Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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    The next war, possibly Russia and Transnistria vs Moldova.

    And then the same, but with Georgia, and a demand that it promise never to join NATO.


    And then the same, but with Georgia, and a demand that it promise never to join NATO.

    Russia has already been there, done that.


    There is not any essential difference between the Soviet Union and actual Russia. Several of those so-called socialists republics were forced to join the Soviet Union, and Russia is doing the same thing now


    indeed, however, the wargamers seem to have called it.


    I note nothing is happening in the rest of the world.

    The Yemen war, The Sahel conflicts The Myanmar dictators, the DRC, the Tigray, Afghanistan chaos
    Refugees in cages in Libya and Greece
    The immigration bottleneck at the US-Mexico border
    The Covid pandemic
    And of course climate change

    All disappeared as far as the media is concerned.

    And the effect of Ukraine on the world economy, global inflation, the cost of humanitarian aid…footnotes. The priority is to speculate on what city falls next to Russia and get the best news footage of the latest atrocity.

    We have had the horseman of pestilence, the horseman of famine, the horseman of war…now the world awaits the fourth rider of the Apocalypse…the horseman of death, itself.


    Electorally, the Banderites showed little success but when it comes to political influence, they punched well above their weight.

    Two articles describing some of the history of the Ukrainian right-wing that is being ignored by the media

    ROBERT PARRY: When Western Media Saw Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis

    ROBERT PARRY: When US House Saw Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis


    A very pro-Russian video setting out some hometruths but very clearly from a skewed bias angle


    As mentioned previously by ALB, the “brutal cruel killers” of the Russian army are tolerating protests in the occupied territory.

    “At least several hundred people gathered in the center of Kherson on Saturday to protest the Russian occupation of the Black Sea port…The protesters chanted “Ukrainia,” and the largest cheer went up when a young man waving Ukraine’s blue-and-yellow flag scrambled onto a Russian troop carrier…The protests in Kherson this weekend were the largest and latest in a growing tide of confrontations in the few Ukrainian towns and cities of any size that Russian forces have taken.”


    A bit of historical background by the late Peter Newell on the Ukrainian ‘Socialist’ Party front that once existed.


    A report from the Arab channel Al Mayadeen alleging that the Azov battalion is preventing civilians from leaving Mariupol by breaking the ceasefires and that it has clashed with the regular Ukrainian army there. Might not be at all that reliable as Al Mayadeen is said to be close to Hezbollah. Looks like Russian disinformation but still something to add to the file.


    The Life of a War Correspondent Is Even Worse Than You Think
    Reporting from war zones has always been a dicey proposition, but the last few years of covering conflicts have become a particularly dark and depressing time for journalists in conflicts.


    I freely admit a sense of schadenfreude when I read of the freezing of Russian oligarchs’ finances (why not outright confiscate?) and the commandeering of their luxury yachts and private jets. Oh, how I sympathise with the tragedy that they no longer can buy Prada and Cartier designer brand luxury goods.

    But, sadly, I know of how much some holiday resorts around the world rely on the Russian tourist trade and these ordinary shopkeepers, bars and restaurants, having already suffered in the Covid lockdowns, are going to struggle to recover with the expected collapse of visitors from Russia.


    In recent days, there has been an avalanche of sportspeople publicly announcing their support for Ukraine as they performed.

    Yet one young gymnast who chose to express her patriotism mistaken as it is for her country is now the object to vilification and faces being disciplined by sporting officials

    Another example of double standards and hypocrisy

    (I don’t forget how the Green Brigade of Celtic showed support for the Palestinians and how the club was then fined by the football authorities)


    Yes the current wave of Russophobia and Ukrainomania is quite irrational. But nobody minds the kleptocrats from the Gulf. Their money is ok and has been for half a century. And they are bigger autocrats than Putin. They are on “our” side, so they can keep their yachts, their luxury apartments, their private jets, their football clubs, and other “ill-gotten gains”. The hypocrisy of the US-led NATO bloc knows no bounds.


    Not all Ukrainians are the fanatical nationalists we are told they are:

    “Ukrainian men try to escape country in car boots
    Men have hidden in the boots of cars and jumped on trains in desperate attempts to flee Ukraine, the country’s ministry of internal affairs has said.
    In its latest update, the ministry said some men had also pretended to be foreigners or tried to bribe border guards.
    Ukrainian men of fighting age are currently not allowed to leave the country and are being strongly encouraged to fight against Russian forces.
    One man was discovered in the boot of his wife’s Lexus at a border checkpoint in Luzhanka on the Hungary-Ukraine border.
    Another was found hiding among possessions in the boot of a Mitsubishi car.
    The man had then tried to pay the border guards,
    Another man jumped on a train and tried to cross the border without passing border control, the ministry said.”

    Good luck to them but I hate to think what the “Ministry of Internal Affairs”will be doing to those they caught.

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