Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #227651

    #227611 REPLY

    It was not very long ago that some people on this forum were saying that there would be no war in Ukraine. (Indeed, the ‘Almost-War’ article in this month’s Standard now looks risible. But hey! Even socialists aren’t always right.)


    At that particular moment, Russia was not going to invade Ukraine, and I don’t think that we were fooled by an ex KGB agent, some sectors of the ruling class of Russia put pressure on him, and they decided to shoot missiles against the Ukraine territory and it was a mistake in their part because the loss ( military, economic and human death on both sides ) has been bigger than the gains, and some members of the Russian capitalists class are opposing Putin, and it has shown the weakness of the so-called Russian empire.

    I think NATO wanted them to shoot the first shot, to show to the world that Russia is the aggressor, and to find justification to place more sanctions on Russia, and the sanctions have shown their dependence on foreign capital and foreign technology, their strength is based on the possession of atomic bombs, and that a country armed with an atomic bomb can invade a country without the atomic bomb

    I think the article in question is correct because it was written when the Russians had not intensified the military attacks, and until now they have not launched a full scale invasion as it was predicted, and the writer has always written good articles, and I do not think that he was mistaken

    It is very difficult to predict any phenomenon in politics and baseball, and we do not use tarot to predict the future.

    Our problem is that we do not take side with inter-imperialist or inter-class conflicts, and conspiracy theories like the leftwingers and our analysis regarding the real causes of war have been correct all the time


    Then and Now, Here and There

    Good description there of how the current Russian capitalist class originally accumulated their capital — as a result of the Russian government following the advice of American “free” market economists. In other words, the West created the oligarchs they now want to punish.

    In 1991 the Russian capitalist class was for sale, they were ready to negotiate with any capitalist bloc from the west, in the same way, that China made agreements with all the capitalists from the west to obtain capitalist development. Capital is one of the enemies of the capitalists.

    PS: When Richard Nixon went to China a friend of mine who was a Maoist cadre said that China was going to be sold on a red carpet to the Western corporations and that all the leaders were going to become millionaires from the labours of the Chinese workers


    Leftist supporters of Ukrainian nationalism and self-determination in the shape of the “Workers’ Liberty” group


    “And who do British leftists, who refuse to back Ukraine, think they are to demand the Ukrainians negotiate with Putin? and even negotiate on the basis of Minsk 2? The Ukrainian government wants to negotiate, and that is its right. Our job is to rally working-class support to help Ukraine fight to defend itself. That is the division now on the UK left.”


    Another leftist group to go off the rails (at least our rails though not theirs as following Rays Dunasksyeva they have always supported “national self- determination”) is the “Marxist” Humanist Initiative, including Andrew Kliman despite his high understanding of how capitalism works and does not work.

    Here is their statement on the war.

    Scroll down to the end to see their slogans including “Victory to Ukraine!”. They even oppose Ukraine becoming neutral ie defend its right to join NATO if it wants.

    Appalling and unforgivable from a working class point of view.


    This is Peter Hudis group, it is a split from News and Letter and Killman group

    The Castroist group support Russia and the so-called fight against Nazism

    Killman, Klein, Chomsky, Petra and others have written many books but they always take a side in inter-class conflicts. Natalia Sedova did not write so many books as her husband Leon Trotsky but she knew that the Soviet Union was a state capitalist country

    No to war – Russia’s hands off Ukraine!


    They claim to be for the workers … Who do they think these blasted, destroyed, lives are? They are workers! And these so-called revolutionaries support the blasting of their lives!


    They claim to be for the workers … Who do they think these blasted, destroyed, lives are? They are workers! And these so-called revolutionaries support the blasting of their lives!


    Some groups are saying that they are counter-revolutionaries, lumpen, nazis, and zionists, workers from both are being killed


    So we know who the real fascists are: the Bolsheviks!

    A century ago they levelled the same abuse at Makhno.


    Fascism exists in two forms: Fascism and anti-fascism


    Well said, Movimiento!


    The Castroists/ Guevarists supported the invasions of the Soviet Union in Europe and Africa

    PS The African invasion was a war for national liberation.
    Some ML groups ( like MLPUSA ) claimed that General Ochoa was executed because he was one of the supporters of Perestroika


    About a subjugated plain,
    Among its desperate and slain,
    The Ogre stalks with hands on hips,
    While drivel gushes from his lips.

    W.H. Auden


    And the Maoists supported Idi Amin! And Pol Pot.


    Adam and all

    You referred earlier to a circular email you received from the following individual condemning our anti-nationalist approach to the Ukraine war

    “Boris Ikhlov, secretary of executive committee of Russia’ Marxist political union “Worker”, 5.3.2022″

    Well, purely by accident I came across a very old email dated July 2014 when I was looking for something totally different in my email filing system. Lo and behold in this email the name Boris Ikhlov cropped up.
    I copy and paste the main contents as follows:

    “The informer Boris Ikhlov at work

    Andrey Karaulov, reclamed by Ikhlov (see below), also was KGB informer: he betrayed Boris Kagarlitsky – B. K. had come to jail because of Karaulov. About that see here (in Russian):,_%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81_%D0%AE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87”

    From the samizdat blog, it appears that Ikhlov is associated with the fascist National Bolshevik party in Russia!


    Is that the Bolshevik party that still idolizes Stalin?

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