Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #227428
    Bijou Drains

    The Times is reporting that Russia has stated that it would end the war on condition that the Crimea was recognised as Russian, the two de facto republics are recognised and that The Ukraine doesn’t join NATO or EU.
    In effect that is recognition of the existing arrangement as being de jure.
    Perhaps an end is in sight, depending on whether the West are willing to let Putin save face


    ACG criticises Freedom

    “For Freedom to now be actively promoting nationalism, xenophobia and hatred of a nationality because of the actions of their government is unbelievable, unacceptable and hopefully a passing aberration…”

    Identity, nationalism and xenophobia at Freedom

    I think we can share in some of that criticism of Freedom’s ahistorical analysis that declines to place the invasion into a wider context.


    The ruling class demands sacrifices on the altar of war

    If you try to flee with your family from the war zones in Ukraine, along with hundreds of thousands of others, you will be forcefully divided from your wife, your children and your elderly parents if you are a male between 18 and 60: you are now conscripted to fight the advancing Russian army. If you stay in the cities, you will be subjected to shelling and missiles, allegedly aimed at military targets, but always causing that “collateral damage” which we first heard about in the West’s glorious Gulf War of 1991 – residential blocks, schools and hospitals are destroyed and hundreds of civilians are killed. If you are a Russian soldier, you may have been told that the people of Ukraine would welcome you as a liberator, but you will pay in blood for believing that lie. This is the reality of imperialist war today, and the longer it continues, the bigger will be the toll in death and destruction. The Russian armed forces have shown that they are capable of razing whole cities to the ground, as they did in Chechnya and Syria. The western arms pouring into Ukraine will magnify the devastation.


    A silver lining for Venezuela?

    Discussions on lifting the oil sanctions that the US imposed


    I published an article written by Greg Palast and he is suggesting to the USA government to lift the oi embargo from Venezuela


    The media here keeps on about a no-fly zone despite UK and US politicians rejecting it. I
    Maybe this is staged or not, it looks like the prelude to war with Russia, as the politicians “give in” to popular demand for World War Three. Meanwhile, this demand is being created by the media day by day.


    AC, on the question of the no-fly zone proposal, I came across this piece in my intray

    Ukraine: Why a No-Fly Zone is a No Go


    Here’s a joke. The International Court of Justice has been asked to make an order telling Russia to stop its invasion of Ukraine.

    If the judges want to avoid making a laughing stock of themselves they should find some way to avoid making such an order. They should realise that under capitalism might is right in relations between capitalist states. On the other hand, perhaps they should make an ruling ordering Russia to stop as it will be ignored, so demonstrating to the world that under capitalism might is right. And that they are useless bunch of pettifogging logic-choppers.


    NATO to give warplanes to Poland, so Poland can pass them on to Ukraine, which will bring Russian retaliation on Poland, a NATO member.


    Boris Johnson has just let slip that it’s all about spheres of influence, not “freedom” or “democracy”.


    But Boris Johnson is talking about Russia’s sphere of influence. It’s OK to say that the other side is trying to form a sphere of influence. But OUR goals are freedom and democracy.


    Read this this morning. BBC wound me up.
    What purpose does the serve?

    The entire World has condemned Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.

    Ukraine war: Why has ‘Z’ become a Russian pro-war symbol?


    Then there’s the 1969 film Z about a murdered pro-democracy Greek politician. The title doesn’t work well in British English as zee the American way of pronouncing zed means “he lives” in Greek.

    Incidentally, at that time Greece was a military dictatorship but that was no problem for NATO of which Greece was a member. Which confirms that NATO was not (and still is not) about defending democracy. It’s always been about opposing Russia, whether allegedly communist (as when it was the USSR) or avowedly capitalist) as now.


    Careful not to drift toward favouring Russia, in response to the war propaganda here. The cities smashed to smithereens are true images, after all. You can misuse the images to drum up for war, but at the same time, they’re not fake.

Viewing 15 posts - 916 through 930 (of 5,524 total)
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