Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #227690

    Another example of Leftists choosing sides in a capitalist war – this time in support of Russian capitalist imperialism. Why can’t these people, along with those like the ridiculous “Workers Liberty” party that seemingly align themselves with NATO instead, see that the only sensible and principled approach is simply to REFUSE to be drawn into supporting either side.

    Anyone who supports one or other side in this capitalist war automatically forfeits the right to be considered a socialist organisation for this reason alone (let alone the many other reasons one can adduce)


    And the Maoists supported Idi Amin! And Pol Pot.

    We have an article titled: Polt Pot and his friends from the West. I published the same article on a leftist forum and I was told that I am a fascist, by the same token I published an articles about the criminal Ho Chi Min and they said that I was a fascist, and It is well known that both made alliance with the western powers. The Maoists also support the government of Augusto Pinochet based on the Three World Theory elaborated by Mao Tse Tung


    Leftists call everyone they don’t like a fascist, just like suburbanite gossips call everyone they don’t like a paedophile.

    A documentary some time ago told of the Maoist “Workers Democratic Party” in the US in the 1970s, which was a cult using terror to control its members.


    Movimiento says Russia won’t strike NATO weapons deliveries. Oh yes they will.

    I don’t think Russia is going to attack any convoy of weapons outside of the Ukraine territory, it might be a provocation for war with NATO (USA ) , and both sides are avoiding any direct confrontation, in the same way, that the USA does not want to establish a no-fly zone in Ukraine, or to allow Poland to concede MIG aeroplanes to Ukraine. War is not a cockfight

    PS. In regard to our articles published on the Socialist Standard, I think they were correct at the time that they were written. As Adam Buick wrote, the SS is a monthly publication


    Leftists call everyone they don’t like a fascist, just like suburbanite gossips call everyone they don’t like a paedophile.

    A documentary some time ago told of the Maoist “Workers Democratic Party” in the US in the 1970s, which was a cult using terror to control its members.


    You are talking about the Marlene Dixon cult, the CPUSA has a similar cult with Bob Avakian, and Michael Klonsky, and Hardial Bains in Canada


    It may merely be Ukrainian propaganda but hopefully not

    There have been cases of mass refusals by russian servicemen to “travel to Ukraine” to take part in hostilities, despite promises of “war veteran” status, additional daily allowances and higher salaries.

    The first stage towards the fulfilment of The International

    “No more deluded by reaction
    On tyrants only we’ll make war
    The soldiers too will take strike action
    They’ll break ranks and fight no more
    And if those cannibals keep trying
    To sacrifice us to their pride
    They soon shall hear the bullets flying
    We’ll shoot the generals on our own side.”


    I have read that Russia is also using private contractors to hire mercenaries like the USA did in Iraq


    Another call for the workers to kill themselves defending their own ruling class in a so-called patriotic war. They call themselves Marxists, but there is no writing of Marx asking workers to kill other workers or to defend their homeland, they call themselves humanists, but they are approving the killing of humans against other humans. On the Communist Manifesto, it is clearly indicated that workers have no country. If they are supporting the Ukrainian ruling class, they should also support NATO and the western European ruling class

    A Memorandum on the Radical Anti‑Imperialist Position Regarding the War in Ukraine


    They should change their name to “non-Marxist anti-Humanists”.


    Lenin wars for national liberation. Lenin was a Leninist, but he was not a Marxist or a communist. National liberation liberates one ruling class from another ruling class, but it has never liberated the working class. They rejected Lenin’s vanguard party to lead, but they did not reject other Leninist anti-Marxists conceptions, therefore, as Adam Buick said: They are Non-Marxist anti Humanist

    Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine puts the future of humanity in doubt


    “Another call for the workers to kill themselves defending their own ruling class in a so-called patriotic war.”

    Yes, MovimientoSocialista

    It’s one thing to say you are opposed to Russian Imperialism, it’s quite another to actively align yourself with and support the other side – that is to say, another capitalist state as the people you mention do. Hence, their statement:

    “We are in favour of the delivery of defensive weapons to the victims of aggression with no strings attached – in this case to the Ukrainian state fighting the Russian invasion of its territory”

    It is interesting that the Left seems to split on this whole issue. Some support Russian imperialism on the pretext of “fighting fascism” (notwithstanding the quasi-fascist nature of the Putin regime), others support the authoritarian Ukrainian state. Very few seem to be saying a “plague on both their houses”

    The WSM may not be unique in adopting this last position but I think it is the most consistent and principled organisation in its opposition to every capitalist war going right back to World War one

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by robbo203.

    Other groups are saying that this war has been provoked by the Ukrainian jews, if we mixed all of them together, we can see that there is no difference between right and left, both are wings of the same bird known as capitalism. All these groups have turned Marxism and socialism into a theory of nationalists, anti-imperialists, conspirators, and patriots


    “We are in favour of the delivery of defensive weapons to the victims of aggression with no strings attached – in this case to the Ukrainian state fighting the Russian invasion of its territory.”

    Who is going to deliver these weapons? Why don’t they come out and openly say: We demand that NATO supply the Ukrainian state with guns and bombs and missiles? Or go around spray painting: No-Fly Zone Now.

    In fact, why don’t they take the next step and themselves go and join the armed forces of the Ukrainian capitalist state? I believe that state has set up a foreign legion and is recruiting.

    This war is certainly sorting out the sheep from the goats.


    Woe betide conscientious objectors living under leftist Bolshevik rule!


    More about conscientious objectors in Ukraine and Russia here:

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