Special meeting of the 2017 Executive Committee

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Special meeting of the 2017 Executive Committee

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    (These are draft minutes only and are not official until adopted by the EC)

    Present: Browne (chair), Buick (minutes), Chesham, Foster, Tenner, Thomas (6).

    Apologies: McLellan. Also present: Shannon, 1 visitor

    The meeting commenced at 1.10 pm

    The meeting had been called to deal with any urgent matters in the event of the meeting of the 2018 EC later that afternoon not being quorate.

    1. Minutes of the previous meeting

    Adopted on a motion of Chesham and Tenner.

    2. Matters arising from previous Minutes

    (a) The Assistant Secretary requested that the amendments to the November minutes accepted in December be recorded. Comrade Foster’s name had been corrected from “Fowler”.

    (b) Comrade Foster presented a draft reply to a complaint from Bernard Holmes re a Manchester branch meeting, stating that “One of our principles is that all of our meetings are open to the public, so that our procedures are transparent and accountable. We do not agree that this approach has similarities to the WRP or Stalinism”.

    MOTION 1: Tenner and Chesham moved that the draft be accepted and the letter sent. Agreed.

    (c) Comrade Whitehead wrote that he was unable to assist in the layout of the Socialist Standard. The EC noted that the present layout member, Comrade Westley, could co-opt assistance if needed.

    (d) Kent & Sussex Branch sent in the following resolution carried 4-0 (4 present) at their meeting on 10 December:

    “The Branch is concerned that the EC's consultation has not carried out the instructions of Conference 2017 (Motion1) to consult members on their views to support the "urgent review" called for by the motion, and by omitting the full text of the motion, has failed to provide members with the context of the survey, but instead has presented members with a series of random questions (with pre-set answers), few of which are related to the consultation demanded by the motion.”

    MOTION 2: Buick and Foster moved that the resolution be noted. Carried 6-0

    (e) O’Gorman bequest. Comrade Thomas reported that the auction of the property had not gone ahead in December as the auctioneers were not satisfied with the position regarding the right of way; also an energy efficiency certificate was required. New auctioneers (Andrews & Robertson) were being engaged with a view to an auction this month. The executor had still not drawn up the final accounts.

    MOTION 3: Tenner and Foster moved “That the outstanding matters be left in the hands of Comrade Thomas and that the request to pay for an advertisement in the new auctioneers’ catalogue be acceded to”. Carried 6-0.

    3. Forms A and F

    Members Application Committee submitted Form A from Tim Hart (contact via a member). Agreed to accept.

    Form F for Robert Denton (North East branch). Deceased. Accepted.

    Form F for Bill Mostyn (Central branch). Loss of Contact. Accepted.

    Form F for Vin Maratty (Central branch). Resignation (dissatisfied).

    MOTION 4: Chesham and Thomas moved “That the Form F for V. Maratty be accepted”. Carried 6-0.

    4. Reports

    (a) Comrade Tenner reported that 500 copies of the reprint of the From Capitalism to Socialism pamphlet would be delivered to Head Office next week.

    At this point it was established that the meeting of the 2018 EC would be quorate (one member participating via Skype).

    (b) Head Office Insurance: renewal was due on 5 February. Comrade Tenner was seeking cheaper quotes. Agreed that he submit a quote to the 2018 EC members by email for approval.

    (c) Ballot for 2018 EC and Party officers. The Ballot Committee reported that 119 papers were returned. The following were elected.

    2018 EC: Chesham, Foster, Shannon, Stevens, Tenner.

    Assistant Secretary: Miller.

    Central Organiser: Buick.

    Trustee: Moss.

    Auditor: Moss.

    There had been no candidates for General Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, one Trustee, and one Auditor. The committee reported that there had been 3 replies to the EC letter that had been sent out with the ballot papers about this. It was agreed to pass these to the new EC for follow up.

    Meeting adjourned at 2.15 pm.

    Rusty Pigfumbler

    So.Farewell thenVin.You are something of a crooner.'(I can't get no) Satisfaction''It's All Over Now''The Last Time'.You never sang any of these.Butperhapsyou should start.


    Pig, another bitter, vindictive member hiding behind a sock puppet while attacking and without the balls to 'come out'Give my regards to the other pervert.  Strange powers you have 007


    As my resignation has been raised bya sock puppet / psuedonym and the reason for my resignation not fully stated in the minutes. I resigned because I have been deliberately preventet from carrying out propaganda.I am sure it has been said before but it is important that  members' reason(s) for resigning should be shown so that the party may learn and understand why people leave

    Vin wrote:
    As my resignation has been raised bya sock puppet / psuedonym and the reason for my resignation not fully stated in the minutes. I resigned because I have been deliberately preventet from carrying out propaganda.I am sure it has been said before but it is important that  members' reason(s) for resigning should be shown so that the party may learn and understand why people leave

     Hi Vin Well, personally speaking, I am rather saddened by your decision but respect it.  I think it is a bit sweeping to say you were "deiberately prevented  from carrying out propaganda" as a general statement though it looks as though certain problems did arise in relation to your audio visual work and the Party's twitter acount as far as I can tell  I might be wrong about this but you will no doubt correct me if so. My gut feeling is that a lot of musunderstandings and flared tempers  lie at the root of the problem which could have been avoided with a little patience on all sides.  But you are right about the Party needing to learn about why members leave and I sincerely hope these lessons willl be applied when it comes to the proposed reorganisation of the SPGB this year. The SPGB cannot afford to loose such active members as yourself and I hope you will continue closely collaborating with comrades in the Party and even possibly at some point consider rejoining.at a later stage  For the moment, good luck with the socialist propaganda work you are engaged in!


    Thanks Robin, but there is really no excuse for standing in the path of a member's attempts at activity without giving an explanation.If 'misunderstandings and flared tempers' are at the root of the problem, preventing party activity which no one has admitted to, then I for one would like to know.

    Vin wrote:
    Thanks, Robin, but there is really no excuse for standing in the path of a member's attempts at activity without giving an explanation.If 'misunderstandings and flared tempers' are at the root of the problem, preventing party activity which no one has admitted to, then I for one would like to know.

    Staying outside won't do any good. There is not any other place to go

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