Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #227841

    In regard to Nicaragua, Oliver North and Collin Powell placed minefields in Nicaragua and many peasants and children died from the explosion, still, they have not removed them and children continue losing body extremities.

    The USA congress declared Oliver North and Collin Powell as national heroes and patriots

    The ICC emitted a $50 billion Mandamus for Nicaragua and the USA never retributed Nicaragua for the loss.

    Haiti submitted a request for 50 billion thru the ICC for the damages created by France and it was never honoured, on the contrary, France was part of the UN invasion along with the USA. Until now Haiti continued paying France for Napoleon’s war against the slaves.

    The ICC rejected a claim for all the death and destruction made by the USA in Central America during the government of Ronald Reagan, and the head of that massacre known as Negroponte became the Iraq ambassador and he is an International Affairs professor.

    The USA punished the ICC for investigating Aghanistan crimes

    It is all bullshitting. They can fool the fools

    Bijou Drains

    Perhaps I’m just cynical, but is it a coincidence that Britain has agreed to pay its previously denied debts to Iran (and precipitate the release of Anoosheh Ashoori and Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe) at the middle of a crisis for Western oil experts.

    With Iran and Venezuela back on board, maybe the Western Oligarchs will breathe a little more softly in their beds tonight, surely a small price for all of the dead workers and the thousands of children of future workers from Russia and The Ukraine to be deprived of one or both of their parents.


    The Hague was used for the trials of the Serbian politicians and military commanders including Slobodan Milošević, the former president. Ukraine would be the nation to initiate the legal proceedings.

    The big problem is getting Putin to trial and that depends on regime change. I think it is extremely doubtful that will ever be achieved.


    Joe Biden is getting a lot of pressure from some Cuban senators regarding lifting the Venezuela oil embargo, they are claiming that Biden wants to buy oil from a dictator, but profits are more powerful than political pressures.

    Venezuela has one of the largest oil reserves and by lifting the embargo they do not have to get oil from Russia or Saudi Arabia and keep their own reserves

    Barrack Obama released all the funds and assets that were frozen from Iran when they signed the multilateral agreement


    1) Nobody has been able to freeze Putin’s assets, probably he is using somebody else as his piggy bank

    2) There are not going to be able to take Putin to the ICC


    Non-violent resistance to Russia explored

    The Root Problem is War Not Putin


    The USA has approved more than 1 billion in military aid for the government of Ukraine and it includes modern technologies.


    Just seen this…
    The knives are out on Putin..

    “Putin will die in a hunting accident”


    Which is a stupid and dangerous idea!
    Assassination will not remove the regime, and will consolidate its patriotic support.


    Tiktok is not a reliable source of information


    A more detailed explanation of the ICT-CWO position arising from an online meeting it held


    The only reason that it is for me the first time that the western world, especially in this invasion, is because it was not the western countries that caused it…. for me it is all hypocrisy.
    I am against all invasions but NATO is already at war with Russia and they are using the Ukrainian people and their army to fight with Russia.
    you are falling in this game with them!


    How so?

    To use the word “people” is to deny the fact of two classes, one exploiting the other.

    Workers who take sides in capitalist quarrels and kill one another for the paraphernalia of states (rags on poles, etc.) have been duped into thinking that the state belongs to them, and that they owe loyalty to the capitalist faction that controls this or that state.

    Taking a view which looks down on the antics of our species, we see that we are, whilst capable of beneficial things, for the most part the most suicidal and easily led of all the apes. Unless we break the habit of social and historical blindness and compulsion to follow leaders, we will be doomed – and it looks like there isn’t much time left.


    We are not falling in anybody game and we have never done it in 104 years, on the contrary to support the so called national liberation and self determination of the Ukrainian it is supporting nato and Ukraine ruling class

    The concept of peoples is a fallacy as well the concept of nation as a fallacy and a myth because in every nation there are not homogeneous interests, there are class interests and workers do not have any fatherland or a country, every country is the farm of the capitalist class

    This is a conflict between capitalists using uniformed and non uniformed workers to die defending their interests

    We are marxists, we are not Leninist or left wingers who support anybody based on the false concept of the national liberation and self determination

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