Socialist Standard Past & Present Blog

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Socialist Standard Past & Present Blog

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 233 total)
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    Link: 200 posts on the blog for the month of JanuaryAbout 170-175 posts are new to the net. Something for everyone. Check it out and pass on the links.


    Interesting four part series from 1978 on definitions:Link: A Question of DefinitionThe link will take you to part four at the top of the page, so just scroll further down the page and it will take you to part one. 


    A nice wee 6-part series from 1952, addressing 'Common Questions Answered . . . 'Link: 'Common Questions Answered . . . 'The same rules apply to any series posted on the blog; you have to scroll down to the bottom of the linked page for the first article in the series, and work your way up.


    Interesting series articles from the July 1973 issue of the Socialist Standard, all under the umbrella of 'Socialism Means . . . ' The front page article was reproduced in the Socialism or Your Money Back centenary book but the other six articles are on the internet for the first time:Link: Socialism Means series . . . Scroll down the page to see all seven articles.


    Must post a link a link to this excellent article from 1922:Link: On getting tiredEven back in 1922, people were talking and moaning about that 'final paragraph' that peppers each and every issue of the Socialist Standard. Be sure to also check out other articles by the same writer, W. T. Hopley. He really did have a nice style of writing:Link: W. T. HopleyThe link with open on 'On Getting Tired' but if you scroll down the page it will lead you to other articles by Hopley.


    A new batch of old articles, editorials and reviews from the Socialist Standard that are on the internet for the first time. This collection are from1984 and 1985:LINK: Socialist Standard 1984LINK: Socialist Standard 1985Both links were lead you to a series of pieces from both years.


    A new batch of old Socialist Standard articles, editorials and reviews on the internet for the first time. I'm too lazy to list them individually but they date from the 1977-1983 period, and number about 80 pieces in total:Link: New Socialist Standard articlesEnjoy. Feel free to pass them on and share them on other forums and via google, etc.


    The Labour Party  ". . . is made up in the main of religious visionaries, taxation quacks, place-hunters, wind-bags, and would-be “statesmen"Cracking Socialist Standard editorial from 1923:Link: Labour's "Revolutionary" Leaders


    Excellent Socialist Standard article from 1979 by Steve Coleman on the history of Labour Party reformism. One to bear in mind, what with the ongoing illusions invested in Corbyn and others:Link: Labour under illusions


    Interesting article by a Labour Lord – Fred Montague – who quit the Labour whip because of its reformism, that was reprinted in the February 1956 issue of the Socialist Standard:Link: Why I Quit

    imposs1904 wrote:
    Interesting article by a Labour Lord – Fred Montague – who quit the Labour whip because of its reformism, that was reprinted in the February 1956 issue of the Socialist Standard:Link: Why I Quit

    Wrong link.


    Oops. Cheers for the heads up.Corrected Link


    Some May Day pieces from yesteryear on the net for the first time:Link: The Significance of May Day (1907)Link: May Day Musings: The Tragedy of Demonstrations (1936)Link: May Day—After The Shambles (1946)


    Good Socialist Standard editorial from 1904:Link: The Futility of ReformHat tip to DJW for originally scanning it in.


    Good article from the July 1979 issue of the Socialist Standard:Link: Dictatorship of the Proletariat

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 233 total)
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