Status of World Socialist Party (US)

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Status of World Socialist Party (US)

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    Some Leninists and Marxists online newspapers/journals  allowed peoples to write commentaries about their articles, such as WSWS, N&L, DSA, CPUSA, Marxist-Humanist Initiative. International Marxist Humanist, Global Research. They have to open the windows and doors of their minds and start to get in contact with the outside world, and use a digital translator to write commentaries on foreign newspapers and journals. Open their own discussion forum, they have to make noises and let peoples know that there is a better alternative than the social democrats


    Countercurrents which is based in the Indian state of Kerala exercises a welcoming policy to submissions. Both myself and JanetS have had pieces on its website.

    It may worth posting something on the re-launch of the WSPUS there at the appropriate time. Then instead of appearing to be partisan that can be mistaken for spam, linking to that may be a useful tactic.


    Inactive  is another progressive online news outlet


    truthout.0rg.  Another progressive news center.


    Sign of trend?

    Three Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) members won their Chicago city council races in runoff elections on Tuesday. They will join two other socialists who won the first round of elections outright in February.

    “…Chicago’s socialist victories last night weren’t a fluke. Throughout the country, people are tired of low wages, soaring housing costs, privatization of public goods, budget cuts and corporate giveaways of public money. They have tried austerity and found it miserable. If Chicago’s elections are any indication, maybe they’re ready to try socialism.”

    Perhaps we can understand this partisan article when the author is editor of Jacobin, but there is a trace of truth in that radical reformists are once more on the rise.

    Yet again it confirms that there is a increasingly receptive audience to reach out to and hope for a few our genuine socialist message will resonate.

    Bijou Drains

    Considering the fertile ground that is now emerging in the US, is it not appropriate for us to support the party their and in Canada by organising a speaking tour, as Steve Coleman and Harry Young did (I think it was in the 70’s). I know it might seem a little patronising, but it might generate enough publicity to create more visitors, etc. to the meetings in those parts of the world. We could reciprocate by getting a couple of Comrades from the other side of the pond to come over to the UK and speak at meetings here.

    Whilst I understand the importance of internet based activity, I do think that direct inter personal interaction is also really important. The worst it could do would be to improve morale a little bit.


    Considering the fertile ground that is now emerging in the US, is it not appropriate for us to support the party their and in Canada by organising a speaking tour, as Steve Coleman and Harry Young did (I think it was in the 70’s).




    At the EC’s request in February,  I have been carrying out quite an intensive investigation into the state of the American Party these past few weeks.  A number of developments have occurred in the interim which are promising.  I am due to write up a comprehensive report hopefully in time for Conference…


    Apropos your specific proposal, one of the ideas  being discussed is that of holding a weekend residential summer school, along the lines of the UK Summer school, jointly run by the Canadian and American parties and alternating each year between Canada and the US.  Like the SPGB Summer School this could be themed and one of two big names could be invited to draw people in .   SPGB speakers could also be invited  to do some of the sessions .  Possibly they could go on to give talks elsewhere.


    There is however a problem which is particularly acute in the US , in that the membership,  apart from being small, is extremely dispersed   There are no clusters of members anywhere.  Canada at least has a branch in Toronto but in the US there are only two tiny clusters of 2 members each – Las Vegas and Chicago – that I know of.  Everywhere else is just isolated individuals.  Its difficult to organise a successful meeting with just 1 or even 2 members in the area



    This is why WSPUS needs to reorganise itself on a quite different kind basis to the SPGB Branch/EC model.   That is what it is currently doing.  Hopefully this new organisational model could be adopted in other parts of the world where new socialist parties are in the early stage of development and finding their feet.


    So it would perhaps be somewhat problematic arranging a US speaking tour in quite the sense you might have in mind – that is organised public meetings –  though I dont rule it our completely.  Possibly a more productive approach would be for local members to arrange interviews on local radio stations.  But, as I suggest, this would be supplementary to the idea of attending, and giving a talk at,  the proposed North American Summer school  which itself could be heavily publicised in selected journals and newspapers throughout North America.


    But you are right.  The potential for growth in the US is enormous.  A reorganised and reinvigorated WSPUS will be much better positioned to tap into this potential and to grow rapidly. As more and bigger clusters of members appear on the scene the opportunities will expand for implementing the kind of idea you have in mind


    There is a new term known as socialism for bankers

    J Surman

    I would be interested to know how the numbers in the US compare with those of the party in India. The Indian group meet regularly as can be seen from their minutes posted on this forum but the number of attendees is always small and presumably all from the same area. India is also a huge area and if they too have members dispersed around the country then perhaps they can offer some clues as to how and if they have found any ways to be more inclusive.



    One problem face by the WSP (India) in contrast to the WSPUS is language.

    WSP(India)’s campaigning is predominantly done in English and Bengali. Many millions have their own languages. WSP (India) is very much based in Kolkata but the other two great mega-cities, Mumbai, Marathi is the predominant language and in Chennai, it’s Tamil.

    Countercurrents website which I know you are acquainted with is based in a provincial town in Kerala and that state has Malayalam as its language.

    Hindi and English are the link languages of different States and the medium of the educated but like many countries the choice of languages used can be very political.

    I recall Vic Vanni who was one of the earliest SPGBers to visit WSP (India) remarking to me it arose from basically students centred around their lecturer.

    Marcos I think has said that any socialist party in the US should have plenty of articles in Spanish (for about 40-50 million its what they speak at home) – Just as the SP of Canada has some articles in French for the Quebecois.




    What the WSPUS is up against.

    “…Republicans declare socialism is a crime not only because they believe it “steals” property, but because the poor are already “criminals.” …”

    But there is hope

    “…The bottom of the U.S.’s class hierarchy is a treasure-trove of potential socialism….”

    Conservatives Don’t Hate Socialism, They Hate Equality


    Marcos I think has said that any socialist party in the US should have plenty of articles in Spanish (for about 40-50 million its what they speak at home) – Just as the SP of Canada has some articles in French for the Quebecois.



    Besides that, there are thousands of leftwing and communities organization in the USA which are attached to the original countries of their members. For example,  New York has two large community which are the  Dominicans and the  Puerto Ricans,  they have many political, and community organizations, and many were founded during the 60, or some of their members were members of some socialists or communist organizations who emigrated to New York,  and they are still active in the community, some of those organization used  to have relationship with the CPUSA, the MLPUSA,  CPML, and  COUSML. The WSWS is printing articles in seven languages and the ICC is doing the same thing . Some of those organizations which are social democrats oriented  they have their own premises where the WSPUS can give lectures to them


    My investigation of the state of the WSPUS has been completed and  comprehensive report has been drawn up.  The conclusion in a nutshell is that the Party is definitely back in business, small though it may be


    There are a number of recommendations made at the end of the Report which I hope will be discussed – and supported  – at Conference.   The include providing financial support for both the WSPUS and the SPC and scrapping the existing unworkable arrangement regarding membership by permitting dual membership


    I have also suggested a project concerned with how to make more effective use of the social media which the membership of the WSM across the world could get involved with.  So far the response has been pretty positive.


    I don’t think the WSPUS can be called a political party, probably, it is a study group. Having a private google group will not give them any recognition or incidence within the working class, they are going to be filtering the admission of others peoples like they were doing in the past. They will continue in the same isolation that they have been for a long time. They should have an open discussion forum like yahoo forum, which can be searched in the internet,  and participate in the WSM forum and the SPGB forum

    Jordan Levi

    the google groups a temporary measure while we work on getting the political side of things back up and running. but i definitely think we should have a public forum — preferably on the WSPUS website — once the partys functional again

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