Social Reproduction

July 2024 Forums General discussion Social Reproduction

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  • #92346
    Steve-SanFrancisco-UserExperienceResearchSpecialist wrote:
    p.s. You wrote. . ."There will be much less wasteful storing up of provisions when access is free." LOL. 

    Why call yourself a socialist then laugh at the idea of socialism, lol


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    Vin wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    Socialism is a post-capitalist society, built upon a present capacity for a superabundance, allied with informational infrastructures, in which human needs can not be presently met, in a private, corporate,or state owned resouces trading, exchange, economy model, as this serves accumulative elites. 

    Thanks for the link! it was great info and I appreciate your effort in finding it.  Very well done video. I liked it and added a link to my project in the comment section I'd like you to read because youtube allows better formatting and reading than this old style discussion forum.  I've pasted my youtube comment here along with these notes.  Also, I upvoted your video and gave it attention.  I'll link to the youtube video on my facebook project site and maybe give you a few more views?  If people from my project like your idea a lot then maybe they'll follow the youtube video you made and end up supporters and members of your site.  Unless you don't want more members because they liked my idea first.  Anyway, here's a copy of my comment on youtube for your reference. 

    I have an economic strategy for how to initiate an economic chain reaction that will revolutionize our a capitalist society and leads to something that might be socialism or might not. I'll share with you, an economic business plan that works in a capitalist society using the profit model, but also transforms the economy and the behavior of the people in that economy and introduces socialistic principles and actions into the capitalist mode of production. It's actually not a secret, but everyones been conditioned and indoctrinated to hate the idea by capitalist and even socialist dogma. So understand, that most of you won't like this idea for various reasons in your first impression because of your preconceptions. The secret strategy is to make a sliding scale price tag that is convenient and ubiquitous. The "Hours Equals Price Project" has the mission is to design and build a better sliding scale price tag that is convenient and ubiquitous. A sliding scale price tag charges more to rich people and less to poor people for the same product. Surprisingly, this makes the seller profit in many markets but since it's currently inconvenient to use, you can't buy a coffee at Starducks on a sliding scale even though that would make Starducks more money. According to our economic theories, if the public in large numbers practice frequent practice of charging on a sliding scale price tag, it will result in a reduction to income inequality and change the nature of profit seeking behavior in the marketplace. We want to explore how it might affect you personally if things you buy on a daily basis were sold on an income adjusted sliding scale price. Find out more by watching a detaled slideshow and completing a reader response form that takes about half an hour at Now lets talk about how the existence of a sliding scale price tag that is a convenient and available tool for buyers and sellers to choose or not choose to use. How would that affect the youtube presentation?

    Here's the revised text of the slideshow. For comparison you can find the original text in the video description.

     The present economic system results in the class ownership of the means of living. It is not geared to meeting our poor peoples needs, but to making profits for those who sell in a market. The gap between the rich and everyone else is now greater than ever before. Oxfam reports that eight people now own as much wealth as half the world’s population. National and local politicians are running capitalism in the only way they understand as long as it is consistent with increasing their personal profit – as a system where priority has to be given to individualized profit-making over meeting human communal needs. It’s the system that’s to blame, not those elected to run it. That’s why changing the politicians in charge makes no difference. Changing governments changes nothing. It will be like this as long as the profit system lasts in it's current form. And so there is no point in voting for parties that reject this system because they don't have a successful working demo model to replace it. BUT, if you can change the form of profit seeking behavior then all the other things will change. Across the world capitalism holds centre stage. Its cruelties and inequalities are too numerous to count, yet almost everybody imagines it is here for good. In the wings, however, a new society is waiting. It is not supposed to exist, but it is there just the same, the next stage of history, the one that comes after capitalism. It stands impatiently in the shadows as the world grinds on regardless. the society that can give birth to this hypothetical socialist society is different in one basic respect from all that has gone before – it has the technology to give sellers worldwide a convenient and profitable way to sell on an income based sliding scale. The new society is a dream of socialist, but we have a a simple solution to great a new reality that works kind of like socialism and probably evolves into something more like socialism with time and the input and adaptation of the public sellers and buyers of the world. The Sliding Scale Price Tag Party is an Anarchistic non-profit organization based on free access (anyone can freely buy or sell using a sliding scale and anyone can freely contribute or not to our cause), no leaders(individual sellers and buyers choose whether or not to use a sliding scale price tag), no government necessary (but none prohibited) and economic feasibility (we can do this now). There is no leader and there are no followers. Our aim is to build a movement with the single objective of creating a world with less inequality quickly.  ps.  Vin, Socialism is a lot more than you suggest in your comment. I rejected the concept that sociialism has a magic wand that will solve the allocation of resources problem without explaining how convincingly or demonstrating the magic wand. I didn't reject socialism, just the foolish childish fantasy part people added on to Marx.  Rejecting one part of it doesn't mean rejecting all of it to me.  Maybe that's your reasoning, but it's not mine. i'm fine with taking the good parts from marx and socialism without limiting myself to only on small part of what marx said. I call myself  a socialist SOME OF THE TIME DEPENDING ON WHO I AM TALKING TO and what their preconceptions are about what the word socialism means.  For people here who have a very strict and limited view of socialism I tell you I am not a socialist because your preconceptions prevent you from ever believing I am a true socialist.  For the average capitalist business manager, I just admit I'm a socialist because they'd never overcome their preconcieved ideas about what socialism is will they would never believe I'm anything other than a socialist.   What is your preconception of me socialism and how do I fit?  If you don't think I'm a socialist, then what would you say I am?Pss: too anyone.  it's easy for me to edit my review on youtube if you want to copy my comment and suggest any changes, then I'm happy to consider them and make the changes you suggest to me here and paste them back into the YouTube comment for others to see your fine improvements to my fine revision. Or if you'd like ot practice a little more free association and exercize a little more personal freedom in a socialist approved way and actually practice socialism, then why not just reply to my youtube comment on youtube where the world can see it and consider regarless of the class standing as a socialist member of this board or not.  Writing here feels a little secretive compared to on youtube and I think that probably youtube encourages sharing more than here.  Sharing is part of socialism in my opinon, so I like to use the comment system that is better at keeping me in the practice of socialism like youtube than this forum here most where we have active authoritarian mods breaking the socialist model of communication more than is common on youtube. 

    Steve-SanFrancisco-UserExperienceResearchSpecialist wrote:
    Marcos wrote:
     The problem of Harvey is that he is a university professor and he is teaching distorted economical conception to his students. He is creating more confusion. He goes inside the same  cycles as Richard Wolf and his cooperatives which are not socialists conceptions

    Are you trying to change the website mission statement?  The test of relevancy is if it affects the socialist agenda, not if the idea came from socialist and is a socialist conceived conception.  If you only accept ideas from people who you consider true socialist and you define true socialist as believing in old ideas that have never changed, then you never get any new ideas.  But you've made it clear, Marcos, that you don't want any new ideas.  So I guess you already know what I wrote about you is true and just don't care because I'm not your idea of "true socialist".

    New personality, socialism are old ideas, if something has not been tried, it can not be old, it is still new, capitalism is the old one, it is overdue,   must be taken to the museum of antiquity, the expropriated must expropriate  the expropiatorThat is not the real issue. I have demarcated my political and economic camps since many years ago. I know what I want, I know what I am looking for, and I have class consciousness. Like someone wrote: When they move, they move ( working class ) the question is: Are you going to be ready when they move? I have been ready for many years, they do not have to wake me up,  I have not been   anaesthetized by the bourgeoise ideologyI do not want new bourgeoisie ideas in my brain, I have  had more than enough, I threw them in the dumpster,  you can keep it if you want, I do not need them, your so called new ideas are antiquities, they had existed more than 200 years in the head of mankind, you can do some manicure or pedicure, or use Macfactor products, they still the same one

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