Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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    Ironically This war is doing what a passage on the Bible says : separating the sheep from the goats, now it is known what are the real defenders of socialism and the defenders of capitalism


    What is the difference between the Brain washing of the us youth and the Russian youth by their ruling class ?

    Putin rally looks like Donald trump rally and us patriotism.

    Nationalism is a mental poison within the working class



    The only war is the class war.

    Usually it’ll get the reply: there’s no such thing as the class war? Not people will fight and kill as in wars in Countries in conflict.
    I quote US billionaire Warren Buffett; there’s a class warfare alright it’s our class that’s winning the class war. (A close proximity of what he said.

    As we argue it is the working class that makes up the armed forces. They would also be swayed by Socialist ideas.
    We’ve seen something akin ….when the Navy were being called on by the Home secretary to turn back asylum seekers in the English Channel. How many people in the Navy… have family members fleeing war zones? Id like to think it was a little bit of socialist Consciousness? Priti Patel lost that one.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by james19.

    The term class war can have many interpretations. The war between capitalists is a class war, the war between workers is also a class war


    Making up international law as it suits.

    Gordon Brown and Sir John Major want a new international tribunal to be set up and investigate Vladimir Putin for his actions in Ukraine. The former PMs are among 140 academics, lawyers and politicians to sign a petition calling for a legal system modelled on the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals after World War Two.


    3 million refugees but 6.5 million internally displaced persons


    In a few days it is getting close to the 9.2 internally displaced created by the Iraq war


    I notice that Tony Blair is not amongst those joining the “Hang the Kaiser brigade. A wise move by someone who, with President Bush, is widely regarded as a war criminal himself for having started the Iraq War and for the atrocities committed there by British and American troops.

    There is nothing like a war for turning wishy-washy liberals into vengeful jingos.


    On that theme:
    This Twitter Thread from Iraq Body Count
    Reminds us of how many civilians died during operation Shock and Awe during the Invasion of Iraq:

    “The rate at which civilians were killed by invading US-led forces in the 21 days from 20 March–9 April (invasion to “fall of Baghdad”) was 315 per day – so high compared to the following 2-year period it could not fit on the same intensity graph:”

    (I honestly can’t recall talk about civilian casualties at the time, there might have been mention, but it just goes to show the power of the doctrine of worthy and unworthy victims and the way the press can pull focus).

    I doubt it’s that far from the carnage Russia is inflicting on Ukraine.


    Good point, James, about Warren Buffet a
    referring to “class warfare”. It is clear that he was using “war” in the metaphorical sense just as we do in Clause 8 of our Declaration of Principles when we talk of “waging war” on other political parties.

    When used on its own I don’t think people do interpret “class war” as necessarily implying armed conflict. The trouble is when it is combined in a slogan in which it is associated with “war” in the literal sense, as in “the only good war is the class war” and “no war but the class war”.

    I know that in some cases this intended as a sort of pun, a play on the two different usages of the word “war”. But not in all cases. Some do mean that “the only good armed conflict is the armed conflict between classes.” In any event, it would be very odd to say “No armed conflict but the political and economic struggle of the working class against the capitalist class”.

    So, the conclusion is, I suppose, that it’s ok to use “class war” on its own but not together with “war” in the sense of armed conflict.


    If Putin was KGB, he would not have been allowed to be a member of even the Moscow established Church, since CPSU members were barred by the govt from any religious affiliation. So he must have joined the Church after the Soviet Union collapsed.
    The Church established by Stalin was for anyone who was not a Party member. It was still a black mark against any promotion or official career.


    More on Putin’s religion and his belief in “Holy Russia” here:

    Putin’s Spiritual Destiny

    The breakaway Ukrainian Orthodox Church also (of course) claims descent from Vladimir the Rus who converted all his subjects to Christianity in Kiev. Only they call him Volodymyr.

    Incidentally, as Zelensky’s mother tongue is said Russian his real name will be Vladimir. At least he’s probably an atheist not a religious nutter like Putin seems to be.

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