Socialism, Atheism or Religion?

July 2024 Forums Comments Socialism, Atheism or Religion?

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    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Socialism, Atheism or Religion?.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

    Jeremy Hammerstein

    You falsely imply that atheists and socialists are incompatible in this article. And you say socialists see it as pointless to demolish religion with rational and logical criticism. For one thing, doesn't rational and logical mean the same thing? For another thing, it has been proven to not be pointless to attack religion with logic. That has helped many people lose their religion. Your last sentence says ''So the fight continues on two fronts, to replace religion and atheism by socialist understanding.'' To replace atheism with socialist understanding makes no sense. Atheism is only the lack of belief in any gods. Not a method. So there is nothing to replace there with socialism.


    I think the article, written in 1969, could have been better written to avoid confusion.The point it is trying to make is that, if we want to affect the kind of change in society that the socialist party is proposing then *mere* atheism is not enough.All members of the socialist party are "atheists" (we do not permit people with religious viewpoints to join) though they may not self-describe as such. But mere atheism on its own is not enough. Prominent "new atheists" such as Sam Harris are just apologist for the present order.


    Before Richard Dawkins's recent stroke, I thought it might have been a good idea to have debated him on the subject "Is a world without religion enough?"

    rodmanlewis wrote:
    Before Richard Dawkins's recent stroke, I thought it might have been a good idea to have debated him on the subject "Is a world without religion enough?"

    I would find it interesting to see a debate with Dawkins and the SPGB.

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