Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #226980

    MS, you will note the blog says ‘full scale attack‘ rather than invasion.

    I see no reason, however, why you cannot use the word full-scale incursion, if you prefer, in your translation.

    You will also note that in an earlier comment here, I suggested that we do not know if it will lead to the Russian occupation of the wider Donbas region, presently under Kyiv government control, to enlarge the existing breakaway republics.

    Is Russia intending regime-change, I don’t know?

    What did Putin mean exactly by ‘de-nazification’?

    If so, the presence of Russian troops we can envisage as a longer duration.

    This war is still in its early days and just like the experts, I have no idea how it will develop or how it will intensify.

    I’m hoping for a speedy ceasefire and capitulation of Ukrainian forces to avoid a long drawn-out war that would result in a heavy civilian toll

    I once mentioned on the forum mission-creep, so perhaps Putin’s limited objectives may widen with what happens on the ground. I simply don’t know.

    All we can do is speculate and exchange information that helps to clarify what is going on. And be cautious about accepting the claims from either side.


    Business as usual….

    At the White House daily briefing, a reporter asked Biden economic adviser Daleep Singh if sanctions on the Russian energy industry were “totally off the table”.

    “Our measures were not designed to disrupt in any way the current flow of energy to Russia to the world,” he said, adding that the sanctions on technology would disrupt Russia’s ability to develop the energy industry in the long term.

    “Nothing in the short term as it relates to energy,” he concluded.


    Another link that broadens the socialist case against all wars


    If Putin is stupid enough to attack the Baltics, he would have to fire his nuclear arsenal straight away. Is he that stupid? Will Russian capitalism push him to so overrule common sense as to be prepared to die himself, or survive underground for the rest of his life?


    Statement of the Revolutionary Workers Party

    in Russian: can’t vouch for the bona fides of the group, but still interesting to get a purportedly dissident voice from within the Russia milieu, as it were.

    Google translate is at least intelligible, but I, obviously, can’t vouch for accuracy.

    “No considerations of “containment of NATO”, no criticism of the Ukrainian political regime and other geopolitical nonsense can justify this massacre! Putin talks about the “anti-people junta” and about the fact that the Russian army is allegedly trying to liberate Ukraine from the “Nazis”. But the Russian regime is no better than the regime in Ukraine. And the only one who has the right to liberate Ukraine from the ultra-liberal nationalist dictatorship is the Ukrainian proletariat, and not Russian imperialism! There is nothing fair in this war. There are only imperialist interests of the bourgeoisie of the Russian Federation and dirty haggling with the US and EU bourgeoisie. And in the name of realizing these interests, which are purely alien to the working class, the blood of the workers of Ukraine and Donbass, the soldiers of Russia, the sons of the working class, is now shed.”


    Notice the residential building.

    RT spouting the same justificatory line as the US when bombing: “… clinical, targeted strikes, not aimed at civilians.” Yeah, right!


    Aljazeera: Russia’s capitalists losing billions of dollars every hour.


    As you say, the same spouted by NATO when they bomb cities. The politicians and the media are saying that this is the first war in Europe since the end of the last world war. But of course isn’t. In 1999 NATO bombed Serbia. Buildings were destroyed and civilians terrified and killed as “collateral damage”, as is happening in Kiev and Kharkov at the moment. TV reporters there are interviewing civilians and sympathising with their plight but they weren’t in Belgrade in 1999 to report the plight of civilians there. It’s all a bit one-sided and hypocrisy.


    The pathetic liberal press – newspapers like the (so-called) Independent – are intent upon portraying this conflict as the expression or manifestation of the sociopathic character of Putin. A regurgitation of the idiotic “great man theory of history” with its absolutely superficial and naff interpretation of what is going on. Bloody liberals. They are more of a hindrance than a help.


    Here’s another example of the dumb “great man theory of history” being applied to Ukrainian situations. Bloody liberals. Gawd I detest them and their warmongering


    But the internal toppling of Putin’s clique would stop the war, before whichever heirs could inherit Russian capitalism’s grievances and be likewise compelled to act on them. In fact, peace would be their popularity ticket. Not Great Man Theory, but individuals do play their part in how history pans out.

    Btw, notice Lavrov’s cynicism in talking about the Russian language being victimised. So, killing people for that is justified, is it?

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