Sri Lanka

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  • #228458

    March Material World appears quite prescient with the latest unrest in Sri Lanka


    So voters in Sri Lanka have elected a “Marxist-leaning president”. That will be the reflection at the ballot box of the popular unrest there that led to the overthrow of a previous government.

    But what is a “Marxist-leaning” person?

    One thing is certain. No matter how far he leans towards Marxism he won’t be able to fix the capitalist economy in Sri Lanka so as make it work for the benefit of workers there (as Marx could have told him).


    This the JVP’s website:


    Looking at their publications:

    They have a pamphlet ‘Rapid response to overcome current challenges’

    Some quotes:
    “This economic policy laid the foundation for the severe economic crisis that we face today. Instead of prioritizing and strengthening production, the key features of this policy are the unnecessary expansion of financialisation, austerity measures subsidy cuts, creating market monopolies, inefficient and excessive borrowing, and sale of public property and state-owned enterprises to a small coterie of favoured individuals and companies. This policy, which gradually evolved, is called neoliberalism.”

    “We advocate a value-added economic approach that considers which products and services should be
    manufactured, which production methods should be adopted, which technologies to use, how to utilise
    human and physical resources, how foreign trade structure should be shaped and how benefits of the
    manufacturing process should be shared among the people. ”

    “•A comprehensive national plan on economic development goals to be achieved in the short,
    medium and long term
    • Prepare the human resources required to implement the above plan
    • To provide an opportunity for every citizen to participate in the collective task of nation building, in the public and private sectors
    •Constitutional reforms to include the right to recall people’s representatives”

    A lot of anti-corruption and political reform stuff, which sounds broadly sensible.

    Sri Lanka is the refutation to the MMT crowd, as it is a sovereign currency issuing state that did go bankrupt in 2022.

    This will be interesting to watch.


    I think they used to be a Maoist “Marxist-Leninist” party. This is still on their site:

    Programme of the proletarian socialist revolution
    The proletariat in this neo-colony, where the capitalist production system dominates and a bourgeoisie subservient to imperialists is in power, faces the challenge to prepare for socialist revolutionary tasks and achieve them. In order to achieve them the Sri Lankan proletariat presents this programme. More…

    But when you press “more” you get this message;

    “ Not found, error 404
    The page you are looking for no longer exists”.


    But what is a “Marxist-leaning” person?

    The same thing as left leaning person which is frequently used in the USA and nobody knows the meaning, and they call marxist anyone that is opposing Trump including Kamala Harris who knows shit about Karl Mar and has never read anything about Marx or Engels

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