Russian Tensions

October 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #251048

    He is a sugar daddy. He has the best election that a dictator can have; No opposition. He is the darling of some leftist groups and personalities


    How did he do it?
    How did he revert Russia to a dictatorship after the 1990s?

    It seems to have just crept up on the population without them being aware of it.


    The 1990 transition from state capitalism to corporate capitalism did not reverse or erase the past, it id not erase the legacy of authoritarian Stalinism, leadership cult and personalities cult, even more, an old Coronel of the KGB ( composed of gangsters and oligarchs ) was elected as president, and his popularity has not declined too much, and still many workers romanticize the authoritarian regime of the Soviet Union, and the state apparatus has done a tremendous job to influence the minds of the workers. The KGB was not different to the gangs that robbed banks conducted by Stalin to collect money to finance the operations for the Bolshevik Party, and still in our time there were some gangs of bank robbers calling themself “Marxists” who justified their actions in the name of the working class and to finance socialism

    Anti-Putin Protests


    I don’t know whether this — the result of the vote of Russians living outside Russia in the presidential elections there — is of interest:

    According to my calculations, this means that 6.86% of those who voted cast a blank or spoiled ballot paper. Which is quite high for any election and presumably mainly reflects the response of the “non-system” opposition in Russia to do so. In Russia the number of such ballots was declared to be 1.37%.

    They also called for a vote for “anyone but Putin”. Which might explain the relatively good score — 16.65% — of the candidate who came second (inside Russia he got only 3.9% and finished third, behind the Communist Party’s candidate.) This suggests that perhaps up to 18% of overseas Russians voted against Putin and his policies.


    Whatever the calculation is, the reality is that most Russian workers support Vladimir Putin despite all the irregularities, and there is a tendency around the world to provide support to right wing populist leader

    It is similar to the case of Donald Trump in the USA, workers do not care if he is a crooked, a criminal, a killer, a thief, a cheater, a liar, they just want to vote for him because he has the same principles that they have despite the fact that some sectors of the capitalist class do not support him any more.

    As Warren Buffet said: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” The working class is only obtaining defeats, every time that the working class elect a pro capitalist leader they are the loser and the capitalist class is the winner


    Wilhelm Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism and Listen, Little Man! both address the propensity of the mass of the proletariat to idolize and to follow, and to actively hate those who do not join the majority in this.

    The enlistment of not only social frustrations but also of sexual ones is also elucidated.


    Wilhelm Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism and Listen, Little Man! both address the propensity of the mass of the proletariat to idolize and to follow, and to actively hate those who do not join the majority in this.

    Wise words from a fellow Austrian who effectively demonstrates the futility of expecting the working class to overthrow capitalism, which is, and will remain, the only game in town.


    Suck it up, comrades 🙁


    If capitalism can not be overthrown by the working class, classical slavery, feudalism, and the asiatic mode of production could not have been overthrown either.

    During the time of European Feudalism capitalism was considered to be an utopian society and at the present time it has expanded itself thru the whole world, and it is a reactionary and recalcitrant economic system

    The real analysis is that the subjective conditions to establish a new society do not exist at the present time, but the objective conditions do exist, and the bourgeois ideology prevails in the minds of the workers

    Wilhelm Reich’s The Mass Psychology of Fascism and Listen, Little Man! both address the propensity of the mass of the proletariat to idolize and to follow, and to actively hate those who do not join the majority in this.

    Fascism does not exist at the present time, it is a form adopted by Italian capitalism. The so called Mass Psychology is one of the most reactionary conception, and most of the teachers of mass psychology are a bunch of reactionary right wingers.

    The writing of Reich has nothing to do with socialism, historical materialism, and marxism and his ideas were mostly applicable to the time of Nazism which was also a form adopted by German capitalism

    We have several articles about the Frankfurt School, Marcuse and Fromm who tried to mix Marxism and socialism with psychology and Freud and it did not work

    This what a Trotsky group said about his writings.


    I don’t think capitalism was ever seen as a utopian dream, except for the merchant class, themselves a minority.
    The masses were never fully conscious of their role, or “destiny”, in any of the social upheavals, although they were aware of their poverty and immediate needs. It was always easy for opportunists to be carried by the majority and then divert social energy and rage so as to benefit their own, minority, interest.
    As capitalist society has advanced, it has created psychological and emotional obstacles to its overthrow, even as it becomes more ravaging and rapacious.
    The overwhelming power of the centralised state. Nationalism. The erosion, in fact, of class consciousness. Educational dumbing down of everything that is of no concern to profit. It creates the paradox of mass ignorance and mental deterioration alongside advanced technology and industry.


    Almamater is always banging on about the incompatibility he sees between the Marxian analysis and psychology (specifically the Freudian perspective). I don’t think that Marx would have had any of it and that he would readily embrace psychology as another advance in human knowledge that could help the cause. This is the danger of an ideological ‘Marxism’ rather than the ‘Marxian’ approach that the man himself undertook. A Marxian analysis does not seek the exclusion of new ideas because they are considered ‘unMarxist’ but seeks to incorporate and understand them dialectically. It is the rigid ideological ‘Marxism’ of many that has failed – you only have to read the article link provided by Almamater above to see the irrational bourgeois obsession with ‘leadership’ to realize that a psychological analysis of the need for authoritarian social structures is essential.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by Wez.
    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by Wez.

    Although rare, i’m afraid i have to agree here with Wez.
    I also think the Standard’s two-parter on Freud and Marxism by Comrade Blewitt (?) years ago was superb.

    Bijou Drains

    Quite why seemingly rational and thoughtful people place such emphasis on the work of Freud, escapes me. Yes he came up with some thought provoking ideas, his view of the conscious and the unconscious was very interesting and opened up areas for discussion, but a good deal of his main work was unscientific, conjecture.

    The Oedipus and Electra complex is quite clearly a way to fit the “facts” to meet the needs of the theory. Even if it was correct (but it isn’t) the whole approach is based on the late Victorian upper middle class social structure which was a small part of societal structure for a small window in history. Most families did not live like that then, didn’t live like that in the past and don’t live like that in the future.

    Take the Little Hans study, what a whole load of horse shit (sic). Little lads play with their diddlers, big deal, they’re interesting, you can piddle up the wall you can squirt them about, what’s not to like. It doesn’t mean they want to murder their father and have sex with their mother. If little girls had diddlers, they’d piss up the wall as well.

    Rutter wrote about Bowlby that “Bowlby himself in his first volume was very firm in terms of the importance of psychoanalysis in what he wrote but in 1988 he said that psychoanalysis was never more wrong than in its theory of child development, so he became more distant from psychoanalysis, in some ways and not others. He, like me, remained positive about mental mechanisms but he regarded the theory of psychosexual stages as “total bunk” and it was. “Total bunk”; those are my words, not his but that is more or less what he thought.” Couldn’t put it better myself.


    The link provided is in order to show the reactionary concept of mass psychology, it does not mean that I approve the concept of leadership and Leninism. ( as we have said it here thousands of times, we can cite an articles written by somebody else, but it does not mean that we support their point of view completely ) If you think that Marxian conception can be mixed with Psychology probably the Socialist Party has been wrong all the time and the articles on that subject matter must be thrown away, including its concept on Nazism and Fascismo, and also the writing of Franz Cannon are totally correct. Personally I think that Freud is a fraud, and there are thousands of psychiatrists who have rejected his seudo scientific ideas

    This is what the socialist party wrote about Reich reactionary theory. Freud and him are the ones who support the concept of leadership and human guidance by others human beings and the guidance of intellectuals, that is the concept of the vanguard party

    Freud and Marx: do they mix?

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