Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #227741

    The world weeps over Ukraine but very few tears for Yemen’s suffering

    Where’s all that emergency humanitarian aid to it?

    But I don’t want to make this a league table of tragedies and victimhood, merely again to point out the double standards applied.


    Revealing fact about Mariupol mentioned by the Times’s Diplomatic Editor Roger Boyes today which might explain why both sides there are being so ruthless and bugger the inhabitants.

    Boyes, who is a bit of a warmonger himself, explains that Mariupol

    “is also a fighting base of the so-called Azov battalion, a 900-strong unit that grew out of a far-right Ukrainian group in 2014. They are now integrated into the Ukrainian national guard; their extremist, white supremacist politics is often overlooked because of their ferocity in battle. Typically they smear their bullets with pig fat before shooting at the equally ruthless Chechen Muslims who are fighting with Russian forces. Originally the Azovs and other similar groups such as Dnipro I were funded by Ukrainian oligarchs.”

    These are amongst those who the non-Marxist anti-Humanists and the Alliance for Workers Liquidation are supporting and urging on.

    It can be easily imagined that the Russian Army and their proxies from the breakaway statelets would like to eliminate them while they are never going to surrender or allow the civil authority to surrender. Meanwhile it’s the ordinary people living there who suffer.


    This… also from the Times: Give oligarch mansions to Ukrainian refugees, says Michael Gove

    Glimpse of Oleg Deripaska’s lifestyle after squatters occupy £25m* Belgravia mansion

    *Then say £50m
    He also owns a house near Weybridge £18m

    Give oligarch mansions to the refugees, urges Gove

    I saw a so-called’funny’ picture of Priti Patel screaming at Ukrainian refugees: “can you pick fruit.”

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by james19.

    Almost 90,000 British (and still more to come) wish to offer rooms to Ukrainian refugees

    While their charity and compassion are very laudable but the refugee camps in Turkey, the Greek islands and Libya plus elsewhere are still full of refugees hopeful of sanctuary in Europe.

    Why is the government sponsoring such a scheme only for Ukrainian victims of war and not others? I think you probably know the reason why.

    Another example of humanitarian principles being applied very differently.

    Asylum seekers are denied the right to work in the UK but some businesses are pressing to be permitted to employ Ukrainians to express their sympathy


    When the Haitian refugees arrived on the coast of Florida they are sent back. Those are blacks peoples who are not Europeans


    From RT but who else will give details of the extreme right-wing Ukrainian tendencies


    Never even knew of its existence, the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF).

    United Kingdom, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

    Johnson explains “Vladimir Putin over the last years has been like a pusher, feeding an addiction in western countries to his hydrocarbons. We need to get ourselves off that addiction.”

    So he switches his dope-dealer by visiting Saudi Arabia


    Ukraine is not the only country that has Neo Nazis and Neo-Fascist groups. Most of them do not have the same power, influences and financial support as the original German Nazis and Italian Fascists. Some Neo Nazis groups in the USA they have blacks and latinos members, most are unemployed and live in poverty, and probably they do not even know what Nazism and Fascism really was.

    It is only a pretext from the Russia government to invade the eastern part of Ukraine, as during WW2 Nazism was only a pretext for Stalin to occupy Eastern Europe, and before that he gave green light to Molotov to integrate the Soviet Union to the countries of the Axis Alliance, and the German trains were allowed to cross the whole Soviet Union transporting raw materials for the Nazis war machine.

    Nazism and Fascism is the new scary pretext of the leftists in several countries, the leftist coalition that supports president Boric in Chile run a campaign based on the emergence of the so called Post Fascism, that is the reason why they obtained so many votes on the second electoral round, most of them called themselves Renovated socialists instead of social democrats


    One of Mao’s Chinese cadres during the Chinese civil wars later went to the US and joined the Ku Klux Klan!!!! (According to Edgar Snow, who failed to elaborate).

    Mussolini called himself a socialist, as did Ernst Roehm and the left-wing German Nazis who opposed Hitler.

    Nazi Germany supplied Kuomintang China against Germany’s ally Japan in the 1930s.
    Stalin continued to the end to support Chiang Kai-shek, and not Mao, who did not appear credible to him.

    Just some of the instances showing how left and right are no different. They are just branches of capitalist politics.


    Sky News just now.

    IF Putin were to give the strategic nuclear order, it would be him alone contacting individual submarine commanders. He wouldn’t need to consult his generals at all.


    Looks as if Russia will achieve its main war aim — Ukraine will not join NATO, says Zelensky. But why didn’t NATO let him say this before?


    I don’t think Putin will stop the war because of this, though.

    In fact, he is intensifying the onslaught.


    Even Germany and Japan were willing to stop the war, even more, there is evidence that shows that the WW 2 could have been shortened

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