Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #242505
    L.B. Neill

    Putin’s TrueScotsman:

    And yet: no!
    Sorry, but you seem not to be a Celt from my understanding, or my position as one.

    You seem more ‘war, war” type of person.

    We shall declare war on the beaches- and send our working classes to fight and die..
    … yet you sup tea from your tent and delight in knowing people die for a needless cause.

    Sip your tea. And shut the hell up. From now on I will not respond to you. Shout all you will to your Oligarch… I am ceasing any response.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    “Please don’t feed the troll”

    We have a problem though in that at the moment – correct me if I am wrong – the forum seems to be temporarily, without a moderator. This particular individual who is at the centre of the problem, TS, is very clearly a troll with no interest in serious debate only in insulting people whose views he doesn’t like which is a complete abuse of this democratic facility.

    Such troll-like behavior is not permitted in terms of the rules of this forum. Strictly speaking, he should have been suspended from this forum ages ago but this hasn´t been done. So what are we to do? The situation as it currently stands is intolerable.


    “Poland’s government said Saturday that it has decided to temporarily prohibit grain and other food imports from Ukraine as it seeks to soothe the rising anger of Polish farmers, who say they are losing huge amounts of money to a glut of Ukrainian grain on the market.”

    L.B. Neill

    I agree.
    His flaunting is too much.
    I had responded to him in a way I usually would not. I do not like that. There is no debate nor reasoning with him.


    Most peoples and organizations out there know the seriousness of our socialist principles



    TS, is very clearly a troll with no interest in serious debate only in insulting people whose views he doesn’t like…

    And your response is to censor someone whose views you don’t like which in itself is a complete abuse of the democratic principle.

    Fucking hypocrites!


    And your response is to censor someone whose views you don’t like which in itself is a complete abuse of the democratic principle.

    Fucking hypocrites!


    What absolute balderdash!

    You are obviously clueless about what the purpose of a democratic forum is. It does not exist for the purpose of freely exchanging degrading personal insults. It exists for the purpose of debating political ideas. The rules clearly state no trolling is allowed. That is a very reasonable stipulation. It was put there for a purpose and in joining this forum you agreed to abide by it. If you do not like it you are welcome to sod off.

    From the start, this individual – TS – has shown himself to be an inveterate troll. His presence here has been malevolent and disruptive in the extreme. I would have no objection to him promoting his pro-Russian capitalist viewpoint in a way that did not constantly insult other users of this forum. But sadly that has not been the case.

    You have the nerve to call others here hypocrites but I cannot help but notice your complete silence when it comes to rebuking TS for his absolutely reprehensible behaviour. Why is that Lissie45?

    Enough is enough. The whole atmosphere of this forum has been spoilt by the actions of this individual – TS. It is precisely for sake of democratic principles that something now needs to be done about this….

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by robbo203.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by robbo203.

    You have the nerve to call others here hypocrites but I cannot help but notice your complete silence when it comes to rebuking TS for his absolutely reprehensible behaviour. Why is that Lizzie45?

    Because I contend that the so-called absolutely reprehensible behaviour of TS is essentially no different to the abuse levelled against her by others on this forum.


    In my humble judgement (odious phrase) why not simply abandon this thread. If anyone still has something interesting to say about this boring billionaire’s brawl post it to the Ukraine War thread. Of course this must be on the qt – no letting on to the Scotswoman.


    Because I contend that the so-called absolutely reprehensible behaviour of TS is essentially no different to the abuse levelled against her by others on this forum.


    Yes, but the difference is that while you have no difficulty in pompously condemning the behaviour of socialists on this forum you feel quite at ease condoning the behaviour and taking the side, of this troll. Then you have the nerve to call us “hypocrites”! For what? For wanting to ensure that discussion on this forum is carried on in the manner and for the purpose intended – political debate not exchanging personal insults. Are you telling me you have some problem with this?

    At any rate since the forum seems to temporarily lack a moderator, something needs to be done to stop this rot. It is not going to just disappear of its own accord


    So, it seems that the power of the market prevails: Poland and other states bordering Ukraine are restricting food imports, because the cheap Ukrainian food is destabilising their farmer’s markets: so much for solidarity. Of course, the endgame of this story will be the agricultural areas of Ukraine (one way or another) being added to the EU, which would be a powerful resource for the bloc, but it would destabilise the common agricultural agreement.


    Most peoples and organizations out there know the seriousness of our socialist principles


    You are laughing because you do not have a clue what socialism really is, and you do not have any class consciousness. and you have not been member of any Marxist Leninist organizations, or part of any working class movement, and you are not involved in the class struggle of the world working class

    I know several organizations from the Leninist and anarchist movement which I participate in their internal forums who respect our point of view, even more, there are Anarchist groups who have published some of our publications and some have made translation of our publications and they have been published, and many of them have recognized that we do understand the principles of the Marxian theory

    Before publishing any comments first do some reading, and you do not even read comics books, continue playing video game. If you do not like this organizations what are you looking for in this forum ? Just trolling , you should also be kicked out like the other Lumpen


    ” there are Anarchist groups who have published some of our publications and some have made translation of our publications and they have been published, ”

    AK Press, based in Edinburgh, but also in the US, stocks our pamphlets, and Anarchist classics we respect and agree with, such as MUTUAL AID. The Anarchists suffered as genuine socialists did at the hands of the Bolsheviks, and, with us, they opposed World War II.


    “You are obviously clueless about what the purpose of a democratic forum is. It does not exist for the purpose of freely exchanging degrading personal insults.”

    Lol. Pot, meet kettle.

    “It exists for the purpose of debating political ideas.”

    You people don’t do debate, you do circle jerk. Anyone not masturbating to your faux socialism is immediately insulted by the whole gang. Go back to the very beginning of the thread and look for yourselves.

    “The rules clearly state no trolling is allowed. That is a very reasonable stipulation. It was put there for a purpose and in joining this forum you agreed to abide by it. If you do not like it you are welcome to sod off.”

    As are you. Look in the mirror troll.

    “From the start, this individual – TS – has shown himself to be an inveterate troll.”

    Hehe. Not at all. I merely stand up for myself against you bullies. I don’t mind getting down in the muck you see. You are used to the people you insult moving on in disgust. I prefer to trade blows. Now you’re complaining to mommy and daddy that you’re getting beat up in the fight you started. Precious.

    “His presence here has been malevolent and disruptive in the extreme.”

    Good. Because your little cult needs a shake up. 100 years, 300 members. What a joke.

    “I would have no objection to him promoting his pro-Russian capitalist viewpoint in a way that did not constantly insult other users of this forum.”

    I’m anti-imperialist and socialist you dolt.

    “But sadly that has not been the case.”

    (World’s smallest violin playing a melancholy ditty.)

    “You have the nerve to call others here hypocrites”

    Because you are. And worse. In only the last few days you clowns have wished me murdered like the Donbass journalist or to commit suicide. No moderation of those posts for some reason. Then you wonder why someone might think you hypocrites. Smoothbrain move. Lol

    “but I cannot help but notice your complete silence when it comes to rebuking TS for his absolutely reprehensible behaviour.”

    Because she sees it for what it is. Giving the bullies a taste of their own medicine. Open wide, swallow.

    “Enough is enough. The whole atmosphere of this forum has been spoilt by the actions of this individual – TS.”

    Oh, having trouble reaching climax cos someone’s wanking out of tune? Poor darling.

    “It is precisely for sake of democratic principles that something now needs to be done about this…”

    You jokers set the tone not me. I’ve repeatedly called for this space to allow no insults whatsoever and been rebuffed every time. Insults are clearly tolerated here so toughen up buttercup or move on.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    “In my humble judgement (odious phrase) why not simply abandon this thread.”

    Why don’t you abandon it. No one is forcing you to be here.

    “If anyone still has something interesting to say about this boring billionaire’s brawl post it to the Ukraine War thread.”

    And this is why your group remains irrelevant. You’re not interested in the real world. You’re far more comfortable contemplating the weight of fluff in your navals. The events in Ukraine are not only the biggest news story in the world, they’re also epoch making. There’s a geopolitical shift of earth shattering proportions taking shape and you call it “boring”? Hilarious.

    “Of course this must be on the qt – no letting on to the Scotswoman.”

    You’ve done it before to shut me up re Hong Kong. Do what you gotta do.

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