Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #245554

    Just discovered this Oliver Stone film: Ukraine on Fire.
    What do others who are already familiar with this film make of it?

    Ukraine on Fire


    Someone told De Santis to read his Karl Marx in regard to the case of Woke. We can say to Oliver North to read the Socialist Standard before filming that movie. It would be a good idea to see his videos on Cuba, and Putin to understand his political background, as well his movie on JFK is not very objective either, capitalism is not a conspiracy, it is a reality

    The problem of cuba is not only the embargo, it is also the character of the economic system known as soviet state capitalism ( some on the left called it Cañaveral capitalism ) which is moving toward corporate and ‘private’ capitalism like in Russia, and it was the product of the struggle between two superpower fighting for world domination, as well, the war in Ukraine is a struggle between capitalists for world domination and natural resources, and spheres of influences and the main problem of the world is not the USA only, it is the whole capitalist system, as well ‘imperialism’ or expansionism is not one country,( USA created by the Castroists ) it is the whole capitalist system, and the USA is not the only imperialist or expansionist, also Russia and China are imperialists too

    There was not any revolution on Ukraine before this war, struggling to change leaders and government is not a revolution, the world working class have being doing the same things for many decades and the system of profits or capitalism has never been uprooted, as well, workers have been protesting for many years and the system has continued alive and exploiting the working class, the real revolution would be to replace capitalism for a world society based on the common possession of the means of production administered by the working class, the problem is not the rider, the problem is the horse

    These articles and some more explain the real character and the real situation that has been taken place in Ukraine way before the formation of the Soviet Union and its collapse in 1989 Ukraine whose side are we on

    Ukraine: Good Against Evil . . . Or More Complicated Than That?

    Ukraine good against evil, or more complicated than that

    The almost-war in Ukraine

    The almost war in Ukraine The war in Ukraine Ukraine illusion social slogans Ukraine between oranges and blues


    For anyone missing the contributions from True Scotchman, here is an email we (amongst others) have received from a banned political party in Ukraine. Mind you, people expressing, holding or having held such views are being arrested and tortured in Ukraine. They seem to be a offshoot of the old CPSU and its succesors. Naturally, we don’t endorse their views but this will give an idea of what such people are saying.

    “Dear comrade!

    Someone wants to kill you, to rob you, and you will be next!

    You are being addressed by Derzhava, a Ukrainian Political Party banned by the neo-Nazi government of Zelensky. Most of the media lies and hides from you the fact that your government openly supports Zelensky’s fascists, openly helps neo-Nazis and actually preaches fascism itself, directing efforts to exterminate as many people as possible.

    The political scientist Lawrence W. Britt outlined 14 signs of fascism:

    1 – A strong manifestation of nationalism;

    2 – Contempt for human rights;

    3 – Search for scape-goats;

    4 – The supremacy of the military;

    5 – Rampant sexism;

    6 – Controlled mass media;

    7 – Obsession with national security;

    8 – Religion and the ruling elite tied together;

    9 – Protection of corporate power;

    10 – Suppression of workers’ associations;

    11 – Disdain for intellectuals and art;

    12 – Obsession with crime and punishment;

    13 – Rampant cronyism and corruption;

    14 – Fraudulent elections.

    From this list, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi government put all 14 positions into its service. Those who do not agree with this, face assassination on the street or death in prison dungeons. Prisons in Ukraine are overflowing with political prisoners persecuted for dissent.

    The Ukrainian neo-Nazi government operates under the leadership of world imperialist led by USA and NATO. US imperialism, in its deepest economic crisis, organized Ukrainian fascism in order to maintain and expand its hegemony by war. Unfortunately, many people live in countries whose governments, acting in the selfish interests of the ruling elites, support NATO. By paying taxes to such a government, people, unfortunately, are forced to support fascism. You can’t keep silent about it. You can’t turn a blind eye to it.

    The price of silence and support for NATO fascism is high: worsening living conditions and cut-back medical services leading to impoverishment and sickness, and the inevitable shortening of the lifespan of people in the NATO countries.

    A small bunch of traitors in the governments of different countries, support NATO with the aim of furthering the unhindered robbery of their own people. Every day they brazenly take away the surplus value and value added from each working hour of a working person (laborer, worker, employee, policeman, doctor, lawyer, teacher, military man), take one part of the stolen money to enrich themselves and give the rest to NATO to continue the plunder and murder.

    US imperialism, which supports the puppet Ukrainian neo-Nazis, continues to pump them full of weapons to prolong the bloodshed and the mass resettlement and extermination of the people in Ukraine.

    But this is not enough for traitors and US imperialists. They are steadily leading people like a herd to slaughter, having already launched weapons of mass destruction in the form of cluster munitions and nuclear shells with depleted uranium. They’ve been helping Ukraine create a dirty bomb. They even want to blow up nuclear power plants and bring the war in Ukraine into a nuclear phase.

    Everyone will pay for this – those who actively helped the neo-Nazis for their 30 pieces of silver and those who stood aside and did nothing, turning a blind eye to the ongoing hell.

    In order to save ourselves from this madness, we offer a simple and understandable solution – to unite and, together with the International Ukrainian Anti-Fascist Solidarity (IUAFS), to follow the path for a safe and peaceful life.
    Together we win! “


    I have been saying for several years that we must be careful, I know that by personal experiences, Lenin wrote something that is totally correct: Politics and the class struggle is dangerous, it is so dangerous that peoples can be killed. Just look at the case of Colombia, The FARC trusted in the state and the Cuban government and they signed an agreement for peace, but they are being killed .

    There is going to be a wave of anti communism, and those groups do not know the difference between false communists and real communists. This is a different world, and it is moving toward authoritarian governments and authoritarian political groups

    Several groups in Facebook are getting moderators and moderations like we used to do in Yahoo groups, we must be careful with the type of peoples that we accept in this forum,

    Someone tried to hack my email and If one of our member use a surname due to job or family protection we must respect their decision, peoples who have not been in the working class movement and do not know the danger of the class struggle do not understand that. Those Neo Nazis are dangerous, and there are Neo nazis in Europe, North America and Latin America.

    I do advise to members of this party participating in Facebook to be careful with the Messenger system



    This story illustrates two things:

    First, just how corrupt the Ukraine regime still is after 18 months of being propped up by NATO.

    Second, that there are quite a few men in Ukraine who don’t swallow the crap about needing to die for the motherland and want to avoid being cannon fodder for those ruling Ukraine. Good luck to them.


    As far as I’m concerned, a nation in which the president conscripts its army – as Ukraine does – should not be supported in its war. I don’t care if Russia started it (politics of the playground). As long as workers are made to fight in/shelter from/flee a war they never voted for, it’s not a war that any of us should ever support or take sides in.

    In the UK, we’re fed propaganda that Russia is bad because its army is made up of conscripts, mercenaries and prisoners. Yet Ukraine conscripts all the men, who have no choice. They didn’t get visas to flee the country. They are forced to fight. As are their Russian counterparts.

    There has never been a war in which the working class had a choice. Can you imagine a scenario where people said “Oh, let’s engage in warfare“.

    No-one ever would ever say that, apart from dictators, politicians, capitalists, arms manufacturers and mercenaries. I don’t believe even regular army personnel want to get into war. For good reason.

    So long as our leaders/politicians prolong the Ukrainian conflict, the more I will oppose and despise them. For that reason, I hate the leaders of NATO, Russia and Ukraine in equal measure. They are all and equally the enemy.



    One is reminded of those great working-class anti-war movements of the past such as, er…um..nope, can’t think of one.
    The fact is, the working class have always supported war, or at least made no effort to oppose it.
    Anti-war organisations are formed by the ‘middle-class Guardian-reader’ type.
    The working-class has always been bellicose. And would you want to give such people a choice of when to go to war and who with.


    Couldn’t think where else to post this. It’s a 1983 Soviet anti-war short. Quite thought provoking and profound in its own way. Demonstrates that it only takes one match (pun intended, watch the film) to begin a conflagration that results in everyone being destroyed.


    More on Ukrainian draft dodgers here:

    There are of course Russian draft dodgers too (about whom we hear more).

    Good luck to both of them.


    Even the mainstream media is beginning to report on draft-dodging in Ukraine:


    Both sides have deserters

    There was an anti-war movement within the USA soldiers during the Vietnam war, and during the Iraq wars many soldiers resisted to fight and rejected to board the planes


    There is an article in today’s Daily Telegraph about Ukraine running out of men to fight. The Guardian and BBC run stories on draft-dodgers. If the Scotsman were still with us he might argue that the public over here is being prepared for the introduction of NATO troops into the war. Of course it will be merely in an ‘advisory capacity’ – at first.


    Looks as if Prigozhin has suffered the fate some said would bound to befall him. If so, a bit unfair on the others on the plane:


    We talked about the night of the long knives in Germany Stalin died but his ideas and procedures did not die

    Left wingers continue supporting the anti imperialist and proletarian Putin. He has killed several of his opponents and he is very rich man like any other of the Russians oligarchs

    He did not get the cicuta,or jumped from a building but he got a missile

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