Soviet-Union and pedophiles

September 2024 Forums General discussion Soviet-Union and pedophiles

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  • #226248

    Dear fellow human beings,

    My name is Johan, I’m 21 years old, I’m from the Netherlands and I’m quite interested in socialist politics, but there is something that bothers me about socialism. As far as I know this is the best place to discuss my “problem” here, because this forum was created especially for socialism. I’ll try to explain my “problem” as best I can:

    As far as I understood communism (which is an extreme form of socialism) is the end goal of history! I also know that the Soviet Socialist Union was very progressive for its time, due to the fact that women, disabled people or homosexuals were given more rights and freedoms and all that. Yet I once understood from a Marxist-Leninist YouTuber named Benji (Who is from New Zealand) that the Soviet Union saw pedophiles as “serious criminals” and sent them to the Gulags. As a pedophile (But NOT being a child molester), I feel very furious and hurt about this. Is it REALLY true that the Soviet Union harshly punished pedophiles? Are Marxist-Leninists really huge against pedophiles? Can I be both a socialist and a pedophile?


    Sorry we can’t help. We are not “Marxist-Leninists”. In fact, as far as we are concerned, that’s a contradiction in terms as Marxism and Leninist are not the same. Leninist was the ideology of the ruling class in the old USSR which was state capitalist not socialist. It is still the ideology of various movements in parts of the world to establish a state capitalist regime. Marxism is quite different and stands for “the emancipation of all human beings irrespective without distinction of dec or race.”

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by ALB.

    We are the only place around the whole world that advocates for socialism/communism

    Communism is not a extreme form of socialism, both are the same, it was Lenin and the Bolsheviks that separated it to justify the dictatorship of the party over the working class and the so called workers state

    The reforms implemented by the Bolsheviks were also established in other countries by capitalists and dictators, it was nothing exceptional

    The problem with pedophiles is the favorite toy of several right wings groups like Qanon and some anti vatican groups but they do not focus themselves on the big epidemic of child slavery and the big business of child prostitution


    The Soviet Union was never socialist, it was a lie spread by both sides and by the Leninist groups, it was a state capitalist economy since the first day that it was created and they never advanced socialism, on the contrary, they retarded socialism for more than 75 years. Besides that, socialism can not be established in one country, it is a world system. Everything about the Soviet Union is just a lie, the Russian workers did not have any freedom, it was just a brutal dictatorship. The slogan of the Bolsheviks was: Land, Bread, and Freedom and they did not obtain any one of them

    Bijou Drains

    If active paedophiles were sent to the gulags, at least I could finally say something positive about the USSR!


    The question is, how paedophiles are going to be treated in a socialist society? Are we going to have concentration and forced labour camps for criminals? Can a paedophile be a member of the Socialist Party?

    Mike Foster

    I’d say that a socialist society would still need places to detain people who should be separated from the rest of the population, including some paedophiles and murderers. These places would be more like hospitals than prisons, with an emphasis on rehabilitation, and their remit would be decided democratically. Similarly, some people may have to be monitored in the community, more from a ‘medical’ perspective than from an ‘enforcement’ one, in a democratically-managed framework. A socialist society would promote people’s development in ways which would mean that very few people would end up requiring such interventions, hopefully.
    As for whether a paedophile could be a member of the Socialist Party, they may understand the political and economic ideology, but their disorder involves unhealthy and damaging relationships, which I’d say don’t fit with a socialist mindset.


    I am just asking the question to open a socialist discussion, I already have the answers in my mind. I know that it is a mental disorder


    One problem will be the end of the commercial sexualisation of children just to make money from adult-themed fashion and products

    There has been plenty of research done on the topic. For example

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