Scottish? English? Who Cares?

July 2024 Forums Comments Scottish? English? Who Cares?

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  • #102227
    steve colborn

    So Duncan, you,ve lived Socialism and yet, you still consider that left unity provide a solution to workers problems? Your claim that they are "at least doing something" is spurious at best, dangerous to workers at worst! LU are simply the latest manifestation of muddled so-called Left Wing thinking.I've seen enough of the cul-de-sacs these shysters and others before them, have led the working class up, to know and dismiss their "meantime" shite.They offer, we do not. The emancipation of the working class must be the work of the working class themselves. No leaders, individually, or collectively. When/if you get sick of following buffoons, with their slogans of rightious indignation, with nothing between their ears but the clarion call of the barricade, we'll still be here!!!

    duncan lucas

    Thats the problem Steve you will still be here doing what ? . I dont have that much time to wait in this life. You say no leaders,isnt that a lie when Marxism states that you will be led by a few Marxist  intellectuals -Keeping things  pure which sounds  like Stalin,s political ""advisors "" who by their inability to understand war tatics lost  several millions of Russians  to Germany in the first year or more of WW2 -dead or worked to death until Stalin "wised up " and removed them allowing real soldiers to run the war. I realise your emblem is a tortoise and that it is one step at a time -SLOWLY and that you will change peoples minds over a long period ,it wont happen in the UK you had your chance  in the 30,s  you have no hope in 2015 due to massive US neo-con propaganda changing peoples opinion to the "American WAy "" which is =never give a sucker an even brake . I am a realist  I see the political situation as it stands now . Why do you think I and the website I post on are attacked ??? because we speak the TRuth and you are taught now to lie and lie again ,not for me -sorry !  Your website is not attacked because HM Government =GCHQ /NSA DONT label  you a threat  as you want to talk people  into Marxism they are quite happy with you because in reality you arent really RADICAL  you only think it and talk as if it was a university debate . While that is happening -in England your NHS will be fully privatised and thats only th e start  PLease be honest and tell me HOW you are going to change the MAJORITY of English peoples minds to Marxism ??? Its never going to happen as the  majority are Tory.Be realistic .


    Duncan, while the majority of workers support capitalism then we will continue to have capitalism and its problems. There are only two choices: tinker with capitalism and fail or organise for socialism.It is not our fault that workers support wage slavery.  If you want to keep capitalism that is up to you, but don't ask us to support it through reformism because we don't want capitalism we want to abolish slavery not rattle our chains and beg for crumbs. Slavery cannot be made to run in the interests of the slaves. The slaughter house cannot be reformed in the interests of the cattle. Come on!! Be realistic!!  

    steve colborn

    Marxiam states that you will be "led" by a few Marxist intellectuals! What utter bollocks have you been reading Duncan? Because I can tell you, whatever it is, it's shite. Lenin did in fact advocate an intellectual revolutionary elite, to lead the masses Marx never did.So before you pour forth any more of this made up tripem please check your facts Marra.BTW, I'm not a "Marxist" per se. I agree with a lot of what Marx wrote, not all. Some is irrelevant today and has been superceded by history. I am, however, a Socialist/Communist and just as Marx, I use the terms interchangeably.So before you post again, please get your facts right!!!

    duncan lucas

    Vin you want me to be realist to an unachievable aim -it aint going to happen your brave words are only that-words . Because you believe we are all equal you wont put the blame on any group of people the said group runs  and own big business -and the World banks which title isnt true if you care to look into who really owns them . People want to work hard and open a small business ,people want to worship different religions even Putin saw the light . You refuse to differentuate between different shades of Socialism  and that is the rock you will fall on and brake up. You have convinced me that you will never deviate 1 iota from  the "bible " of Marxism so now yes ! in that respect I will be realistic and believe you. I am still waiting for you t o tell me how and WHEN you will achieve your aims  the year 3000 ?? BY your rigitity you are no different from the man you hate -Hitler who had a very strong will power something I have and understand who wanted to help the German people after the bad deal on losing WW1 . You are your own worst enemy you make it hard for people to like you by your stance its like Custers Last Stand only its talk not guns. You do it our way or not at all. I dont know what else to say unless somebody can come up with a  practical -realistic-down to earth point to put to me.Because you havent convinced me or millions of others who vote differently I see the SNP getting real home rule eventually as WEstminster Tories wil grind the SCots into the ground -remember the POLL Tax and Maggie- we will try it out on thiose stupid Scots who dont do the right t,hing and vote for me and the Tories. WE revolted and she withdrew it . THat showed many SCots Home Rule was the only option.

    duncan lucas

    THen enlighten me Steve Who will run Marxism in each country .THere has to be a leader and followers  and businesses will desert you in droves Communism failed in the USSR  and when they got freedom they turned to religion and small businesses. When is the great take-over of the UK by Marxism or communism who is going to vote for you in any great numbers to make a difference as to who gets into WEstminster. Its never going to happen -wake up be realistic and because I am showing flaws in your political belief you get upset ? That means you have  lost the  argument  just tell me when your goals will be achieved and how if you  dont believe in revolution the only other way is through the ballot box.

    steve colborn

    And btw Duncan, it wasn't Stalins political advisors that led to the deaths of "several" millions to the Nazis but Stalin himself who, paranoid and fearful of a Coup amongst the military, had thousands of Officers rounded up and killed, so removing the "cream" of the Russian military leadership and hamstringing the Army, in particular, in the year or so, after Adolf broke the non-aggression treaty he signed with Uncle Joe, with operation Barbarosa and the attempt to take the oil fields of the Caucuses. It was only with the reinstatement of the likes of Marshal Zukov and the total military ineptitude of Adolf himself (much like pompous windbag Churchill) that aided the Russians in turning the war around.As you are historically inaccurate about WW2, you went for the full house, when you stated "I realise your emblem is a tortoise and that it is one step at a time -SLOWLY and that you will change peoples minds over a long period". It is not by choice that it is taking a long time for people to come to the realisation, Capitalism can never be made to work in their interests. Rather than pointing the finger of blame at The Socialist Party, you can instead point it at Labour, SWP, Left Unity, SPEW ad infinitum and their ceaseless leading workers up the bkind alley of reforming Capitalism and also "YOUR" claim, that at least they are doing "something"! Aye, I'll tell you what they are doing, they are confusing the fucking picture so much, that no wonder workers cannot differentiate between a Socialist and a self-serving, smug arsewipe like Salmond or Comrade Sheridan!By the way mate. I don't imagine I'm in some sort of "University debate". I'm not some kind of Trendy Trot, or Saccharin Stalinist, I'm a guy who wants, no needs Socialism. I fucking want it now, as do the rest of my Comerades in The Socialist Party. So perhaps you'd do us all a favour and stop disseminating your Brand of Anti Socialist, pro State-Capitalist drivel, so that we can concentrate on working for Socialism/Communism, not on having to waste time stating what Socialism/Communism is not!! Cheers Marra.

    steve colborn

    No one will "run Marxism in each country"! This is something I/We can agree with Marx on. There will be no "countries", just one world. There does not haveto be "leaders and followers"! unless that is, one is a "human sheep. In my experience, we workers are pretty good at organising things, we do, after all, run Capitalism from top to bottom! Or are you so deluded as to think that Cameron/Clegg and before them Blur/Prescott were the brains behind the organisation. Or perhaps these businesses and their leaders, Lord Sugar, are the dogs bollocks at running society?In Socialism, these Small/Large Businesses in the form they exist today, will not exist. All they will be, is productive units that belong to us all in common and will be used for the fulfillment of the needs of all.As has been explained to you till people are blue in the face, there will be no "Marxism or Comminist takeover of parliament, or any other "governing body". When the majority want and understand Socialism/Communism and just as importantly work together to bring it about, the Administration of people, will give way to the administration of "things". These things are the means/instruments for producing/distributing what we, as human beings need to live. Simples.

    duncan lucas

    Steve I too have  read many accounts of the Great Patriotic War  and yes Stalin was paranoic but you still  leave out the 1000s of political advisors  who Stalin put in the armed forces to keep the "pure " why do you leave out the truth ?  Hitler wasnt inept in the first year or two of WW2 even his Generals  were  amazed at  his political and war strategy moves right up till he returned triumphant from conquering FRance . Apart from Mein Kampf  I have read many books on the World Wars as it interests me -including =Russia,s Heroes-Albert Axell– Russia,s WAr -Richard  Overy  and the secret story of how the allies behaved to the Germans  rounding up over 1 million putting them into a concentration camp and starving them to death -care to deny that ??? and plenty of them did their own raping as well . Or  how about how the Poles "removed " German civilians from the eastern part of Germany killing 1000s or the cover up of 500000 or more Germans put into a concentration camp by Poles and totrured to death -not read that one Steve ? If all you can do is curse  and swear without replying intelligently to my points then that says much for your reasoning powers. 

    steve colborn

    Actually duncan, I am quite aware of the treatment of German POW's and the general population. As I am conversant with strategic decisions and outcomes and the reasons for successes/failures within strategic operations both allied and axis. But this debate, in actuality, has naff all to do with the "Martial War. This debate has to do with the "Class War" and when considering that, your obfuscation adds not one jot to the outcome. Making inaccurate statements re The Socialist Party does you discredit and detracts from The Socialist Partys case not one one iota. Nor does your wild and inaccurate claims/appeals, to be actually "doing something". What what have "you"/"they", actually achieved? Nothing! Workers conditions in many aspects are worse now than they were decades ago. Industrial relations are so one sided, as to make a mockery of the term "industrial relations". It is your chums in Labour and those within this gaggle, who claim the label of Socialist/ism, that need to be held to account. For all of their "control of power" over decades, they have achieved precisely, fuck all. No I lie, they have achieved the muddying of the waters about what Socialism/Communism really is!!!Finally, if you are the revolutionary you claim to be, a little cursing and swearing won't harm you, will it? It was not directed at you personally but is "my" feelings on how this system treats/treated, me and mine, which "your" support, tacit or otherwise has helped engender, Marra.


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