Russian Tensions

September 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #254128

    But he has now said that that would be the case if Ukraine does, and that NATO would then be considered officially by him as in direct war with Russia. That’s not saying he will hit Ukraine alone with the missiles but NATO countries too.
    And with Starmer pushing for it, Biden is likely to allow it, as long as the missiles are British and not American.

    Al Jazeera:
    “ describing such assaults on Russia as a “joint attack”, Putin has effectively laid the ground for Moscow to argue that it could target Ukraine’s nuclear-armed allies – the US, UK and France – directly, on their soil, if Kyiv attacks Russia in ways that the Kremlin concludes are a “critical threat” to the country’s sovereignty.”

    • This reply was modified 18 hours, 32 minutes ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 18 hours, 30 minutes ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 14 hours, 8 minutes ago by Thomas_More.

    Here is how the floated change is analysed by a Russian pro-government outlet:

    It seems to be a case of Russia upping in ante to try to deter the other side from taking some action.

    Note the bit at the end about a US,British or French satellite being shot down rather than a direct attack on their territory.

    Incidentally I can’t see Biden allowing Britain to go it alone, but I can imagine Sir Kyiv Starmer being so reckless and warmongering as to what to do so. After all, just as Reeves has declared Labour is the “party of business” so Starmer has declared that it is “the party of NATO”.


    But Kyiv Starmer and Zealolensky are obviously wanting to goad Pootin beyond that point.


    Will China restrain Putin on his threats?


    ” Washington doesn’t appear ready to take the gloves off entirely and allow Ukraine to target Russia’s airfields with long-range U.S. missiles quite yet — though it may withdraw restrictions on the U.K.’s Storm Shadows, which use U.S. technology.”

    the British might be allowed to proceed without U.S. objection,”

    • This reply was modified 7 hours, 53 minutes ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 7 hours, 51 minutes ago by Thomas_More.

    Just realised that that dates from October 2022 and anyway he said could rather than will. I don’t know if he is still saying that today in the current situation.

    In any event, this is the worst Labour government that there has ever been. And from day one.


    Now it seems Russia are arming the Houthi Rebellion amid secret talks with Iran. I know WWIII is unthinkable but things feel like a slow crescendo right now. I still maintain the Capitalist Class would never orchestrate the destruction of their own playground. Surely to God?
    Speaking of him upstairs Millions of Evangelicals are rubbing their hands in glee. To hasten the apocalypse so their big pal Jesus comes back. This is the situation we are in.

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