Status of World Socialist Party (US)

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Status of World Socialist Party (US)

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  • #185592

    Marcos,  a lot of things  have happened recently in the WSPUS which you might not be aware.  A new application for membership was I believe accepted just yesterday and there are several more in the pipeline.  Plans are being made to recommence publishing  literature , embark on extensive publicity and advertising and to revamp with website with fresh material and a forum facility.   Jordan is going to be producing videos for the Party as well which I really looking forward to seeing.   There are lots things going on and we need to support them


    You need to get involved in the  WSPUS again as the link with Spanish speaking workers just as the Canadian Party does with French speaking workers





    “…and participate in the WSM forum and the SPGB forum”

    The Yahoo! lists are a dead letter as far as forums for discussion are concerned.
    Some already participate in this, the SPGB forum.


    The American website, Dissident Voice have posted an article I just wrote on the WSPUS. It may prove useful to link to when commenting on other websites.

    Some will take issue with the tone but I don’t think an openly partisan piece would have been published and my intention was to attract attention, not to issue a manifesto of the WSPUS ideas.

    Here was my begging letter that accompanied it

    “I wonder if this brief portrayal of the WSPUS might be of any use to you. It isn’t a blatant recruitment article but is shamelessy intended to attract attention to a socialist party which is sadly heading the same way as the De Leonist Socialist Labor Party went – towards oblivion It would be a great pity for this socialist organization to disappear like others of its kind e.g. the Proletarian Party. It would be regretful that the struggles and sacrifices of long-dead activists should have all been for nothing. The WSPUS still holds some, albeit limited, value as a reminder of America’s more vibrant and diverse Marxist past. And it would be a comradely act to help the WSPUS to survive, if only for a little bit longer”

    Unfortunately, DV has no comments facility so reaction will not be able to be determined.

    Rising from its Death-bed



    Thanks Alan. Ive posted this on the American Party’s google discussion list

    Jordan Levi

    I don’t believe the tone was bad at all, it was just brutally honest

    What is the point of repeating the quote from the deranged and erratic Jack London? He was not only a World War One enthusiast, he also was a racist who wrote a story about eliminating the entire population of China.
    You have to really *read* the story — it’s online. The Wikipedia description does not convey at all how despicable it is.
    Jordan Levi

    the points that he agreed with the founders of the WSPUS, which i would agree is noteworthy for that time and his overall accomplishments, even considering these bad ideas. influential people can, unfortunately, still have bad convictions


    ZJW, I’m well aware of Jack London’s racist white supremacist attitudes. I have posted about it on our blog.

    But very few know that side of him and are more acquainted with the Iron Heel image.

    As I explained, I was attempting to gain attention and his connection and name-dropping was the bait I hoped to hook an audience. Needless to say I also did not enter into a debate about our differences with Pannekoek.

    But maybe as you infer it might turn out to have been a miscalculation. If so, my apologies.

    I’m hoping to do a short follow-up on Impossibilism but websites such as DV are not keen to be seen as promoting particular party-lines.


    Did they pick the title of the article?


    Hi Alan .  Just a minor point but I think you need to be careful about the links you provide to the WSM which in this case seem to have been old links relating to the time when the website crashed,   It would also be useful to provide a direct link to the WSPUS which is due for a major overhaul as well as the US-based


    Robbo -“It would also be useful to provide a direct link to the WSPUS”

    It did link to their website if you clicked underlined “Workers Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS) ”

    Also the WSM web-page provided a list of companion parties URLs to their websites that any visitor could click on to take you to their home-pages. (But it is about time it was fully fixed)

    At the author bit, it describes me as a SPGB  member, provides my personal e-mail for anybody who wishes to make contact, and it also has links to SOYMB and Socialist Courier blogs, and again that broken WSM blog. I forgot they did that using the details I gave from a submission from a few years ago.

    New writers can decide their own description and what links to use.

    As I said, I fretted that too much promotion and it would be considered as if i was simply spamming. So made it appeal to curiosity rather than some heavy theoretical PhD.

    I have done an explanatory article for DV on impossibilism’s attitude to reformism to expand on this article which refers to it and again name recognition is the purpose but without seeming putting a party-line but more as an educational motive. I’ll send next week.

    Also working on something debunking cooperatives for a lot later on…no wish to flood them. Softly softly, catchee the monkey

    Imposs1904 – No I thought up the title…the article seemed to sound very much like a  resurrection when I read over it., reflects my doom and gloom general personality…If it was for the Australian Party i’d titled it “risen from the grave”

    I was also going for the pity angle if you see in the pleading intro I sent them to give them a guilt complex about flouting the memory of dead socialists if they declined to publish.

    A handy guide if you thinking of sending articles to any website. Some though are far too elitist for people like me…no credibility or professorships to my name





    Robbo -“It would also be useful to provide a direct link to the WSPUS”
    It did link to their website if you clicked underlined “Workers Socialist Party of the United States (WSPUS) ”


    Ah OK fair enough Alan,  I was thinking of the link to the World Socialist Movement which when you click on it comes up as “temporarily unavailable”.  Perhaps we should scrap that link because it doesn’t create a good impression.  Its probably better to link to the “contacts page” on this site…




    Not sure why Stefan’s personal website should be listed as the main website for the WSPUS. I’m sure that would be a mistake.


    Hi Darren


    No I wasn’t saying Stefan’s website should be listed AS the main website but rather ALONGSIDE the main website. I think – though I may have misunderstood something – that he is sort of suggesting that the whatissocialism,net site become a Party website along with the WSPUS website, meaning no longer a personal website strictly speaking.   The idea being    that each would have a somewhat different focus.   Perhaps this needs clarifying.  It could work out in my view if one focussed on the planned new public forum as well as youtube facility and the other on articles etc  with each website closely linked to the other,   But that’s up to you guys to decide….


    Marcos,  a lot of things  have happened recently in the WSPUS which you might not be aware.  A new application for membership was I believe accepted just yesterday and there are several more in the pipeline.  Plans are being made to recommence publishing  literature , embark on extensive publicity and advertising and to revamp with website with fresh material and a forum facility.   Jordan is going to be producing videos for the Party as well which I really looking forward to seeing.   There are lots things going on and we need to support them


    You need to get involved in the  WSPUS again as the link with Spanish speaking workers just as the Canadian Party does with French speaking workers



    I am aware of many things, what you are proposing now,  I proposed several years ago. I am happy where I am now, I will stay there until I die

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