Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #227353

    New wars bring new terminology and one phrase i see keep recurring is “rules-based international order”

    An article calling out the hypocrisy

    War, Conflict & Enemies of Truth


    That idea is discussed in the second link given by Moo in the thread on the New World Order. But the only rule in relations between capitalist states is Might is Right. Always has been. Always with be. And nothing can be done about it. Except of course replacing capitalism with socialism, the common ownership and democratic control of the Earth’s natural and industrial resources.


    The Russian backlash

    Strike in Nizhnekamsk (Tatarstan, Russia). At the ‘Gemont’ factory. Workers were underpaid due to changes in the exchange rate of the ruble.

    Bijou Drains

    Welcome to Roberto, we agree not a drop of working class blood is worth supporting either side of this war for control of markets, resources and influence. I hope you have had time to read through the information on our website and if you agree with our views, we would love to welcome you to our movement. Our Sister Party The WOrld Socialist Party (US) has the following website
    Yours for Socialism


    Our own war criminal Tony Bliar continues to deny his guilt


    thank you very much for your greetings.
    I’ve been reading your political platform for a while
    I consider that you are the organization that most represents what socialism is and that as long as capitalism exists there will be no solution for humanity.
    also then you are the best in explaining the misnamed “socialist” countries and the first to call them state capitalism


    The knock-on effect

    There are vital talks presently going on to bring Iran back into the treaty that the USA broke concerning its nuclear energy development.

    Russia was a crucial country in those negotiations. But no longer.

    It now offers the war-hawks an opportunity to continue the sanctions against Iran and when Iran persists in building its nuclear facilities, Israel will do what it has threatened, bomb Iran, targeting exactly what Russia has been condemned of doing in Ukraine, risking radioactive fall out.

    War has unpredictable and unintended consequences. Ukraine could ignite the Middle East again. Fingers-crossed it doesn’t


    Ever since the Iraq invasion of 2003, i have come to respect Medialens as shining a light on media hypocrisy

    This phrase appealed to me

    “the media’s 101st Chairborne Division”

    Doubling Down On Double Standards – The Ukraine Propaganda Blitz


    The new wide dispersed Russian propaganda in Latin America is about the struggle against Nazism, and post fascism, the old scare spread by the Stalinists during WW2 and after WW2, RT in Spanish is one of the main news propagators. The old Leninist concept of anti-imperialism does not apply to Ukraine, but it applies to Russia, the left is like a clock pendulum, it oscillates from one side into another side


    It’s telling how superficial the anarchism of some anarchists is when put to the test. Obviously, if you really are against capitalism (and not just for direct action to get reforms), you don’t take up arms in defence of a capitalist state and kill, or help others to kill, fellow workers.


    Some evidence that the Azov Battalion will be in charge of defending Mariupol (and so possibly using the inhabitants as human shields as they make their last stand against the Russian army). Anyway, bad publicity for Ukrainian and NATO propaganda that the issue in Ukraine is defending democracy and democratic values.

    I don’t know about Greek City Times but Snopes is reliable. It’s a well-known fact-checking and myth-busting site.


    It is a long video but those involved are well-known informed commentators, to be heeded.


    Just heard Zelensky call on the people in Russian-occupied places like Khersom and Berdyansk to rise up and kick out the Russian troops. So not only does he want to provoke a war between NATO and Russia, he wants the people in these places, where some sort of co-existence has been reached to allow life to go as normally as possible, to get killed and get others killed in a futile uprising. Hopefully they will ignore his call. I used to think he was relatively rational but he has turned out to be a dangerous nutter. Or maybe he is putting his acting experience to use and hoping that his histrionics will win him an Oscar.

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