Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #226941

    Our blog has posted this statement, mostly copied from posts on this forum, that may serve in lieu of an official party statement.


    abiezer_coppe’s pessimism sadly had turned out to be the reality.

    Hopefully, this will be a limited military engagement of short duration.

    Hopefully, AC’s dark forboding worry that it may become a wider war leading to a nuclear one does not materialise.


    Yes I have to admit that AC has been proved right that the NATO leaders would not be prepared to compromise on their aim of incorporating Ukraine into their sphere of influence, knowing that the stakes were higher for Russia than for them. And now it has to come to this.


    The question now is how far will it go?

    Will the Ukrainians make a fight of it?

    If the Russian ground forces occupy the Ukrainian-held Donbas to enlarge the separatist republics it creates the battlefield conditions for a protracted war.

    Can neighbouring NATO nations avoid entanglement? So many have announced they will supply Ukraine with weaponry but they have to be delivered and will Russia permit it in a drawn-out war?

    Putin called the sanctions bluff…how many more will now be imposed and how long before they begin to economically bite both sides. After Covid can the economy persevere the effects of a trade embargo?

    But we aren’t military strategists, privy to secrets.

    All we can do is guess and hope that workers raise their hands and announce we surrender and hope collective punishment upon civilians for the acts of the nationalists or invaders doesn’t occur.


    My mistake was to assume that, as the bloc trying to change the status quo, NATO would back down in the end. Some NATO states (and in fact the president of Ukraine) seemed to want to do this but were overruled by the US with the support of its poodle the UK.

    It’s an invasion but hardly an “unprovoked” one. As a spokesman for the Chinese ministry or foreign affairs is reported as saying:

    “When the US drove five waves of Nato expansion eastward all the way to Russia’s doorstep and deployed advanced offensive strategic weapons in breach of its assurances to Russia, did it ever think about the consequences of pushing a big country to the wall?”

    Both sides are to blame and ultimately the capitalist system.


    A full-scale invasion as was expected is not going to take place, Russia knows that Ukraine will not become a member of Nato if they have internal military conflicts

    Another point of view from a former Moscow correspondent


    ALB, my mistake was to try and second-guess an experienced veteran KGB operative, trained in misinformation and misdirection.

    I ain’t no George Smiley


    And an accomplished liar.

    Now NATO is talking about closing the Bosphorus to Russian ships. Surely that would provoke a wider war?

    And won’t sanctions (inc. SWIFT) eventually make Russia so desperate that it will resort to the nuclear threat again?


    The nuclear option still remains a very remote option.

    Aren’t we all glad now that Ukraine got rid of their nukes when it became independent.

    I have not heard mention of the Budapest Memorandum guaranteeing Ukraine’s sovereignty

    But treaties are made to be broken

    A broader war-front is a possibility.

    So is a cease-fire and a surrender

    Now that invasion has begun, trying to involve neighbouring nations allied to NATO is to Ukraine’s advantage and it may engineer certain incidents to spread the war.

    I have seen the footage of civilians fleeing the cities. But so far it has not resulted in refugees seeking sanctuary abroad.

    Start worrying when it does


    Abenezer, here is a less simplistic and, as it has turned out, more realistic explanation of what’s going on, even though it was written before the events of this morning. Also interesting as it’s from a group based in Germany and deals with the ambitions of the German State.


    So, according to that, ALB, it is NATO’s intention to eventually attack Russia militarily, when it is “winnable.”
    A throw of the dice with life on Earth as the stake!

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