Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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    Previously, Grayzone and Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal and Glen Greenwald have found themselves criticised by the Democratic Party progressive leftist wing for being too pro-Assad.

    They fell out with the TYT TV show over questioning the legitimacy of its Russiagate investigations as being too Clintonite

    I did think it necessary to add a warning to my post that they do have a bias.

    But we don’t shoot the messengers, we question them


    All day long I have been getting this message when I try to go to RT
    403 – Forbidden . That’s an error. Client does not have access rights to the content so server is rejecting to give proper response. That’s all we know.


    Western media seem to be trying to push the workers here, in Europe and America, into demanding with Zelensky a no-fly zone, in spite of NATO and Biden sensibly rejecting it.

    What’s the media game here?


    Zelentsky’s attack on NATO for not agreeing to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine is very harsh, saying that they will be responsible for all the deaths that occur because they refused to do this. Perhaps he is beginning to realise that he has been used as a pawn by NATO in its conflict of interest with Russia as under whose sphere of influence Ukraine should be.

    I wouldn’t think that most people in the world would agree that it would be worth risking a Third World War to save Ukraine from being defeated by Russia.




    Extracts from a report from the Financial Times about what is happening in the towns in the south that the Russian forces have captured. There doesn’t seem to be any killing, looting and raping and basic municipal services are still operating under local control. The report all says there have even been public protests.This wary peaceful co-existence will hopefully continue unless some idiot takes a pot shot at a Russian soldier or throws a Molotov cocktail at a tank. Which neither side, nor the working class in general, has an interest in happening.

    In the two-day battle for Kherson, Russian tanks shelled a school and troops shot dead residents seeking to repel the attack with Molotov cocktails. But once the city was captured, the yellow and blue Ukrainian flag kept flying above its main official building as part of life under Russian occupation.

    Mayor Ihor Kolykhaiev laid out the new rules in a Facebook post. His constituents could leave home in groups no bigger than two. Cars should drive at low speed. Arrangements were made to collect corpses of Ukrainians killed in the main square and other parts of town, which the city said numbered at least 49, mainly civilians.

    “We are experiencing colossal difficulties with collecting and burying the dead, delivering food and medicines, rubbish removal, accidents removal, etc,” Kolykhaiev said.

    Alongside Kherson, smaller cities that fell to Russian forces this week are Berdyansk and Melitopol, which were captured on Sunday and Monday, respectively.

    However, Ukrainians say the Russian hold on these cities has been incomplete and that the occupiers have shown little sign they are equipped to run them, or interested in doing so.


    After the initial panic and run to the ATMs, groceries and pharmacies, Melitopol residents began organising online chat groups to secure food and emergency medications such as insulin, said Olga, a 29-year-old resident. They also set up volunteer patrols to stop looting.

    While Russian troops were stationed in the city’s administrative buildings, Ukrainian government officials were working to keep heating, water, electricity and health services running from other locations, she added.


    Unlike Kherson and Mariupol to its east, Berdyansk has not faced severe fighting. Alexander Svidlo, the town’s mayor, told his constituents that after armed Russian troops stormed city hall on Sunday he was now working on keeping local services running remotely.

    “Until the last moment, I remained in my office in the administration building . . . co-ordinating the work of all communal services,” Svidlo said on his Facebook page.

    Residents contacted by phone by the FT said Berdyansk was calm, with only the rare volley of artillery to be heard.

    “They’ve set up some checkpoints inside the city and on its exit and entry points,” said Maksim Goncharuk, head of the town’s chamber of commerce and industry. He said there were sporadic stop and search checks. Mobile internet continues to operate, shops are open, and the lights are on.


    Yet another example of lying propaganda:

    “Zelensky claims 10,000 Russian troops have been killed”




    I live in the United States.
    Since I was very young I have followed the politics of this country and I can see the hypocrisy of the ruling class of this country like all the others in the world, but the sad thing is that the vast majority of the working class believes that here we are the good guys from the “movie “when the United States, its ruling classes, are partly responsible for this crisis.
    I am against the invasion and expansion of NATO
    and no drop of blood for this rotten system that if we don’t change our existence as a species could be annihilation..
    Socialism or barbarism


    Maybe the supporters of a no-fly zone think a larger war would be restricted to Europe, so stupidly imagine they’d be ok.

    Even if Washington and Moscow agreed to “limit” a nuclear war to Europe, a nuclear winter over the whole planet would follow. Everyone would perish.


    Faces to the names. The Russian commanders

    Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and armed forces Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov

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