Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #257392

    The scope of the defeat: Trump flushes Kiev regime

    The European politicians who bet everything on the war in Ukraine, piggybacking on the U.S., have been thrown into complete disarray by the turnaround personified by Donald Trump. Heads of government and commentators on duty insinuate that a kind of madness has struck the new U.S. administration, not excluding some — among the most baffled, of course — the desperate hypothesis that Trump is an agent of Putin.


    So this is the outbreak of WW3?.

    Rest assured. No, it’s not. All that’s going to happen is the capitalist states of Europe are going to waste more of the world’s resources on weapons of individual and mass destruction.

    L.B. Neill

    Critical Minerals

    This is a term being used about US involvement both in the Ukraine and now in the Congo. Minerals/Mining/US discussions with economies subjected to conflict
    Minerals. Late advent Capitalism conflates with late advent colonialism.
    Persevere with me- I am wondering if current US foreign policy (indolent and swaying as it is) is unmasking a ‘new wave’ of colonialism: and I am trying to wrestle with its implications (Old tricks in a new era?)….
    Any insights before I go off and study it further?
    Much appreciated

    • This reply was modified 6 days ago by L.B. Neill.

    It would seem to be a difference of style rather than of substance in that most modern wars have always arisen from conflicts of economic interest between rival capitalist groups over sources of raw materials, trade routes, markets and investment outlets and strategic points and areas to protect these.

    Various terms have been used to describe this such as “imperialism”, “colonialism”, “neo-colonialism” but the best term is simply “capitalism” as these conflicts of economic interest and wars are an inevitable result of the competitive struggle for profits that is at the heart of the system..

    Trump is being “transactional” rather than diplomatic. In other words, telling it as it is rather than disguising it as crap about the free world, democracy, human rights, rights of small nations, etc.


    Afraid of peace:


    European hysterics analysis.


    “It would seem to be a difference of style rather than of substance in that most modern wars have always arisen from conflicts of economic interest between rival capitalist groups over sources of raw materials, trade routes, markets and investment outlets and strategic points and areas to protect these.

    Various terms have been used to describe this such as “imperialism”, “colonialism”, “neo-colonialism” but the best term is simply “capitalism” as these conflicts of economic interest and wars are an inevitable result of the competitive struggle for profits that is at the heart of the system..

    Trump is being “transactional” rather than diplomatic. In other words, telling it as it is rather than disguising it as crap about the free world, democracy, human rights, rights of small nations, etc.^

    Spot on.



    According to this, the British ruling class actually want war with Russia, and will do all they can to get it.

    • This reply was modified 5 days, 6 hours ago by Thomas_More.

    Jeffrey Sachs

    L.B. Neill

    Thanks ALB,
    That is a really good start.. even an old start: nothing changed.
    It seems that the Trump admin is direct, and it is open on its will.
    This will add a new ideological narrative- same old, but spoken directly.
    Much appreciated- oh, the post on the history of US mining in the area was helpful.
    Be safe,

    • This reply was modified 5 days ago by L.B. Neill. Reason: poor grammer
    • This reply was modified 5 days ago by L.B. Neill. Reason: Again! Spelling mistakes!

    If the US is to have work teams extracting minerals in Ukraine after a deal, it will not want European troops milling about and drawing Russian fire.


    NATO “democracy” in action:

    Remember the hue and cry when the Putin government did this in Russia?

    Both sides are engaging in dirty tricks to ensure they have a favourable government in this part of the world. Russia gets all the blame but NATO is at it too. Gerrymandering the electorate in Moldova by allowing Moldovans abroad to outvote those living in the country. Organising protests in Georgia at the outcome of elections there which those they favoured didn’t win. The coup in Ukraine in 2014 when pro-western democrats united with Ukrainian fascists to overthrow the pro-Russian President — and which began the countdown to the present war — could also be included.

    The issue was never democracy versus dictatorship but into whose sphere of influence the states of the area should fall.

    After losing elections in Hungary and Slovakia NATO is now afraid of this happening in Rumania too. What a bunch of cynical hypocrites the pro-NATO politicians in Britain, France and Germany are. Trump is cynical too but at least he’s not a hypocrite.


    A sympathiser has emailed us this observation:

    I cannot find in any mainstream press publication or show any critique of the recent action by Starmer’s government where £15 billion was pledged to provide more military hardware to Ukraine only a day before they announced a huge reduction in funds for welfare.

    I have long held the belief that we live in a psychopathic system, in the sense that those in charge display maybe all or at least some of the traits of psychopathy: lack of empathy, superficial charm, manipulativeness, lack of remorse, grandiosity, impulsivity and poor behavioural control and this action surely displays this. No money for life and plenty of money for death.

    The people of the world are being lied to. The increase in military funding for Ukraine is built on a lie or huge misinformation of the truth and this is happening through the national broadcaster the BBC. Repeatedly we are told that only a huge show of military strength in and on the borders of Ukraine with Russia, in Poland and in all of eastern europe will hold back Putin and deter Russia from expanding westward. This is utter nonsense. Russia has never held an intention of pushing westwards it just wants no NATO bases close to its country. Can we imagine for a moment that NATO was a Russian led military organisation and had bases all over mainland Europe pointing towards the UK and US? The reaction of the UK /US would likely be far worse than what Putin has pursued. Possibly we all wouldnt be here now, gone in a Nuclear explosion?

    For the truth on the causes of the Ukraine conflict and much more I would urge all readers to listen to Jeffrey Sachs ‘Roaring Ukraine speech at EU’.


    Yes, exactly.

    ” I have long held the belief that we live in a psychopathic system, in the sense that those in charge display maybe all or at least some of the traits of psychopathy: lack of empathy, superficial charm, manipulativeness, lack of remorse, grandiosity, impulsivity and poor behavioural control and this action surely displays this. No money for life and plenty of money for death.”

    I will probably attract more uninformed grief over mentioning his name again (😨) but what you have described about our masters was perfectly presented in the honest and spot-on descriptions of them by the Marquis de Sade (for which his works were banned for so long).

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