"socialism" popular in the US

July 2024 Forums General discussion "socialism" popular in the US

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  • #195879

    They are already falsely calling Trump socialism all the measures that he is implementing and the possible bailout for the capitalist class as George Bush and Barrack Obama did. Capitalists are going in the rescue of others capitalists


    Some commentators share your analysis, Marcos

    The Socialist Specter in Present-Day US Politics

    “A favorite strategy of those – like Bernie Sanders – whose proposals are attacked as being socialist is to respond by denouncing billionaires as benefiting, via government subsidies, from so-called “corporate socialism” or “socialism for the rich.” Socialism is thus equated with government subsidies rather than with an alternative vision of society. While the privately owned banks and corporations are attacked for their hypocrisy and their special advantages, there is no assertion that such icons of capitalist power should cease to exist. Similarly, the target of attack, in Sanders’ rhetoric, is not the capitalist class but rather the “billionaire class.” Capitalism as such escapes the blame. At the same time, full socialism (i.e., dissolution of the capitalist class and socialization of its holdings) is attacked as being inherently undemocratic. In this sense, when Sanders calls his socialism “democratic,” what he’s telling us is that it remains embedded within basic capitalist institutions.”

    However, i think the author is also a but confused on what he means by “full public ownership”


    I can say without any doubt  that the only organization who has a real view and definition on Socialism is the Socialist Party of Great Britain and the World Socialist Movement


    A reformist Social Democratic Party. Seen that. It’s the past and it doesn’t work.

    In America the word “socialism” has come to mean government ownership and control of the economy — a misconception we have spent the last century trying to combat. The only saving grace of this is that in bringing the word into prominence it gives us a foot in the door to say what socialism really means.


    “The only saving grace of this is that in bringing the word into prominence it gives us a foot in the door to say what socialism really means.”

    A convenient  cue to remind us of these websites we can link to.






    As an afterthought, I see that the apparent centre of this movement to become a more formal political party is Seattle.

    Is it a coincidence that the city is where the Trots of Socialist Alternative and city councillor Kshama Sawant is based?

    Perhaps someone closer acquainted could say whether DSA and SA over-lap in Seattle.

    I found this

    What’s the Difference Between Socialist Alternative and DSA?

    But being my cynical self, I suspect there are going-ons behind the scenes and under-the-table deals being made.


    The only difference between one Leninist party and the other Leninist parties is the name of the organization, the root is the same


    Is the DSA Leninist? Or is it really an aspiring labor party clone?

    The SA is certainly trotskyist adhering to the Leninist democratic centralism principle but should we ascribe to the DSA the same?


    The Vanguard Party is not the only distinctive character of Leninism, The vanguard Party concept was not created by Lenin, it was created by the Jacobin, and its conception existed within the Social Democracy and the Second International, and Lenin copied it from them, and the Bolshevik came from the Russian Social Democracy, and the DSA is a Social Democrat institution which advocates the concept of leadership, and leaders,  as the vanguard party to lead, and manipulative parliamentary elite as the Social Democracy. They have openly supported Bernie Sanders who is a social democrat


    The NYC local DSA branch is the largest socialist organization in the United States, with over 55,000 members (as of April 2019), and multiple branches in each of the city’s five boroughs.



    “The NYC local DSA branch is the largest socialist organization in the United States, with over 55,000 members (as of April 2019), and multiple branches in each of the city’s five boroughs.”

    Except that they’re not socialists by any stretch of the imagination…

    Why are you spreading fake news?


    The NYC local DSA branch claims to be the largest socialist organization in the United States,

    I spend a lot of time correcting this sort of nonsense elsewhere.


    Marcos says,

    “First, socialism is not going to be an economic system,”

    It may be a pedantic point, but if socialism will not be an economic system: what will it be and how would you define it?

    The production and distribution of goods and services to satisfy Social Need. An economic system: wouldn’t you think?




    This is also a pedantic point of view written by Adam Buick for the Socialist Party. Before this pamphlet was published I already knew that socialism was not going to be an economic system, it is going to be a social production of free associated workers

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