Socialist Standard Past & Present Blog

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Socialist Standard Past & Present Blog

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    Just a quick post to mention that I'm posting again over at the Socialist Standard Past and Present blog. I'm too lazy to post individual links, so you'll just have to click on the link: Link: Socialist Standard Past and Present Blog


    You are doing a grand job,  Whenever there is a Scottish connection, the article is re-posted on our Socialist Courier blog. 


    Finally got my arse in gear and posted the final article in Bill Waters 1950s 'Backwaters of History' series. The last article was about the Tolpuddle Martyrs:Link: Backwaters of HistoryA very interesting series. I really wish there was something similar being serialized in the Standard today.


    In its own feeble way our Socialist Courier blog has tried to describe many events and persons from Scottish labour history, trouble is that they are scattered around the archives of the blog and requires extensive use of the search facility.If we wished to, by collating and re-editing, we could easily produce a pamphlet of sorts from all the varied posts that the two branches could then publish. Or we could make just an online version. Either way, it would help to dispel the impression that the Socialist Party is a London/Home Counties organisation, that many believe it is. 


    More new old stuff on the blog. Something for everyone. Check it out at your leisure.Link: Socialist Standard Past and Present Blog


    A review of Orwell's 1984 from 1949. More intriguing than insightful:


    'Are we armchair socialists?'Great article from the September 1966 issue of the Socialist Standard by 'Ivan'. of those articles every socialist should print out, laminate and wear around their neck on a chain for easy accessibility. 


    *Deep breath*A plethora of links of articles and book reviews from the Socialist Standard which have recently been uploaded to the Socialist Standard Past & Present Blog. All the kudos go to Rob S. and Graham T. for doing all the donkey work. August 1994 – The Peterloo Massacre (working class history) 1973 – Out of Step – what is normality in capitalism? (outstanding article by Ivan) 1988 – 1968, the BBC and tabloid journalism (tv review) 1989 – Additive eating (food adulteration) 1990 – The demise of Thatcher (editorial) 1991 – Capitalism unleashes war (editorial on the First Gulf War) 1979 – Blood on their hands (Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge) 1989 – Southern discomfort (film review) 1992 – National Liberation (book review) 1979 – Einstein and common sense (science) 1990 – Who needs money? (hazard a guess) 1959 – Little Brother is watching you (the tentacles of the state) 1982 – Who will do the dangerous work? (I've got a sore back.) 1987 – A culture of violence (murderous behaviour) 1990 – The end of Fukuyama (The end of history guy) 1990 – Left Foot, Right Foot (Before there was Corbyn, there was Michael Foot.) 1973 – Day of Remembrance for what? (red poppies and emotional blackmail.) 1986 – At all costs (World War One massacres) 1965 – The Philanthropists (Tressell reviewed raggedly.) 1990 – After aparthied, what? (editorial) 1979 – Livestock liberation (Mistreatment of animals . . . and humans) 1973 – 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat': what did Karl Marx mean? (not a jackboot in sight.) 1960 – What is morality? (Did I mention my bad back?) 1978 – Planning the road to nowhere (Hayek versus Keynes . . . the pay-per-view death-match) 1986 – Socialism and Work (The right to rest my sore back.) 1978 – Down coronation street (True soap opera fact: Stan Ogden was an International Brigader.) 1995 – Let's all boldly go (One for the geeks.) 1995 – Frederick Engels: A Lifetime's Sevice (manchester, so much to answer for) 1955 – Peace, Perfect Peace! (Simply dynamite.) 1990 – Is the Left finished? (Don't spoil it for your Facebook friend with their proudly displayed Corbyn profile pic.) 1976 – Amin, Africa and the World (Who backed Amin?) 1980 – Jesus Christ, Super Myth (The late, great L. E. Weidberg.) 1960 – Report on Mau Mau (Colonial violence.) 1972 – From a Russian prison camp (Alexander Solzhenitzyn) More to come in the fullness of time. Thanks again for the sterling work from Rob S. and Graham T.   


    Another batch hot out the oven:February 1963 – The Aucan Tribe (primitive communists in the twentieth century) 1989 – War, history and revolution (MCH and World War 2) 1977 – The roots of Roots (yep, I watched it as a kid, too) 1993 – The divorce of the decayed (The 1981 street party. Now, that was a party.) 1972 – The thirteen Derry dead (Cold, calculating murder.) 1980 – Russia's Afghan hound (The Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan) 1975 – Vietnam, who has won? (Brought to you from a blogger wearing a T shirt made in Vietnam.) 1988 – Too old to work, too young to die (Living longer is unproductive in class society.) 1975 – The Class Struggle (They're winning.) 1985 – Hiroshima in the making (Anniversary article on a particular piece of barbarism from 'our side') 1974 – Do you live in poverty? (The city and decade that brought you Lynne Ramsay's Ratcatcher) 1985 – Labour and the atom bomb (What would Clem do? Bomb the bastards.) 1992 – History, whose history? (a/k/a as 'whose consciousness? false consciousness') 1976 – Terrorism is not revolution? (Flares and flare guns.) 1968 – The British Union of Fascists and anti-semitism (book review) 1974 – The I.S stand for confusion (before the SWP you had the International Socialists) 1960 – Aneurin Bevan (before JezWeCan there were the Bevanites. It didn't end well.) 1981 – Brixton explodes (There was a riot going on . . .) 1979 – Castro's brand of capitalism (Not a che in sight) 1990 – Great men and greater nonsense (Einstein, Marx and the rest of us.) 1986 – People's power? (The downfall of Marcos in the Philippines.) 1986 – The lessons of the fall of Marcos (editorial) 1984 – Socialists and the police (editorial) 1971 – Coming up for Orwell (The boot belongs to Barltrop, and the stamped upon face is Orwell's.) 1958 – The execution of Imre Nagy (lead article) 1948 – Food for thought (Before Bono, Chris Martin and Bob Geldof, there was Sir John Boyd Orr.) Major props to Rob Stafford for doing 95% of the work. The other 5% goes to Neil Diamond who brought me comfort whilst doing the proof-reading. What a voice! Brooklyn's finest.  


    A Gilmac article from 1954. One for the SPGB anoraks, 'Some notes on party history':


    A couple of interesting pieces about Tolstoy from 1905. Not what you're expecting:Tolstoy on Socialism "Impossibilist"

    imposs1904 wrote:
    A Gilmac article from 1954. One for the SPGB anoraks, 'Some notes on party history':

    Gilmac's follow up to this article. This one's primarily about the early days of the Socialist Standard:


    An article by Moses Baritz on Frederick Engels in Manchester from the old Manchester Guardian that dates from 1934. Warning: this will only appeal to the anoraks amongst you:


    Who are you calling an anorak?How many members can remember how much £1 1s. 7d is?


    I'm the king of the anoraks  . . . but I can't remember old money.Just added to the blog: Moses Baritz letter to the Manchester Guardian in 1933 on Engels in Manchester, which probably prompted the previously linked to article from Baritz that appeared in the Manchester Guardian the following year: tip to 'Young Master Smeet' and 'ALB' for originally digging out both pieces from Baritz.

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