Russian Tensions

October 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #228236

    A diversion?

    Russia accused Azerbaijan of violating a ceasefire agreement by entering the Russian peacekeeping mission’s zone in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Russia also accused Azerbaijani troops of using Turkish-made drones to strike Karabakh troops and expressed “extreme concern” over the spiralling tensions in the region.


    They do not want to accept that they are going to be defeated, or they can not control the Ukrainian population, therefore, placing their emphasis on Dunbas is finding a pretext to retreat, therefore, at the very beginning of the conflict we were not mistaken


    Article by Battaglia Comunista

    “…War on war. Class war against the war of exploitation and death, for a society that does not have as its pivot the unequal relationship between capital and labour but a productive organisation based on the satisfaction of social needs and not mere profit, which is the basis of all the contradictions of capitalism, including wars. This latest Russian-Ukrainian episode is just one more tragic example of this.”


    After being called by Biden a war criminal and a butcher who cannot remain in power, Putin is showing remarkable restraint in not replying that Biden is senile and a doddering dotard — some of Biden’s minders who are having to regularly correct him might well agree with.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by ALB.

    Endnotes has started publishing weekly correspondence on the Ukrainian situation from someone sympathetic to socialism. They have also published an interesting Manifesto against the war.


    One of the points made in the 2nd letter:

    “We should counter the image of a successful campaign that Ukraine is constructing: this war is unwinnable, and every minute of denying it kills more and more people. Patriotic proclamations do not help the newly drafted soldiers, nor do they help the people that can’t evacuate from the slowly encircled and shelled cities, which, authorities assure, “are never going to fall.” A historical example of the Deutsche Vaterlandspartei suffices to prove that, as long as there exists a chance of winning the war, reactionary forces will mobilise for its continuation.”


    Here’s what we said about the Russian-Georgian war of 2008 which has some relevance to the current war:

    Material World: War In Georgia


    “Will workers see this and think she and other oligarchs are parasites? While we are facing the worst ‘squeeze’ on living standards for 50 years.”

    No. They’ll just keep tuning into “The Masked Singer” or Football or Porn or whatever Harry and Meghan are saying.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Ozymandias.

    There is also a translation in Spanish on the war in Georgia


    Ukraine would be prepared to discuss adopting neutral status, its President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.

    Now, why didn’t he say that a month ago and avoid the war?

    Of course, he won’t come in for any criticism, having had the media declare him a paragon of virtue.

    But is his concession too late?


    Because NATO, ie the US, wouldn’t let him of course. Equally significant is his new concession (recognition of reality) that Russian troops could stay in the Donbas region.

    Some NATO states, eg Britain, still don’t want him to make any concessions as that would not mean that Russia would be seen to have failed. They prefer to provide Ukraine with more arms in the hope that Russia can be defeated militarily, but the only result will be more cities bombed, more people killed and more refugees.


    I think your analysis is the one we should emphasise.

    That behind the scenes, NATO sought to escalate and not negotiate.

    A look back in this thread and we do witness evidence that Zelenskyy was prepared to concede NATO membership as very improbable but NATO demanded that it should remain within the realm of possibility.

    However, one concern was why NATO was pressing this belligerent position?


    This article offers some explanation of regime-change but I am still confused that it is simple as depicted.

    Biden Confirms Why the US Needed This War

    It reads too much as a conspiracy theory for me


    ‘However, one concern was why NATO was pressing this belligerent position?’
    Because it’s good trade for the arms dealers?


    Nothing new. The USA government has been using the same tactic for more than 200 years and it has been written and it has been published by many journalists and historians

    Joe Biden is not the only president who has promoted regimes change and to overthrow leaders, they have overthrown their own puppets

    I have seen the same movie several times

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