Socialist Standard Past & Present Blog

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Socialist Standard Past & Present Blog

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    Just uploaded to the blog, an October 1904 Socialist Standard article sticking the boot into Keir Hardie: tip to ALB for scanning the article.


    Another great article from the early days. This time from 1906:'s general theme means that it could have been written yesterday.Cheers again to ALB for scanning the article.


    Some interesting articles from yesteryear just added to the blog: From August 1979: L. E. Weidberg's Pass the Salt From September 1939: Editorial Birds of a Feather: The Russo-German Bombshell From February 1977: Jim D'Arcy's Lewis Henry Morgan and the last hundred years From November 1984: Steve Coleman's Who needs religious morality? Hat tip to Rob S. for originally putting these on the internet.


    The latest undertaking on the blog is Robert Ambridge's 1960/61 12 part series entitled, 'Notes on Economic History'. The majority are already up on the blog, and they should all be up some time early next week. Here's the obligatory links:November 1960 – Economics before mercantilism 1960 – The Mercantile System 1961 – The rise of the merchants 1961 – Before the physiocrats 1961 – The Physiocrats 1961 – The Physiocratic School


    This is a lengthy series and i wonder if it would be worthwhile turning it into budget pamphlet by the Party (or by an individual member) to place online at appropriate websites. I don't think the task is too time-consuming. A brief intro (including maybe a passing bio of Ambridge) and the design of a front cover and some re-formatting of the files more likely.Being a historical theme, i think it has not lost its value across the 50-odd years and is now part of history itself. 


    I believe the articles were collected together and issued as a Common Ownership pamphlet in the 1990s sometime. Somebody will pop up to provide the detail, but I understand the Common Ownership pamphlets originated out of New Zealand. I can't remember who was behind them, but the name Chris Fackney springs to mind for some reason.


    The second half of Bob Ambridge's Notes on Economic History series:May 1961 – Wealth of Nations 1961 – Adam Smith's theories of income 1961 – What is economic life? 1961 – The value of Labour-power 1961 – The Theory of Population 1961 – Malthus on Poverty


    ImpossDo you know if the Socialist Stanard has a twitter account? I believe @TheStandard1904 is avaiable. Or SocialistStandard@WorldSocialism 


    Vin,I use this twitter account for posting links from the page: happens to be an old account that I had from years ago, which I never used, but simply reactivated once I started putting more time into the Socialist Standard Past and Present blog.It's in no way an 'official' page for the journal or the Party. I'll leave that wee endeavour for either the media department or the officialspgb twitter account.


    From the January 1955 issue of the Socialist Standard, a review of the first tv adapatation of George Orwell's 1984: Cushing as Winston Smith!


    Just a wee curio from the October 1943 issue of The Western Socialist:

    Keymaster to the work of Darren's Socialist Standard Past and Present blog that allowed our African blog Socialist Banner to repost archive material, one blog has picked up on a 1970s article to widen our audience to the parts where our own efforts do not reach. 


    A long historical by Peter E. Newell on Eleanor Marx and the Early Socialist Movement: tip to Alan J. for originally putting this article on the net. Clip around the ear for Alan J. for not bringing it to a wider audience.


    A few yars back I volunteered to transcribe a lot of hand-written articles by Peter to place on the web for posterity. The results i posted on a blog i created for the purpose. Members were informed at the time on either Spopen or Spintcom, i forget which now. Cde Newell i think was the forerunner of Snowdon and Greenwald and the other whistleblowers for he was very interested in the secret aspects of the UK.


    Never saw it at the time. I clip myself around the head later on.Btw, ALB forwarded to the blog an interesing article from the October 1905 on the impossiblist movement in one corner of mainland Europe:

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 232 total)
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