SPGB Media Committee

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement SPGB Media Committee

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  • #84577

    Bernie Sanders and the SPGB

    An article titled " Bernie Sanders had 'no intention of becoming a Democrat' " recently appeared on the Daily Telegraph website. There is a link to the item below.

    The following response was issued:

    "I refer you to an article published 19th February in the Daily Telegraph entitled ‘Bernie Sanders had no intention of becoming a Democrat’. There you state that Sanders was once a subscriber to the Socialist Republic, which you describe as ‘a cheaply produced magazine linked with the hard left Socialist Party of Great Britain.’

    There are two errors here: firstly, the journal of the Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB) is the Socialist Standard, launched in 1904 when the party was formed; secondly, the SPGB is not part of the ‘hard left’. We have consistently criticised ‘hard left' parties which support state capitalism, where exploitation of the working class is carried out by the state, rather than private corporations. Sanders hold similar views to which the SPGB is entirely opposed. "

    Comrades are encouraged to report to the SPGB Media Committee any follow-up pieces they may notice in the media about this or any other articles appearing about the Party. Email to: spgb.media@worldsocialism.org

    SPGB Media Committee



    It's Bernie Sanders not Bernie Saunders.

    jondwhite wrote:
    It's Bernie Sanders not Bernie Saunders.

    Oh dear, another own goal reminiscent of the 'bandwaggon' cock-up contained in a press release we issued on Russell Brand.  This sort of thing just makes the party look like a bunch of politically and grammatically illiterate numpties.  We've got to do much better than this…


    Thanks for pointing this out.  I missed this when I copied the text into the post.The error may have been corrected before it was sent out. It was shared pre-release within the Committee but the error was not commented on, so we have a quality assurance problem to address.Media Committee 


    Wouldn't help with the Saunders thing but I have sometimes been using this free app to check grammar on things before sending them out.https://www.grammarly.com

    DJP wrote:
    Wouldn't help with the Saunders thing but I have sometimes been using this free app to check grammar on things before sending them out.https://www.grammarly.com

    Judging by the number of misspellings that occur on a daily basis just on this forum alone it seems nobody much bothers to use spell check software anymore or even benefitted from an elementary educayshun…


    London (GLA) Election Campaign – The Socialist Party News ReleaseThe Media Committee issued this press release to London-wide print and broadcast media this morning, and to some other publications. The text was subject to consultation with stake-holders.Please keep an eye out for any coverage and let us know what you see.SPGB MEDIA COMMITTEESocialists say ‘stop voting for capitalism’The Greater London Assembly elections on May 5th will give over a million Londoners a chance to vote for more than just a “glorified talking shop”, according to The Socialist Party which launched its campaign for three of the London super-constituencies yesterday.“The Assembly is about managing the costs of inequality. We say stop electing people who just run London for the benefit of the rich. We want to see wealth and power owned and controlled by everyone”, said Kevin Parkin, Socialist candidate for Lambeth and Southwark.Joining him were fellow candidates, Bill Martin (North East London) and Adam Buick (South West London), who said “democracy should mean all have an equal say in running things, but today we don’t.  Socialism will make us free from bosses, loan sharks and landlords.  We will be able to produce wealth to meet the needs of all the people, not just a few.”

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