Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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    Nobody wants confrontation except the US government and its poodle, not even Ukraine.



    The USA government thinks that a war in Ukraine would be limited to that particular country and that an atomic bomb is a firecrackers

    The old days of Japan and Germany are gone, it is a new era and they do not have the same muscles that they had before

    The USA territory has never been bombarded but Russia and china have long range missiles

    During Ww2 the USA was a powerful industrial country but that reality does not exist at the present time


    I know. And everyone also has submarines carrying nuclear missiles anyway.

    They talk about a “limited” nuclear war, with “merely” Hiroshima-size bombs (so no worries) and with Europe as the test ground.

    Maybe they should read THE POSTMAN OF NAGASAKI or chapter ten of CITADEL IN SPRING.


    The two experimental atomic bombs dropped in Japan are fireworks compared to the ones that they have now, and several countries have modern weapons, even more, Jaapn is armed again. it is not like Mao used to say that the atomic bomb is a paper tiger, and most American workers believed that an atomic bomb is a joke, and they do not care if millions of human beings die while they continue playing video games, but you never know when one is going to explode in your backyard


    Just reveals how far capitalism, in spite of its international nature, has divorced people from each other, desensitized them and alienated them from life.


    Why are Eastern Europeans generally russophobic?


    Why are Eastern Europeans generally russophobic?

    Could it be that they were occupied by the USSR?


    In this BBC article shows that really the propagandists can summon up very little by way of UK interest in the situation, other than credibility of a force based order (the nearest they get is the ‘principle of national self determination’, but that kind of breaks down when the Russian main casus belli is the areas of Russian population arbitrarily included in Ukrainian territory.


    No mention of the nuclear threat.


    History, I suppose. I think it is only people in the Baltic States (which were independent states after WW1 until 1939 when they were forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union under the Nazi-Soviet pact to divide up Eastern Europe) and in Poland (which was divided under the same treaty and parts of it incorporated into the Soviet Union). I don’t think other East Europeans are particularly anti-Russian. Some might even be pro-Russia, if you include Roumania and Bulgaria as east European where Russia was historically seen as the state that championed the Christians there against Turkish rule.

    But, as you say, it is conflicts between states that have left a legacy of antagonism between different groups, so they identify with their “nation-state” and the interests of its rulers rather than with their fellow workers in other states.


    Some Russians want back the USRR because they are nationalists, and they feel that they were better protected under the soviet union and eastern Europe was like a buffer for them, it does not mean that they support the so-called socialist worker’s state


    Romania is gung-ho for NATO.


    It’s a long way from the North Atlantic !


    Well, it’s gung-ho anti-Russia!

    And NATO missiles are poised there.

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