hopefully one or two might re-join in the light of current developments.


    On a slightly different subject one of these  has asked if anyone knows the whereabouts of an SPGB  member called BARRY SINCLAIR.  The name rings a bell but I cannot quite place him.

    Can anyone enlighten me as to where Barry is.  Is he still a member or did he pass away as I seem to think



    I have been a lone ranger for many years,  and I have never given up. I have been a witness of several organizations stampedes, and the collapse of several political parties, and world political tendencies, everybody quit,  and they have never affected me, on the contrary, it motivated me to do a self-critique and to look for the Socialist Party. In many occasions in this life, we must provide our own efforts, and look for own our frontiers



    In regards to internet isolation, I think one tool that needs to be emphasized is actually this very forum to involve and engage members and sympathisers in discussion and debate but also as a medium for drawing attention to news items to stimulate talking points that can be linked to on various US progressive websites. It features many American focused topics such as the 2020 presidential election, the US intervention in Venezuela, as well as general themes of interest universally.

    Another much underrated tool is our blog, SOYMB, which carries many international items and in particular a preponderance of American articles and events. If its blog stats are to be trusted the vast majority of visitors are already from the USA. With more input from US comrades this audience can be cultivated more.


    In regards to internet isolation, I think one tool that needs to be emphasized is actually this very forum to involve and engage members and sympathisers in discussion and debate but also as a medium for drawing attention to news items to stimulate talking points that can be linked to on various US progressive websites. It features many American focused topics such as the 2020 presidential election, the US intervention in Venezuela, as well as general themes of interest universally.
    Another much underrated tool is our blog, SOYMB, which carries many international items and in particular a preponderance of American articles and events. If its blog stats are to be trusted the vast majority of visitors are already from the USA. With more input from US comrades this audience can be cultivated more.



    Very good points Alan and I shall certainly want to mention these in my report.


    Talking of isolation,  I am rather concerned to have learnt just today that nothing has become of the proposal to implement a Buddy System which I thought was overwhelmingly agreed at Conference.  I say this because the situation in the US desperately  calls for such a measure to be adopted there given the extremely scattered distribution of the membership,  I had hoped it would be up and running in the UK by now


    Can anyone enlighten me on what is happening about this proposal?


    The WSPUS has a big task to perform. They have to do a big campaign to be able to recruit members from different ethnics groups like the left wings groups are doing at the present time,  such as the CPUSA, the DSA,  the RCPUSA,  the WSPUS, N&L and the Marxist-Humanists,  and they are printing their newspapers in several languages, and some of them have their own public forum, public meeting, and internet lectures and classes about socialism. There is going to be a new revival and interest on socialism like in the old days during 1960. Donald Trump speech against socialism is just a blower removing dead leaves


    The WSPUS has a big task to perform.


    Yes indeed Marcos and it is absolutely critical that the SPGB gives the WSPUS every support.   We cannot afford to blow this opportunity to turn around the fortunes of WSPUS.  There is a very real prospect of reviving WSPUS if we do the right thing and there is a  number of promising developments pointing in this direction.  I will be reporting on these and making a list of recommendations when I draw up my report for the EC at the end of this exercise next month

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by robbo203.

    Apologies, Robbo, if at times my posts come across as teaching my granny how to suck eggs. I am sure your report will be both comprehensive and motivating and include many aspects that I have not considered.

    But I think what Marcos was getting at is that any re-launched, re-branded WSPUS cannot be a clone of the SPGB. There are just too many differences in the environment where the WSPUS operates.

    It will need its distinct analyses of working class politics, racial, language, immigration and sex and gender identities and self-images. To transcend these differentiations, personally, I think we require to develop and build upon the core issues that face everyone rather than appeal to any “league-ranking” in exploitation. Find that common factor that unites us all – and from where i am sitting it is class. Even highly paid air traffic controllers have now discovered just how vulnerable they are economically. But I will leave that to a regenerated WSPUS to work things out for themselves.

    What I we have to be careful of is imposing a party structure and an approach that is not relevant nor applicable to American politics. For a start, a branch-based structure is simply not applicable outside cities when travel to meetings can be several hours. Also  IMHO, that means a look at how we express our socialist ideas in the Declaration of Principles. Your experience with World in Common and its online journal Common Voice may help in a more effective alternative summary of our object and principles, more suited for a contemporary American audience rather than an Edwardian English working class. (too heretical a proposition?)




    “Talking of isolation, I am rather concerned to have learnt just today that nothing has become of the proposal to implement a Buddy System which I thought was overwhelmingly agreed at Conference. I say this because the situation in the US desperately calls for such a measure to be adopted there given the extremely scattered distribution of the membership, I had hoped it would be up and running in the UK by now

    Can anyone enlighten me on what is happening about this proposal?”

    Following discussion of Motion 5 from South Wales Branch at the 2018 Conference a floor resolution was carried recommending the EC creates a ‘buddy’ system.

    The minutes for the May 2018 EC meeting (item 2e viii) refers:

    I’m not aware there has been any follow-up to this.


    But I think what Marcos was getting at is that any re-launched, re-branded WSPUS cannot be a clone of the SPGB. There are just too many differences in the environment where the WSPUS operates.


    Yes that is quite true, Alan, and I wasn’t proposing the WSPUS adopt the same branch based model as the SPGB.   There simply aren’t the numbers to make that possible anyway –  more so given the huge size of the US compared to the UK


    What I am saying, though, is that the SPGB must fully commit itself to supporting the WSPUS  in its efforts to revive itself – financially, logistically and in other ways – otherwise this is just not going to work.  They need our help at the present time.   Things will change once they achieve real growth


    In my conversations with comrades in the US I am not only making suggestions to them but also trying to get an idea of what they themselves want.   There are a number of promising ideas being discussed and I will endeavour to bring these all together in my report which will serve as a contribution to a developing an overall strategy for growth.


    I have also contacted the SPC to see if there are ways and means by which the two parties could collaborate to their mutual benefit.  One possible idea which is being explored is to hold an annual residential weekend school alternating between the US and Canada, somewhat along the lines of the SPGB’s summer school


    The main thrust of any approach to reviving the WSPUS has to focus on significantly increasing the level of connectivity and internal communication within the Party and steps are already being taken to do something about this I can happily report.


    On the question of new applicants in the US, my own opinion is that the SPGB membership committee should continue to process these applications for the time being until an administrative apparatus capable of doing this emerges within the WSPUS.  Information packs sent out to new members should include material specifically related to the WSPUS in the case of new members based in America.


    Following discussion of Motion 5 from South Wales Branch at the 2018 Conference a floor resolution was carried recommending the EC creates a ‘buddy’ system.
    The minutes for the May 2018 EC meeting (item 2e viii) refers:
    I’m not aware there has been any follow-up to this.

    Thanks for this information, Dave


    Its now becoming quite urgent that the Buddy System be implemented without further delay particularly with the situation in the US in mind,  The implementation of a Buddy System is one of key proposals I will be putting forward since it directly addresses the enormous problem of isolation that confronts comrades in the US even more than in the UK


    I had hoped the system would have been up and running by now so that it could be extended to include US comrades.   Would it be possible to ask the EC to look into this as a matter of urgency.  Perhaps the original proposers of the Motion 5 – South Wales Branch – could assume responsibility for managing this project if they are willing….


    “… One possible idea which is being explored is to hold an annual residential weekend school alternating between the US and Canada, somewhat along the lines of the SPGB’s summer school..”

    I hope this is where the Party can make a positive contribution and offer supportive financial assistance to subsidize this school, not just with the accommodation and meal costs but equally important also towards the travel expenses to get there.


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