"socialism" popular in the US

December 2024 Forums General discussion "socialism" popular in the US

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  • #193620

    Many dictators around the world including adolf hitler they have supported and implemented Medicare for all It is a big deal in the USA where black peoples in the past were not admitted and were not treated at many hospitals, and they died due to diseases and now it is considered a socialist measure. The opponents are the insurance companies and medical groups like in the past many doctors did not want to treat black peoples and they were considered as animals, probably those doctors did not study dissection ,neuroanatomy  and embriology because both disciplines show that we are the same and that we come from the same root, and the smell of dead body is the same as the animals




    “There are economists in the US who say Sanders’s tax plans are modest, justified and just what any social democrat should support. The Nobel laureate Paul Krugman is one. His problem with the Vermont senator is not his leftist ambition, but his simplistic approach to reforms and his misguided determination to call himself a socialist; Krugman fears his opponents will quickly substitute that term for “communist” once battle is joined.”


    Roosevelt wanted 95% taxation and he was able to obtain 85%. Most social programs, civil service, and infrastructure were financed with high taxation. The most programs were not implemented by him alone, he received a big push from the bottom by a coalition of Communists, Socialists, Anarchists and Workers unions



    As the Socialist Equality Party’s candidate for vice president in the 2020 elections, I denounce the dictatorial moves of the Trump administration to deploy militarized border patrol agents to carry out raids and terrorize immigrant neighbourhoods throughout the country.

    The SEP demands an immediate end to all deportations, along with the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection.



    Bernie Sanders and the Revenge of the Superdelegates


    I think they are going to do to Bernie Sanders the same tricks that they did on 2016. Even though it does not make any difference of who will become the candidate or the president, but it is very important to point out the fallacy of the USA election system, a small capitalist country like Costa Rica has a much better election system, and they always elect right-wingers and social democrats

    It is a very strange situation, a so-called socialist candidate running in the platform of a capitalist party with a long history of wars, invasions, killing, massacre, racism and discrimination, and despite all that some peoples called it a communist party.  Ignorance is bold

    My grandfather who was not an intellectual knew that the Soviet Union was not a socialists country, and his only source of information was a shortwave radio,  and I  met many shoe shiners, bricklayers, constructions workers, carpenters, factories workers,  and Taylors who knew the difference between a capitalist party and a communist or workers party, and most of them had read Frederick Engels


    The red scare

    Sanders = “communism”

    “I can’t think of a way that would make it easier for Donald Trump to get reelected than listening to this conversation,” Bloomberg said. “It’s ridiculous. We are not going to get rid of capitalism. We tried that. Other countries tried that. It’s called communism. It just doesn’t work.”

    I previously predicted Bloomberg to come storming through. On his debate performance, that will not be the case.

    So we will indeed find out if money spent on campaign staff and clever ads can win out in the end.


    What can you expect from a society where many peoples believe that the Fire Department is a socialist measure?  It does show that there is an extensive lack of political knowledge. There are many small towns around the world which do not have a fire department, therefore, socialism has not reached those countries yet.


    The new Russia gate is on Bernie Sanders. The society of the conspiracy theories to confuse the workers and detach them from the real social and economic problems



    “Social democracy and democratic socialism have never completely overlapped. Originally, “social democracy” named all socialists that rejected anarchism and ran for political office, while “democratic socialism” named the flank of social democrats that insisted on the liberal democratic road to socialism. Democratic socialists contended against their Marxian comrades that democracy is the indispensable road to socialism, not a by-product of achieving it. Social democracy was a name for the broad socialist movement and democratic socialism was a liberal-democratic flank of it…
    “Social democracy” became synonymous with European welfare states in which the government pays for everyone’s healthcare, higher education is free, elections are publicly financed, and solidarity wage policies restrain economic inequality…”


    That professor needs some lectures on socialism,  at least he should have read The Critique of the Gotha Program written by Karl  Marx and the history of the Social Democracy since the very beginning in Germany



    Most investors doubt Sanders’ health-reform plan will receive enough support to pass in Congress and would be too disruptive to even be feasible to implement.

    “But you have two scenarios,” James said, “one, an acknowledgement that the chance isn’t absolutely zero; or two, an extension of the uncertainty, neither of which is a great setup.”



    Unless the US workers tight their belts and stand themselves against their exploiters. In Argentina, women are pressing so hard the government that probably they are going to legalize abortion in a society controlled and influenced by the Catholic Church. The first world revolution must take place in our brains


    Jesse Jackson weighs in


    “Sanders isn’t talking about making America into Cuba or Venezuela; he’s talking about extending social guarantees like those offered in most other advanced industrial states, invoking Denmark or Sweden. These countries have universal health care at lower cost, paid family leave, guaranteed paid vacations, higher minimum wages, more generous public retirement programs. They also have vibrant and competitive economies, lower inequality, less poverty, and higher life expectancies…Call it capitalism with a conscience, democratic socialism, call it lemonade. It’s the substance, not the label that counts..”

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