Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #225961

    Putin has told Macron that the West has ignored Russia’s security concerns.

    Putin told Macron the stand-off had not been resolved.

    “US and Nato responses did not take account of such key Russian concerns as preventing Nato expansion, non-deployment of strike weapons systems near Russian borders, or returning the alliance’s military potential and infrastructure in Europe to positions existing in 1997,” a Kremlin readout of the call said.


    RT now saying the NATO boss stating he has “no confidence” Russia will invade Ukraine, a view shared by the Ukraine govt., which says the Russian troop build-up is no bigger than last year’s.

    On the other hand, we now have Russian forces over the Irish Sea (!), and elsewhere.


    What do you think the danger is that independent paramilitary Ukrainian fanatics could launch provocative moves to further incite the situation?


    You mean like the fanatical Serbian nationalist who shot the Austrian Crown Prince in Sarajevo in 1914, providing Austria and Germany with a pretext to mobilise?

    You’re right mad ultra-nationalists are quite capable of this sort of thing. But the Ukrainian ones would be very silly to do that as the West have said that there will be no military response to a Russian invasion. So Ukraine would be on its own and would probably have to hand the eastern part inhabited by a Russians back to Russia.

    I think that last week Western propaganda was warning of something like this as a “false flag” operation by Russia. The sensationalist media (that’s all the daily papers and all commercial TV stations) love this sort of thing as it sells papers and gets more people watching ads before, during and after the news. Advertising revenue of course is what they are in business before and how they generate income, part of which is their profit.


    I see the President of Ukraine has just complained about alarmist stories about an imminent invasion causing the Ukrainian economy to slow down.


    It appears evident now many in the Ukraine feel they are pawns in this, manipulated by the US. Even the Ukraine govt feels this now.

    Instead of Putin planning a coup, maybe NATO will? To oust the Ukraine govt?


    The merchants of death and masters of war, celebrate the possibility of war.

    On a January 25 earnings call, Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes said, “we just have to look to last week where we saw the drone attack in the UAE, which have attacked some of their other facilities. And of course, the tensions in Eastern Europe, the tensions in the South China Sea, all of those things are putting pressure on some of the defense spending over there. So I fully expect we’re going to see some benefit from it.”

    The same day, Jim Taiclet, CEO of Lockheed Martin, also advised investors that the likelihood of further American involvement in Eastern Europe would be good for business. “If you look at the evolving threat level and the approach that some countries are taking, including North Korea, Iran and through some of its proxies in Yemen and elsewhere, and especially Russia today, and China, there’s renewed great power competition that does include national defense and threats to it,” he said.

    Brian West, CFO of aerospace and weapons contractor Boeing, did not reference Ukraine and Russia directly, but acknowledged that strong bipartisan support for military spending in Washington has ensured that the company sees “stable demand.”


    Poll shows the majority of US want diplomacy not war-Russia over ukraine


    Lavrov Says ‘There Will Be No War’ Over Ukraine Unless US Escalates
    “If it depends on Russia, then there will be no war,” said the Russian foreign minister. “We don’t want wars.”


    Looking for something else I came across this from 2015 when Trump was only running for the nomination.

    The irony is that, under Trump, this crisis might not have happened. So who was the imaginary “lesser evil” on foreign policy: Biden the Bellicose or Trump the Isolationist? This is assuming of course that the military establishment wouldn’t run rings around him as they did over Syria.


    My judgment on the news stations:

    BBC slavishly pro-American with hardly any coverage.
    Sky slavishly pro-American with extra hawkishness.
    RT Russia’s view with more in-depth coverage.
    Aljazeera the best and calmest, and with excellent coverage.


    Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels

    Donald Trump did not start any new war, and he did not make any threat against Russia, but he ordered more bombardments than any other president


    The USA is doing the same thing that they did with Japan, they do not want a conditional negotiation, they want the whole pie, they want to dismantle Russia and to finish the job that they started in 1989 in Eastern Europe. They want Russia to move to their own side and become part of their spheres of influence, when the Soviet Union collapsed the leaders were willing to sell themselves to any western power

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